March Bear Prints
BIS Parent Newsletter - March 2024
A Note from Mr. Rodemeyer
March Bear Prints:
Happy I Love To READ Month Everyone! Educating your child is a partnership. As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher and READING is one of the most important things you can do with your children at home. Here are a few reading tips and ideas to try at home this month and throughout the year.
READ a recipe together and make something with your child. Enjoy eating all the fun.
Take a family “field trip” to the local library or to a place you’ve READ about in a book.
Be a model reader yourself. Let your kids see you READING and how enjoyable it can be.
Listen to books in the car or go to the movies to view a movie about a book you’ve READ.
Have age-appropriate books available. Provide a READING rich home environment.
Play a board game together and READ the directions.
Turn devices & t.v. off one night and spend the evening READING together.
READ to your kids each night. Be creative and have fun reading in different areas of your home.
Our reading theme for this year's annual I love to read month is READING IS MAGIC! Our committee has been planning and preparing to make the month of March exciting and “magical” for our students! Our reading goal for the entire building is 500,000 minutes. If kids meet their goal, we have a magician scheduled to come and I’ve heard something may be done to me. Yikes!
READ, READ, READ. Take every opportunity you can to read to your child. Children who read at home on a regular basis do better in school and are more successful in life. READING can really take you places. Enjoy the journey!
I know it hasn’t felt like winter lately and March is here and spring is around the corner, but please ensure you are sending your students to school with all their winter gear! We do go outside when the air temperature is 0 degrees and above and the windchill is within -10 degrees. We’ve implemented a new practice of requiring students to have long sleeves and long pants when the air temperature is below 32 degrees. It should be assumed we will go outside every day and it is important that kids come prepared for the conditions as they need their winter gear to be in the snow and be warm.
Have the best day ever!
Abe Rodemeyer
BIS Principal
Notes from the office
- Please email our attendance line @ for any absences, appointments and/or changes to the day. The office will check it throughout the day.
- If calling is easier, please call 507-775-6620.
Please note our district wellness policy regarding birthday treats.
- Please see attached map. We highly recommend turning right on 10th between 7:30-8am & 2:30-3pm.
Upcoming March Dates:
- March 14 - All Pro Dads
- March 14 - End of Quarter 3March 15 - NO SCHOOL, Professional Day
- March 15 - NO SCHOOL, Professional Day
- March 18 - Grades posted (Reach out to the office if you'd like a paper copy)
- March 18-22 - Spring Break
- March 22nd - PK Closed
- March 27 & 28, Dental Clinic - Please reach out to if you are interested.
Dress Up Days:
- March 13, Dress like a Magical Character
- March 28, Wacky Day
Quick Resources:
Clothing Need
We are in need of both girl and boy pants sizes ranging from 6-12. If you would like to donate, please drop off in the office. Thank you!
Joe Schmit Presents @ BHS
Important Testing Information
MCA Testing will begin next month. Please make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations at a time that does not conflict with your child's MCA Test.
Tips for successful testing season:
Ensure your child:
- Eat breakfast
- Stay hydrated
- Get's a good night's sleep
- Believe in your child(s) success
MCA Reading: April 16 & 17
MCA Math: April 24 & 25
MCA Science (5th Grade ONLY): April 30 & May 1
A note from Nurse Heather Brackle
I Love To Read Month Kick-Off!!!
Our Traverse Climbing Wall was made possible through all the community contributions and donations to the annual Color Run & Boosterthon. Thank you from all the students and staff!
Happenings around BIS
Valentine's Day Fun
5th Grade Team Gold - Won 1st place!
ZED Writing Exemplary & Honorable Mention recipients
Dress Like your Guardian Day
Artists artwork will be diplayed at a Youth Art Show
STAR Student lunches with Mr. Rodemeyer
Office Staff
Abe Rodemeyer, Principal
Melissa Harmening, Principal's Administrative Assistant
507-775-6620 x1402
Jessica Falk, Administrative Assistant/Attendance
507-775-6620 x1401
Heather Brackle, School Nurse
507-775-6620 x1413
Senja Smith, School Counselor
507-775-6620 x1490
Andrea Zwart, Technology Specialist
507-775-6620 x1459
PHONE # - 507-775-6620
FAX # - 507-775-7225