Anderson Weekly News
Respectful, Responsible, Safe...Get Ready to LEVEL UP!
Dates to Remember
- Tues. Oct 1st PTO fundraising Dine out at Culvers (see more information below)
- Tues. Oct 8th - PTO Meeting 7:00pm in the LRC
- Wed. Oct 9th - Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE
- Wed. Oct 9th - Walk & Roll to School Day
- Thurs. Oct 10th Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
- Fri. Oct 11th - Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
- Mon. Oct 14th - Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
- Sat. Oct 19th Run Club 5K at Mount Saint Mary Park 8:00 am
- Sat. Oct 19th PTO Trunk or Treat 1:00-3:00pm
- Thurs Oct 24th - PICTURE RETAKES
- Wed. Oct 30th - Early Release - 2:35 DISMISSAL
- Thurs. October 31st - Halloween room parties
- Tues. Nov 5th - Election Day - NO SCHOOL
- Fri. Nov 8th - End of First Trimester
- Teus. Nov 12th - PTO Meeting at 7:00 in the LRC
- Wed. Nov 13th - Tekakwith Woods Walk during PE
- Wed. Nov 20th - Report Cards available in HAC
- Wed. Nov 20th EARLY RELEASE at 2:35pm
- Mon Nov 25th - Fri Nov 29th - THANKSGIVING BREAK - NO SCHOOL
View and Sync the Anderson School Calendar: (click here and push the Subscribe button in the top right-hand corner)
TOMORROW!!!!!!! PTO Dine Out - - - featuring Anderson teachers and Mr. Jarot!
Parent Teacher Conference Sign up
Sign up for P/T Conference opens September 27th! at 8:00 am
Parent Teacher Conferences will be on October 10th from 8 till 8, and October 11th from 8 till 12. There will be the option of in person or virtual appointment. Sign up will open on September 27th at 8:00 am.
You will need to log into your students HAC account, click on the home Icon then school links tab and then Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler. Please click this link for more detailed directions on scheduling conferences.
3rd-5th Graders: Join Student Council, see the flyer below
Help provide staff a well-deserved lunch during Parent Teacher Conferences!
WALK & ROLL TO SCHOOL on October 9th
St. Charles North Kick-a-thon on October 4th
KICK-A-THON is a local event that began over 30 years ago as an effort from the St. Charles High School Dance Team to raise money to help kick cancer. It has grown to include East and North High School Dance Teams and other amazing charities. This charity event will benefit the Fox Valley Food for Health, Colette A. Miles Foundation, and the high school dance teams. To date, we have raised over a million dollars and need your help to keep that number growing. Please join the St. Charles High School Dance Teams as we raise money to kick cancer.
This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 4th, 2024, at St. Charles North High School, prior to the start of the varsity football game between St. Charles North and St. Charles East. Local community members who help with fundraising will form a kick line alongside the dance team members and kick 100 times in an effort to raise money for these charities.
The sophomore football game starts at 4:30pm followed by the varsity at 7:00pm. We’ll hold a special celebration of Kick-a-Thon between the sophomore and varsity games.
CLICK HERE to donate to the 2024 Kick-a-Thon beneficiaries: Colette A. Miles Foundation & Fox Valley Food for Health.
In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all of our spectators in attendance please take a moment to review some important reminders regarding the game:
- Gates will open at 3:45 pm.
- Tailgating is not permitted.
- No backpacks, bags or outside food or beverages are allowed. Bags no larger than 8x6 are acceptable. All bags are subject to search.
- All students under high school age must be accompanied & supervised by a parent or guardian inside the stadium.
- No re-entry into the stadium is permitted
- Parking is available in the main parking lot and the gravel lot located across Red Gate Road.
- Use of profanity, taunting, including racial remarks of any kind, throwing objects, and possessing objects that block the view of other spectators are PROHIBITED.
- Please remember to treat event staff in the parking lot and stadium with kindness and respect. Safety is our top priority.
