Eagle Express
January 29, 2025
Mission Statement
St. John Lutheran School exists to nurture children in faith and intellect, equipping them for Christian lives of service.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven us."
Ephesians 4:32
School Call News
We are blessed that Mrs. Celia Tucek accepted our call to teach in our 5th and 6th-grade classroom next year. Celia is currently serving at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in Downers Grove. That school is closing at the end of this school year, so she and her husband were looking to move in this direction as he works as a golf pro in Glenview. The Lord certainly showed his guidance as she can now continue with her desire to teach while filling our classroom needs. Celia is expecting in July, and she will begin her work with us at the end of her maternity leave. May the Lord bless her efforts as she finishes her work at her current school and makes the transition to St. John!
We are sad to announce that Mr. Justin Wintrone has been led to accept the call he received to teach at Peace Lutheran School in Sun Prairie, WI. It was a very difficult decision for him, but we know that the Lord guides his workers to serve where He directs them. We are thankful for the faithful service that Justin has given during his time at St. John. We are confident that the Lord will guide his transition to a new school and fulfill our needs as we make preparations for a new school year.
Part of our preparation will be holding a call meeting on Sunday, February 9, at 11:30am. The voters of St. John's congregation will review a list of candidates provided to us by our synod. We will also establish our Summer Call Task Force to help guide us efficiently if there is still a need to fill an open position as we near the summer months. We will plan and prepare, and then we will trust our loving God to guide all things according to His perfect plan.
Here is Mr. Wintrone's letter to the members of St. John:
Dear Members of St. John,
After a long time of prayer and deliberation, God has led me to accept the call to Peace, Sun Prairie. The need is great there for students and families to hear the gospel, and God has helped me to see how I can be a part of that.
I look forward to the final few months of my ministry here at St. John. I cannot say enough good things about the six years I have spent teaching here. My heartfelt thanks go to the administrators, teachers, and staff I have been privileged to serve with here. On behalf of Monica and our daughters, we thank all of the congregation members and leadership for truly being a family to us. We will always treasure the time we spent here serving with you.
Please pray for our school ministry as we seek to fill the vacancy for next school year. We know that our gracious God hears our prayers and will provide in the way that he knows is best. May his will be done.
In Christ,
Justin Wintrone
School Spirit Week Dress Up Days!
January 27 - 31
Thursday - Favorite Book / Movie / Bibilical Character Day
Friday - School Spirit Day - wear your St. John School Apparel
Calendar Change
On our original school calendar we have a "No School - Teacher InService" day on Friday, February 21. That date is incorrect and should be Friday, February 28. We understand if you have already made plans to be gone on February 21 and apologize for any inconvenience. Those who can, please plan to be at school on February 21, but not February 28. Thank you!
Mrs. Schubert Out of Town
On Friday, January 31, and Monday, February 3, Mrs. Schubert will be in Minnesota visiting her family. Please make sure to reach out directly to your classroom teacher if your student(s) will be tardy or absent. Ms. Nancy Toberman, a St. John congregation member, will be sitting at Mrs. Schubert's desk both Friday and Monday so you may still call the office, but email (with the office) will be very limited. In case of an emergency on those days please reach out directly to Mr. Retzlaff: (224) 206-0008 or david.retzlaff@stjohnslib.com.
Shoreland High School Doneky Basketball Fundraiser
St. John families,
Shoreland Lutheran High School invites you to attend “Donkey Basketball” on Wednesday, February 12, from 7-8:30 pm. This event takes place in the Shoreland gym. Teachers and students of Shoreland, as well as area congregation teachers and pastors will be participating in a series of basketball games while riding live donkeys! We would love to see you there!
This event is a wonderful opportunity for family fun, as well as a fundraiser to support Shoreland’s WELS Mission to the church in Ukraine.
If you are interested in attending, please use the attached QR code or link to buy tickets ahead of time! Tickets are $9 if purchased prior to the event, and $13 if purchased at the door. Children preschool or younger are free!
Additionally, children will have the opportunity to ride a donkey at halftime if they wish!
Thank you for your support of Shoreland and the mission.
Ticket Link (or https://slhs-student-councils-dairyland-donkeyball-advance-ticket-sale.cheddarup.com)
Daddy Daughter Dance
The St. John Daddy Daughter Dance is back! Dads and daughters are invited to join us for an unforgettable event on Sunday, February 23, 2 to 4pm. This event will include music, dancing, games, a dessert bar and MORE! A donation of $10 per family is suggested. Please fill out this RSVP form by February 13 so we can be prepared for your arrival! If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Lofsness (sarah.lofsness@stjohnslib.com).
Registration for 2025/2026 School Year
Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is open!
You are invited to join us for Registration Night on Monday, March 17, 3-6 p.m. You can sign-up here for a time between 3:30 and 6 p.m. to talk with our finance team and to get your packet of forms from Mrs. Schubert. It is helpful, but not mandatory to sign-up for a time slot. Please feel free to still attend Registration Night even if you don't sign-up for a specific time. If needed, an alternate day and time can be scheduled. We will also have an Irish-themed dinner available during this time.
Thank you for your partnership. It is a true joy for us to serve you and your family through the ministry of St. John Lutheran School. We look forward to another great school year!
Save the Date - Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic book fair will be held February 10-14.
PTP is looking for parent volunteers to help set up the fair (details on date and time to come), work the cash register after school, and tear down the fair at the end. Volunteering earns PPP hours. Below is the link to sign up for specific spots.
Please contact Kate Jorgensen (605-695-4768 or katelynn_01@hotmail.com) or Mary-Ann Penaloza (414-313-3636 or mlince14@gmail.com) with questions.
PPP Opportunities
- Help setting up new 3D printer: contact Mr. Wintrone (justin.wintrone@stjohnslib.com)
Contact Sarah Lofsness, sarah.lofsness@stjohnslib.com, if you can help
- Assist with Daddy Daughter Dance (February 23, 2025) - various roles: planning, decorating, prep work, clean-up, photography, help during event
Young Rembrandts
Chapel Offering for the 2024-2025 School Year
Chapel Offerings so far: $1,162.15
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
Thursday, January 30 - Friday, January 31: Spirit Week!
Thursday, January 30: Basketball Practice, 3:30-5 p.m.
Wednesday, February 5: Basketball Practice, 3:30-5 p.m.
Thursday, February 6: Basketball Practice, 3:30-5 p.m.
Friday, February 7: Baskeball Games at Trinity, Caledonia, starting at 5 p.m.
Saturday, February 8: Basketball Games at Christian Life, Kenosha, starting at 9 a.m.
Monday, February 10 - Friday, February 14: Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, February 12 - Friday, February 14: WELSSA Accreditation Visit
Wednesday, February 12: Basketball Practice for A-teams only, 3:30-5 p.m.
Thursday, February 13: Basketball Practice for A-teams only, 3:30-5 p.m.
Wednesday, February 19: Basketball Practice for A-teams only, 3:30-5 p.m.
Friday, February 21: School Spirit Day
Sunday, February 23: Daddy Daughter Dance, 2-4 p.m.
Thursday, February 27 - Sunday, March 2: A-team Basketball Tournament @ WLS, Racine
Friday, February 28: No School, Teacher Inservice
St. John Lutheran School
Email: info@stjohnslib.com
Website: stjohnslib.com
Location: 501 West Park Avenue, Libertyville, IL, USA
Phone: (847)362-4424
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnslib/