The Superintendent's Blog

My Favorite Teacher
The Superintendent's Blog
Recently, we shared a simple question on our district’s Facebook page: “My favorite teacher
ever was...?” The responses were inspiring to read. As an educator, it gave me pride to see the
names, memories, and reasons why these teachers were listed. The impact of a teacher can
last a lifetime.
Reading through the comments, I found myself reflecting on my own experiences with teachers
who shaped me. I remember Mr. Lawler, who held me to a high standard and helped me to see
what I was capable of achieving; Mr. Endorf, who facilitated a fun class that was incredibly
engaging; and Mr. Blankenship, who was a school counselor and coach who always believed in
me and helped me set high expectations for myself. Each of these individuals had an impact on
me I still feel today.
Now, as a parent, I get to witness that same impact through my children’s eyes. So many Millard teachers have become the champions for my own kids, just as my teachers once were for me. We hear their names in our home with great frequency. We see these great teachers in Millard helping
to shape our children not just as students, but also as future leaders, thinkers, and doers.
What stood out to me most as I read the Facebook comments was the common theme of
gratitude and admiration for teachers who did more than just teach - they connected, they
cared, and they changed lives. It’s a powerful reminder of why we do what we do and the impact
we can have on others.
To everyone who took the time to share your favorite teacher, thank you. And to those who
haven’t yet added your story to the thread, I encourage you to do so - the post is still active. I
know it means a lot to our staff to see their names highlighted for the influence they had on the
students they serve.
Lastly, I want to express my deepest appreciation to all the teachers in Millard. You are truly
making a difference for so many. Your dedication, passion, and care are what make Millard
Public Schools the exceptional place that it is.
The Millard Public Schools Board of Education
From Left to Right Back Row: Board Member Mike Pate, Board Member Lisa Schoenberger, Superintendent Dr. John Schwartz, Treasurer Amanda McGill Johnson, Vice President Mike Kennedy From Left to Right Front Row: Secretary Linda Poole, President Stacy Jolley
Millard Public Schools
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