The Bobcat Bulletin
Yorba Linda Middle School
February 23, 2019
Important Information
Track and Field Meeting
Starting next week we will be putting together a YLMS Track and Field Team to compete against the other middle schools in our district. The team is open to all students. There will be a mandatory meeting on Monday 2/25 after school at the lunch tables. Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 to 5:00 pm. Athletes must participate in 90% of the practices to participate at the Track Meet on March 28th. The groupings are 6/7 Boys, 6/7 Girls, 8 Boys, and 8 Girls.
4x100 Relay
1600M Distance Run
200M Sprint
300M Sprint
100M Sprint
2x200M Relay
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Put
PYLUSD REACH Foundation Track and Field Meet
Date: March 28, 2019
Start Time: 4:30 p.m. (field open at 4pm)
End Time: 6:30-7 p.m.
Location: Yorba Linda High School Track
Transportation: Bus Transportation to and from the event
Clothing: P.E. tops; no spikes on shoes
If you have questions please contact Coach Homestad.
Morning Drop Off
If you drop off in the morning in front of school please be prompt in dropping off and moving down the line so we can get students into the school. There is no parking in the drop offline. Thank you for your cooperation to help make drop off as efficient as possible.
ShamRock'n Run 2019
The R.E.A.C.H. foundation is hosting the annual ShamRock'n Run on March 17th at Yorba Regional Park from 8 am to 11 am. This is a 5K or 2K Fun Run / Walk. For more information and to register please follow the link.
Check out these Activities (New Items this week!)
February 25-28- 8th Grade Math District Benchmark Testing
March 11-13- Math 6/7 Accelerated Math Benchmark Testing
March 14th- Pi Day!
March 18-22- 8th Grade shirts delivered
March 26- El Dorado, Esperanza, and Yorba Linda High School Counselors visit and class registration for 2019-2020 (For students attending our other three feeder schools)
March 28th- R.E.A.C.H. Foundation District Track and Field Meet at YLHS
About Us
Location: 4777 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda, CA, USA
Phone: (714) 986-7080
Twitter: @YorbaLindaMiddleSchool