Navigating Immigration Resources
Let's work together to support our families!
To our Schools and Community,
With the possible upcoming changes in immigration policies at the federal level, we recognize the increasing concern among many of the families we serve who have immigrated here from other countries. These changes can bring uncertainty and fear, and we want to acknowledge the very real impact this may have on our students, families and our community.
We believe that EVERY student and their family deserves to feel safe, valued, and supported. We are compassionately and empathetically committed to ensuring that ALL of our families are equipped with the resources and information they need to navigate any challenges that may arise.
*Please note that every image is a clickable link.
Thank you for all that you do.
If you need additional support or resources, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Maria-Elena Agrela
Community Resource Coordinator
Know Your Rights
KYR Door Hangers and Cards...
- It is advised that people keep their KYR cards in their wallet.
- It is also advised that the Larger KYR signage should NOT be placed facing outward in anyones home. its best kept on the inside of the door, on the wall next to the door, or on the refrigerator.
Make a Plan
Emergency Plan
Identify who will be responsible for your children and/or assets, and have a meeting to discuss your decisions
Update your child’s emergency contact information at school and with their doctor
Apply for dual nationality and a U.S. passport for your U.S. citizen child and verify your options with your consulate.
Gather all important documents and store them in a safe place. Make sure your emergency contact has access to them.
Save money and ensure your bank account is linked to a debit card that can be used for withdrawals in another country. Make sure your bank accounts are accessible online
- Know & Exercise your Rights
- Identify who will take care of your children and update your emergency contact information at your children's school & doctor
- Memorize important phone numbers
- Gather important documents in a safe place and make sure your emergency contact is aware of it
- Get a legal consultation
- Don't Carry False Documents on your person
Important Phone Numbers, Websites, and Resources
The Resurrection Project
- Community Resources, workshop information, campaigns
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
- Family Support Network and Hotline 1-855-435-7693
- ICRR Website
Organized Communities Against Deportations (OCAD)
- Report Violations of police or immigration abuse 1-855-435-7693
- OCAD Website
Illinois Legal Aid Online
- Legal Information and Resources
Cook County Public Defender
- 312-603-0636
- email-
Consulate of Mexico
- 855-463-6393
The office of the Attorney General of Illinois
- English- 800-386-5438
- Spanish- 800-310-8392
If a person is detained, and you are looking for them: WWW.LOCATOR.ICE.GOV
- You will need their A# (Alien Registration Number and County of Birth
- Or Full name, county of birth and date of birth
Let's Talk
Talking to students about immigration
- Build Empathy
- Don’t repeat negative myths and stereotypes- even to counter them.
- Be truthful and critical about our complex history.
- Show your support for ALL students
How to talk about immigration in your classroom (or anywhere!)
What's in a label?...why words matter in the immigration policy debate
Discussion Guide: Posters on Inclusion and Acceptance
Other things to keep in mind
- It’s ok to not have ALL the answers
Please don’t spread misinformation!
Maybe do research with your student
A great example of a response to something you don't know- “That’s a great question, I can find that out and get back to you.”
Everything on social media may not be true.
- Help create a sense of community for your students and their families.
Family Meetings and Family Plans
- Encourage Parents to get educated on the immigration issues. Encourage them to attend a KYR training.
- Find an organization/community group to facilitate conversations and connect with other families going through similar situations. Immigration resource list from ICRR by West40 School Locations
- Have a family meeting - encourage a regular space and time. Acknowledge all the feelings happening. Allow space for all the emotions that may come with learning about a family member’s documentation status. Regularly to address concerns, and identify what supports children or family members may need. Be mindful that youth process information in different ways. Address concerns you may see. Develop and share the family plan. This is what you will do in case of an emergency. Go over it regularly to ensure everyone knows what to do.
- Utilize your support systems - you will get through it!
Remember we are preparing for the worse, but hoping for the best.
Other Resources
From the Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a memorandum — Guidelines for Enforcement Actions In or Near Protected Areas — instructing officers to refrain from taking enforcement actions at or near locations or protected areas in October 2021. This policy is part of DHS’s effort to avoid restricting people’s access to essential services or engagement in essential activities.
Protected Areas
Protected areas are locations that provide essential services or activities. When determining if a location is a protected area, DHS considers the activities that take place there, the importance of those activities to the well-being of people and the communities of which they are a part and the impact an enforcement action would have on people’s willingness to be in the protected area and receive or engage in the essential services or activities that occur there. It is a determination that requires the exercise of judgment.
Examples of protected areas include, but are not limited to:
Medical or mental healthcare facilities
Places of worship or religious studies
Places where children gather
Social services establishments
Places where disaster or emergency response/relief is provided
Places where funerals, graveside ceremonies, rosaries, weddings, or other religious or civil ceremonies or observances occur
Places where there are ongoing parades, demonstrations, or rallies
Exceptions and Limitations on Scope
There might be limited circumstances under which an enforcement action needs to be taken in or near a protected area. The following are some examples of such limited circumstances:
The enforcement action involves a national security threat
There is an imminent risk of death, violence, or physical harm to a person
The enforcement action involves the hot pursuit of an individual who poses a public safety threat
The enforcement action involves the hot pursuit of a personally observed border crosser
There is an imminent risk that evidence material to a criminal case will be destroyed
A safe alternative location — a location deemed safe for DHS personnel, the subject of the enforcement action, and the public — does not exist
The memorandum does not limit ICE’s or employee’s statutory authority, and DHS does not tolerate violations of law in or near a protected area.
Absent exigent circumstances, DHS officers and agents must seek prior approval from their agency’s headquarters or an authorized delegate before taking an enforcement action in or near a protected area. To the fullest extent possible, any enforcement actions in or near a protected area should be taken in a non-public area, outside of public view, and to eliminate or minimize the chance that the enforcement action will prevent people from accessing the protected area.
If DHS officers and agents take enforcement actions that are believed to be in violation of the protected areas policy, a complaint may be filed through one of the following channels:
ICE- Immigration and Customs Enforcement
CBP- US Customs and Border Patrol
Office of the Inspector General
DHS- Department of Homeland Security, Office For Civil Right and Civil Liberties
State Wide Resources
IDHS- Illinois Department of Human Services
ICRR- Illinois Coalition of Refugee Rights
ILRC- Immigration Legal Resources Center
Office of the Illinois Attorney General- Kwame Raoul
Immigration Advocates Network
US Department Of Justice
- Recognized Organizations and Accredited Representatives Roster by State and City (you have to scroll to ILLINOIS)
Illinois Work Net Center
Latino Policy Forum
Center for Childhood Resistance
Special Thank You!
Thank you to our Community Partners that are doing amazing work with our immigrant families. This information wouldn't be here with out you!
Connect with ME!
Please feel free to reach out questions!
Maria-Elena Agrela
Community Resource Coordinator
Phone: 708-990-7975
Instagram @West40communityresrouces