Tickets will be sold at the gate or via GoFan. Prices are as follows:
-General Admission: $5.00
-PK-5 Students & Seniors 65+: $2.00
-D303 MS/HS Students and Staff w/ID: FREE
East & North High School Students will enter through the Student Pass Gate. Student IDs are required for free admission.
Please contact the SCN athletic office at 331-228-6258 with any questions related to the game.
Link to donate and support! See you there!
School Safety - ALICE Training for Elementary Students
Anderson Families,
Earlier this week you received a district communication detailing D303’s efforts to enhance safety procedures for our students. In August, D303 educators took part in online and in-person ALICE training, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. As a result of this training, we are prepared to deliver age-appropriate lessons to our students, which will teach an options-based approach when responding to critical incidents.
Starting the week of September 30th, students will view an informational video, introducing them to the concepts of ALICE. Then throughout the fall students will engage in six lessons, roughly two lessons per month, with each lesson focusing the core ALICE concepts: Situational Awareness, Alert, Lockdown, Inform, and Evacuate.
Lessons are differentiated based on age-appropriateness and broken down into the following age groups:
Early Childhood-Kindergarten
1st Grade-3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade
Middle School
High School
D303’s Safety and Security website has been updated to include informational ALICE resources, such as parent letters for each lesson. Students will participate in their first safety drill utilizing the ALICE concepts in January. For more information you are encouraged to visit the ALICE Family and Community site.
If you have any questions specific to your child’s learning, feel free to contact me at nathan.jarot@d303.org.
Mr. Jarot
The Mobile Dentist is scheduled to come to Anderson Elementary on Monday, Feb. 5, 2025 They will be setting up a mini-dental office in our building and will provide dental exams, cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants (if needed) for all children who return completed forms.
There are 3 payment options available to you – Medicaid/All Kids, private dental insurances and if children have no insurance, a reduced rate of $70 is available.
Permission forms will be sent home with students in their backpacks prior to the event. If you would rather sign up online, here is the link https://www.myschooldentist.com/AFSCIL_schsrm
Please consider taking advantage of this great program.This is a great opportunity to help with Kindergarten and Second grade compliance for their needed exams.
Please call the Health office with any questions. We look forward to assisting in providing oral health care for your child.
Elizabeth Seeger RN
Do you want to be in the Anderson School Family Directory?
The spreadsheet is coming out next week!
The purpose of this Google Form is to help Anderson School families connect by collecting and organizing contact information that you may want to share with other families. We often receive requests from parents looking to connect with others in their child's class for organizing playdates, planning birthday parties, or sending thank you notes.
Please take a moment to fill out the questions below. You can share as much or as little information as you're comfortable with. The details you provide will be compiled into a view-only spreadsheet that will be accessible to all Anderson School families.
This site is new this school year and has a lot of helpful information to stay connected with all things Anderson PTO.
See below: We extended the deadline!
If you'd prefer to apply on paper, simply print and return to the office:
Please join us at the PTO meeting NEXT WEEK!
Ready for some family fun?!
🎃 Help make this the best Trunk or Treat ever! 🎃
Interested in participating in the trunk decorating contest?
We are looking for mummies and daddies to decorate their trunks on Saturday, October 19th. The event is from 1:00-3:00pm. Trunks can begin being set up at 11:30 and need to be ready for trick-or-treaters by 1. You decorate your trunk and we will supply the candy for kids (check out Pinterest for some great ideas). Please keep in mind that decorations should be appropriate for elementary students, so no blood and guts. Feel free to include your own game/activity or we have a few that can be borrowed. There will be a trunk decorating contest with a chance to win some awesome prizes! Students attending will vote for their favorite trunk, and winners will be announced at school on Monday. Please register your vehicle by Wednesday, October 16th.
Click here to sign up.
Questions? Contact us at: v.galloway@outlook.com
Community Clubs for Kids
CrossRoads After school Club
To register electronically, you can click anywhere on the photo.
Do you still have questions?
Always feel free to call our school office with any question... big or small. (331)228-3300
Email the Principal, Mr. Jarot, at nathan.jarot@d303.org
We are happy to help!
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300