Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 6th September 2024
Welcome Back!
Message from Mrs Walsh
I would like to start by saying a big thank you to the staff, pupils, governors, parents and carers for already making me feel so welcome here at Ripon Cathedral School. I have had a lovely first week as Headteacher and I am delighted to be here – I can already tell that this is a very special place and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to lead such a great school. I firmly believe that all children deserve the best: the best education, the best opportunities and the best experiences, which will give them the best foundations for their futures and the most enjoyable time at primary school. It is my job, as Headteacher, to ensure that our school consistently delivers the best: if we get this right, we can prepare every child to reach their true potential. I look forward to getting to know you all as we continue to strive for this aim and work together in partnership so that our children aspire, flourish and love.
Most days you will see me out on the playground at drop-off and collection times so please do say hello. I will also be available during our Open Classrooms session on Wednesday 18th September so please feel free to have a chat if there is anything you would like to discuss. Over the coming weeks, I will be sending out a survey to gather your views on Ripon Cathedral School, and I would appreciate your views and comments.
God bless,
Mrs S Walsh
Reception and Nursery Classes
Welcome to all our new starters in Reception and Nursery (as well as those joining the school in other year groups of course!). The staff have been very impressed with how well the children have settled in and how they are adapting to their new routines. In Reception, pupils have been learning 'All About Me', playing lots of getting to know you activities and creating self-portraits with paper plates and with playdough. They have also started their Phonics straight away, focusing on the sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’. In Nursery, there have been lots of opportunities for the children to explore the different areas in the classroom and the outdoor area, and the children even had an ‘apple picnic’, sitting out on the field and eating some of the delicious apples from the school trees. Welcome to all families starting their Ripon Cathedral School journeys this September.
Welcome to Miss Mayes
As well as the children, we also have a new starter on the staff too. Welcome to Miss Abigail Mayes, our new Year 2 teacher.
Open Classrooms
On Wednesday 18th September, classrooms will be open after school for parents and carers to visit. Further details and timings will be sent out next week, but it is an opportunity for you to come into school and meet your child’s new class teacher, as well as taking a look at their classroom and learning environment.
Attendance and Timings
The Department for Education has published a new set of expectations for schools around the management of attendance. To ensure our school week complies with the expected 32.5 hours, the school day for pupils in all year groups will begin at 8.45am. Please ensure your child is on the playground ready to enter the classroom when the doors open. The first part of every day in every class focuses on developing key skills such as times tables, mental calculation skills, handwriting and spelling so it is vital your child is in school to take part in these important activities.
Registers will close at 9am and pupils arriving after this time will be marked as ‘Late’. Those arriving after 9.15am will be marked as ‘Absent’ for the morning session, in line with the DfE expectations. The day will officially end at 3.15pm for KS1 and KS2, but please make sure you are at classroom doors by 3.10. The full details of our updated attendance policy will be shared with parents shortly.
This week, our whole school attendance has been 97.8% which is above the national average. This is a great start to the school year!
Class Dojo
Many thanks for your patience this week as we have been setting up Class Dojo for the new school year. Most classes are now complete so parents can log on and see what the children have been learning about this week. We are awaiting technical support from Dojo for Year 3 but we expect this class to be up and running by early next week. Many apologies for the delay. If you are having difficulty accessing Dojo or you need to reset your details, please contact the school office.
Thank You From Mr Holmes
Mr Holmes has sent us a report of his very different start to this school year!
I hope the start of term has gone well! We are having a great time in Switzerland enjoying the stunning scenery. We are off today on the Glacier Express, the slowest express train in the world!
Please do pass on my huge thanks to parents and staff for their extremely generous donations towards my gifts. Our new cases have been perfect and just what we needed. I am looking forward to making full use of of my new carbon fibre tripod, portable easel and paints. When we return from Switzerland, we will enjoy a visit to London including using the theatre vouchers.
Thanks again. Best wishes to everyone!
Steven Holmes
Dates for Diaries
w/b Monday 9th September – Forest School, Year 2 Swimming and Gymnastics start. School Ambassadors and Spiritual Council will be chosen
Wednesday 11th September – Year 5 to Go Ape
w/b Monday 16th September – Sports Captains selected and Sports Clubs start
Wednesday 18th September – Y3/4 and Y5/6 Football tournament at Outwood (am); Open Classrooms after school; 5pm Year 5 Lindisfarne Parents’ Meeting
Thursday 19th September – Y6 to Howstean Gorge
Monday 23rd September – Y3 to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 24th September – Y4 to Bewerley Park
Wednesday 2nd October to Friday 4th October – Y5 residential Lindisfarne
w/b Monday 7th October – Poetry Week
Wednesday 9th October – Y5/6 Netball Tournament at Outwood (am)
w/b Monday 14th October – Parents’ Evenings (further details tbc.)
Wednesday 16th October – Y6 River Skell project
Thursday 24th October – Flu immunisation programme
Friday 25th October – Training Day: School Closed
w/b Monday 28th October - Half Term Holiday
Monday 4th November - Return to school
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