Welcome to Mrs. Cooper's 3rd Grade!
March 2025
INCLEMENT WEATHER ZOOM LINK: You will need to use this link if we have bad weather and the county decides it will be an inclement weather day where working at home on school work is needed. You will need to join this link at 9am or 1pm to have your child counted present for the day and to ask any questions about the work needed for that day.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 778 5802 5980
Passcode: F92DHJ
If you haven't done so yet, please connect to my class for parent contact on the Remind app.
Updates for February
3/3- Normal Day- First Day for ASU Interns
3/4- Normal Day- ASU Interns
3/5- Normal Day- ASU Interns
3/6- Normal Day
3/7- Birthday Celebrations for January, February, March
3/10- Normal Day
3/11- Normal Day
3/12- Math Check In #2
3/13- Normal Day
3/14- Normal Day
3/17- Normal Day
3/18- Normal Day
3/19- Normal Day
3/20- Normal Day
3/21- Normal Day
3/24- Normal Day
3/25- Normal Day
3/26- Normal Day- Report Cards
3/27-Normal Day
3/28-Normal Day- PTO Dance-3-5pm
What Will My Child Learn This Month?
This following statements are the goals that we'll be working toward this month. Take a moment to look them over and ask your child how they are doing.
Character Building
In March, we will be discussing how we can be honest with ourselves and with others. We'll also begin talking about how cooperating with others brings out everyone's strengths and creates a better community.
Reading- We'll finish our Module about Space! We will learn how to express and support opinions in writing and determine how our opinions differ from others.
Please continue helping your child read and reread the weekly passages that come home. Those are state provided examples of the types of questions your child will see on the EOG at the end of the year.
- I can read grade level text and find evidence for comparison, cause/ effect, sequence and problem/ solution type questions.
- I can describe a character's traits based on their actions, thoughts, words and motivations.
- I can read fluently and accurately.
- I can spell multi- syllable words that use vowels teams, r- controlled syllables, and ending consonant -le.
- I can determine the main idea of a text.
- I can write opinion paragraphs using appropriate structure, grammar and spelling.
Math- This month, we will complete our geometry unit, discuss perimeter, and begin fractions.
- I can classify quadrilaterals by their attributes.
- I can find the perimeter of a 2 dimensional figure.
- I can identify common fractions in area and linear models.
What Does 3rd Grade Homework Look Like?
Each week, expect your child to have some Reading and Math homework. For reading, your child will receive a reading passage where they read it one night, then reread it a second night and answer a few questions. The rest of the week, your child needs to read anything of their choice for 20 minutes.
Math homework will be fact fluency practice. In January, we will use basic notebook paper and begin writing groups of multiplication facts starting with 1 x 1 through 1 x 12.
Please initial the homework calendar each night so I can give your child credit for completing it. Students with a full week of the calendar signed and a completed reading passage can select an item from my prize box on Fridays.
Our Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my child bring a water bottle?- Yes. ONLY clear water in a bottle that seals completely is acceptable in the classroom. Do not send flavored water or powder packets as they create an unnecessary mess at student desks.
What about Field Trips?- There is a schoolwide, $60 fee to pay for all trips for the year. All of the trips are listed on a sheet in your beginning of year packet. Parents may join field trips if they are an approved Level 2 volunteer (see below). Individual information sheets go home a couple weeks before the trip.
How can I help the class?
- PLEASE make sure you are up-to-date with Volunteer Tracker and are a Level 2 approved volunteer to attend field trips and to supervise a group of children. Taking care of this now eliminates a waiting game later on. This is the link to get you started: Volunteer
-Send in individually wrapped, small snacks that students can grab if they've forgotten a snack or get "hangry" during the day. Small packs of crackers or granola bars are perfect.
-Come in to read with students- The best time for this will be our small group block of time which is 10:25-11:05 right now. This needs to be scheduled at least 2 days in advance so I can make sure to plan accordingly, and you'll need to be on the Level 2 volunteer list.
-Make a purchase from my Amazon Wish List- These items are optional and help to make the space more inviting and functional.
Thanks in advance for the help! I look forward to a fantastic year!
Contact Mrs. Cooper
Email: coopera@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: 336-838-4261