Huskie News
November 2024 🍁🦃
Elementary Updates
Wall of Wonderful Work!
September Students of the Month
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!
Michigan vs. Michigan State
The elementary students & staff had a blast showing their support for their favorite team!
Month In Pictures
Drop Off Procedures
Elementary Fine Arts Night
Thank you to all the parents for supporting our fine arts night!
Connor's Corner - Lunch Review
Connor is a 3rd grade student at BES and has been giving our food service director, Michele, reviews on the lunches! Here are some of his highlights from the month!
Chicken Con Queso
The rice was excellent 10-10. The chicken was ok, spicy. Solid 9. The cheese on top 1000/10
Tator Tot Nacho
Overall 8/10. Didn’t care for the liquid cheese. Everything else 10/10
Pizzaburger 10/10
But the cheese was only on the edges and needed more.
10/10 - I didn’t put the liquid cheese on it. It would have been 20/10 if there was shredded cheese.
HPLC Openings
The Huskie Pups Learning Center (HPLC) still has openings! If you have any questions, please contact the elementary office!
Thank you, Mr. Slavik!
Mr. Slavik and his wife, Sarah, help coach a local travel softball team, and they whipped up some fun team outfits for Halloween! We appreciate everything Mr. Slavik and his family do for not just the school, but the entire community!
Celebration Wall
MS/HS Updates
Month in Pictures
Above the Influence and our Student Leadership team attending a conference dealing with Suicide Prevention. Together, they brainstormed ways to increase supports, strategies, and developed action plans to tackle substance abuse.
Mrs. Marr's Physics class became pirates and used the vector rule of addition to set sail and find treasure on their vector treasure maps!
On October 16th, we celebrated World Unity Day by wearing orange. Together, we stand against bullying and embrace kindness, inclusivity, and respect for all!
6th grade students tested their map skills with a fun and engaging map activity.
The first MS Fun Friday of the year was truly Spook-tacular!
United Way - Coins for a Cause
November is Homeless Awareness Month and United Way is excited to be partnering with classrooms throughout Gratiot & Isabella Counties to raise money for Gratiot County Hope House and Isabella County Restoration House through a coin war challenge called “Coins for a Cause”! United Way is committed to matching all funds raised (up to $10,000 for each County) and will provide the winning classroom from each school with a pizza party!
Each Advisory Teacher will be given a “coin collection jar” and a sample classroom announcement to kick off their fundraising. We will run our campaign from Monday, November 11th, to Friday, November 22nd.
Varsity Volleyball had a big month!
- They dedicated a game to those who have battled/are battling cancer with their annual Pink Out game.
- The team and the spectators rallied around BayLeigh Clapp as she celebrated her 1,000th career dig.
- We celebrated our senior volleyball players during Senior Night.
They begin their post-season play on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:30 p.m. at Ashley High School, where they will take on the winner of Ashley v. Fulton!
Cross Country
Congratulations to the Girls Cross Country team for winning their 3rd straight regional title. The boys came in 4th place - but Anthony Rowe has qualified for state as an individual runner!
Football & Cheer
- The Varsity Cheer team welcomed Alumni to cheer with them at the last home game of the season.
- The last home football game brought us Senior Night for Football, Cross Country, and Sideline Cheer.
- The JV & Varsity Football teams have purchased shirts to promote mental health awareness and honor a student who has lost a family member to this struggle. The front of the shirt reads "You are enough." and on back it says, "Dear person behind me, the world is a better place with you in it. Love, the person in front of you."
Equestrian & Esports
Congratulations to our Equestrian team for advancing to state finals, placing 8th in Division D, and congratulations to our Esports team for winning their first match of the season against Fulton!
Important Information
Below you will find links to important documents and information for you and your student athletes. If you have any questions regarding physicals, registration fees, eligibility, or any other athletic process, please contact Ms. Short or Mr. Baldwin in the High School Office.
Important Dates
November 1
- MS/HS Band & Choir Masonic Home Performance - 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
November 5
- No School - Staff Professional Development
- No Mt. Pleasant CTE
November 6
- Versiti Blood Drive - 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. HS Media Center
November 11
- Elementary Veterans Day Assembly - 8:30 a.m.
- MS/HS Veterans Day Assembly - 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
November 12
- Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences - 4 p.m. -7 p.m.
November 13
- MS/HS Parent Teacher Conferences - HS Gym - 4 p.m. -7 p.m.
November 14
- Elementary & MS/HS Parent Teacher Conferences - 4 p.m. -7 p.m.
November 15
- No School
November 18
- November Regular Board Meeting - MS/HS Media Center - 6:00 p.m.
November 22
- HS Band - CMU Instrumental Workshop - 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
November 27-29
- No School - Thanksgiving
Click the photo above to see November Menus!
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
You can filter by allergen, build a meal to see nutrition facts, and even print the menu to hang right on the fridge!
Directory Information
Directory information can be provided upon request to any individual, other than a for-profit organization, even without the written consent of a parent. Parents may refuse to allow the Board to disclose any or all of such “directory information” upon written notification to the Board. For further information about the items included within the category of directory information and instructions on how to prohibit its release you may wish to consult the Board’s annual Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) notice can be found in building offices.
Box Tops for Education
Did you know it's easier than ever to help your school out using the Box Tops for Education app? CLICK HERE to go to the website, which will provide links to download the app and instructions on how to get started!
Did you know that PowerSchool, our student information system, makes it easy for you to monitor your student's grades and attendance? You can also see the daily announcements so you will always know what is going on at the school. The PowerSchool app can be easily loaded onto your phone so the information will be at your fingertips. Click here for a quick video showing you how to set the app up on your phone. The school code is WMKP.
Did you know you can access the latest sports schedules, updates from administration, and lunch menus right from our new App?! The BCS app offers everything from documents to schedules to menus and more. Search "Breckenridge Community Schools" in your app store and download the app so you can stay in the know with all the happenings at Breckenridge Community Schools!
Click HERE to download on Google Play.
Click HERE to download on the Apple App Store.
Keep the Huskies Healthy!
Unfortunately as we head into colder months, the number of illnesses rise. If your student is ill, please keep them home. Promptly call the school with any symptoms your child is experiencing (fever, vomiting, sore throat, body ache, cough) and keep them home until they're symptom free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducers. If you take your student to the doctor for their symptoms, please have your student turn in the doctor's note to the office when they return to school. This will ensure the absence does not negatively affect them for truancy purposes.