WEMS Raider Newsletter
August 23, 2024

WEMS Raider Newsletter
September 13, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Good Afternoon Raider Families!
We are excited to reach out again this week and share more great things about what is going on here at WEMS!
This week we passed out Mid-Terms on Monday and those do need to be signed and returned so we can see that our parents and guardians are fully informed on our students' progress. These can be returned to each student's first period teacher.
We also had High-Attendance Day and we are incredibly proud of all of our students high attendance rate! Out of 490 students, we only had 10 students who were absent for the entire day which placed us today at a 98% percent attendance rate!!! Great attendance is absolutely crucial for great grades and growth so we ask for everyone's help in making sure our students are attending school each and every day possible.
Next week is WEHS Homecoming and to show that Raider Pride we have dress-up days next week. Any time we have special days like we will have next week, it is important to remember that anything worn must still meet the dress code coverage requirements and we do not allow masks or other accessories, weapons (real or fake), or anything that is distracting to the learning environment to be worn, brought, or carried around. This is important to note now because Halloween is coming up next month and we want to ensure students have a bit of fun while being safe and making others feel safe at the same time.
Thank you for all your support of our students and WEMS! Have a great and safe weekend.
Jonathan Vaughn
Meet Officer Brett Kreilein, SRO
Always keeping the safety of our students and staff a priority is our school resource officer, Brett Kreilein. Officer Kreilein has served WEMS for 5 years. He is a great relationship builder and role model for our students. We appreciate all he does to serve WEMS and the entire Raider Community!
WEHS Homecoming Dress Up Days
Next Friday, September 20 is Football Homecoming at WEHS. To show our Raiders support, we are participating in their dress up days. We encourage everyone to participate and have fun next week!
Extended School Services
Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm
Parent pick-up is required for all students for ESS.
Student Transportation Changes By 1 PM
Any changes a parent needs to make to their child's transportation need to be called into the front office by 1:00pm on the day of the change. Feel free to call us at (270) 843-0151 to let us know if you child is changing their afternoon mode of getting home.
Weekly Focus For Our Families
Keep your Middle School Student Reading
Middle school is a big transition for many students. Aside from academics, a lot of students become involved in extracurriculars that take up more time outside of school. However, it is still important that reading is a part of your student's schedule.
At WEMS, we believe that reading is the foundation for all student learning. Students regularly visit the library to check out books as well as participate in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time during 5th period. We encourage you to promote reading at home as well. Below is a link to Scholastic's 20 Ways to Keep Your Middle Schooler Interested in Reading.
Unless otherwise stated, all games will begin at 5:30pm.
Jonathan Vaughn, Principal
Mike Hoots, Assistant Principal
Michelle Harris, Guidance Counselor
Brett Kreilein, Warren County Sheriff's Office SRO
Contact us:
Warren East Middle School