Adams Apple
October 2019
Adams Elementary
Attendance Line # 317-860-4288
Location: 7341 East Stop 11 Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-862-2065
Twitter: @AdamsElement1
From the Principal
Happy Fall! I hope you are enjoying these last few days of summer-like weather before the leaves begin to turn and cooler temperatures prevail.
Parent/Teacher conferences are Oct. 2 and 3. If you have not yet made an appointment with your child’s teacher, please do so. This is an excellent time to review the progress your child is making and ask any questions you may have about your child or school. One thing different this year about conferences is that report cards will not be available to review. The end of the grading quarter is not until Friday, Oct. 4, and teachers may still be assessing students and computing grades. This is an excellent time to learn more about grade level expectations for your child and the daily curriculum used at Adams and throughout FTCSC. Report cards will be ready and sent home on Oct. 25. Kindergarten is the exception to this. Parents of kindergarten students will receive a report card. The difference is in the manner in which kindergarten students are assessed.
Our Fun Run is Friday, Oct. 4 – perfect timing for the cooler weather to begin! This is the largest fundraiser for the Adams PTS, and we thank you for your support that funds student and teacher activities throughout the entire school year.
During the upcoming fall break (weeks of Oct. 7 and 14) Adams will receive an additional lane to our car rider path behind the school. This will allow more cars to move onto the school property with the hopes that it alieves traffic on Stop 11. It will also provide a bypass lane if a car becomes disabled while in the car rider line. The two lanes will converge into one just prior to the drop off/pick up spot. Please alternate moving forward just like you do at Mike’s Car Wash or Chick-Fil-A or McDonald’s. Some of our recess times have changed. Gates will be opened once all the students are off the playground.
Nominations are open NOW for high ability consideration for the 2020-2021 school year. Parents may nominate their children if they would like them considered for high ability assessments. There is a parent nomination form on the High Ability page of the FTCSC website. (About; Academic Department; High Ability; REACH Parent Nomination Form) All High Ability nominations are due Monday, Oct. 28, 2019. If you are unsure about the suitability of a high ability environment for your child please reach out to your child’s teacher.
We have some upcoming staff changes that will be effective Oct. 21. Mrs. Emily Baker, kindergarten teacher, has accepted a position as an instructional coach at Kitley Elementary and will begin there Oct. 21. We will miss her greatly here at Adams but wish her well and all the best. When a replacement is determined that news will be shared with you. Mrs. Cassandra McQueen, art teacher, will be returning from maternity leave on Oct. 21 which means that Mr. Rohrer’s last day with us will be Oct. 4. He has filled in for a couple of maternity leaves and has been here at Adams for a very extended period. He will also be missed greatly and we are sad to say goodbye to him.
As always, thank you for your continued support of our teachers and initiatives. We have amazing things happening on a daily basis in our classrooms, and it wouldn’t be possible without all of us working together! Enjoy time with your family over the fall break. We look forward to welcoming students back at school on Monday, Oct. 21.
Jaci Greig, Principal
Adams Elementary
Fun Run is this Friday!
The ADAMS ELEMENTARY FUN RUN is so close! This is one of our major fundraisers of the year, and our goal is to raise $13000 for ADAMS ELEMENTARY
Here’s how you can help:
Register your student on FUNRUN.COM (it’s not too late)
Sharing on Facebook, through email, or text for a fun, easy way to ask for a pledge from friends, family, or even local businesses!
Come cheer on your student(s) at the Fun Run this Friday, October 4.
Every student is invited to run!
Each Grade will run during their “SPECIALS” time (see the Adams Elementary PTO Facebook page for more details)
Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately. This event will be outside (weather permitting)
Fall Break
A note from the Treasurer
Any unpaid textbook rental will be turned over to collections on November 1st.
Textbook rental can be paid by cash or check and credit card payments can be paid online through REVTRAK.
The link to pay by credit card is
To apply for free and reduced textbooks and lunches visit
If you have any questions please call Jill Puckett at 317-862-4251.
From the Nurse
Flu season is upon us and will continue into spring. Peak season is sometimes as late as February. The influenza symptoms are fever, aches, sore throat, cough, headache, fatigue, and sometimes vomiting/diarrhea. It is the perfect time to get a flu shot for yourself and your child. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot by the end of October, but receiving the vaccinate at any point during flu season offers important protection against the virus. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body. The Marion County Health Department has flu shots for $20 for children, but they recommend that you call prior to coming to confirm availability. The south district office is located at 7551 Shelby St. Suite 200 Indianapolis IN 46227, phone number 221-5700. Influenza can be a mild illness for most healthy individuals, but people with health conditions are at increased risk of complications. The quick guidelines are to keep your kids home until they have been fever-free for 24 hrs without fever-reducing medicine prior to returning or vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hrs prior to return. We recognize a fever as a temp over 100 degrees. So, thank you for following our guidelines and keeping your kids home when they are ill. This protects our kids at school who have conditions that could lead to complications from an illness such as influenza, and this will help your child fully recover and be less likely to have complications themselves. Keep encouraging them to wash their hands. It is the easiest and most effective way to avoid illness.
I have included a link from the Community website that includes a very cute hand washing video that you might want to watch with your child.
Vision Referrals:
The vision referral forms for 1st-5th grades have been sent home in the child's folder or given out at conferences. If you have not received a notice and your child is 1st-5th grade, you can assume your child passed the screening. If you have any questions about the testing or returning information after seeing a vision professional, please phone the clinic at 860-4289. If you got a referral notice and your student has glasses but forgot to wear them, please just let me know. I have some resources if the cost is keeping your student from an eye exam. I sent these home prior to fall break because I hope that will be a good time for scheduling an appointment if your child was referred.
Veteran's Day Program
We look look forward to celebrating with you.
From the Art Room
It's been a privilege teaching your children in art and music for the past three years. Mrs. McQueen is coming back after fall break from her maternity leave and I will go back to daily subbing throughout the district. I have enjoyed developing relationships with your children and the great staff at Adams Elementary. Although I am officially retired, I still love teaching and I'm sure I'll see many of you around in the future.
Ken Rohrer
Temporary Art Teacher
Adams Elementary School
Attendance # 860-4288
Transportation Changes
If there is a change in transportation for students at the end of the day, we ask that you please write it in your student's planner or send a note in. There are days the assigned teacher is out and unable to check email, dojo, or voicemail. Phone calls to change dismissal should be made at the front office before 2:30.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Safety Reminders
- Students should be dropped off in the car rider line and not in the front of the school.
- Once the tardy bell has rung and staff is no longer present in the car rider area, you must walk your student into the building and sign them in at the front office.
- Please be prepared to show a picture ID when visiting a student or picking up a student.
- If you are picking up a student on a regular basis, you must have a car rider number and go through the car rider line unless other arrangements have been made.
Red Ribbon Week
Lost and Found
Please take a look and see if you recognize any of these lost items. Unclaimed items will be donated after fall break.