Harvey Green News
December 2022
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Si necesita Ud. la versión en español, vaya al final de la página
Email: tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Website: https://green.fremont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green Calendar
Principal's Message
Harvey Green Families,
Winter is arriving quickly! Please be sure that your child comes to school with a warm jacket each day, as it can get cold outside during recess and lunch. I strongly encourage you to write your child's name inside of the jacket in case they lose it. As rainy days are approaching us please make sure you continue to follow all arrival and dismissal rules. During the rain I encourage giving yourself more time to arrive as the traffic is usually much heavier.
This month we have the return of the annual PTA Cookies and Cocoa with Santa! The event is by registration and is almost filled. If you would like to sign up, please do so ASAP.
On Tuesday, December 13th, we will be having another fundraiser to help raise funds for Science Camp at Chipotle on Automall from 4-8pm. We hope you can support us by purchasing food that evening.
As you may have heard, Science Fair is back on this year! Please see below for the contest rules. We hope to have many students participate.
Recently we have had some work completed around our campus from local Eagle Scouts. Thank you to Alexzander R. for the garden update and painting, Adam T. for the Little Library and Sean L. for our new lost and found rack. We are so thankful that these Eagle Scouts have put so much time into helping to improve our campus.
Please feel free to call the office or reach out to us by email if we can assist your family in any way.
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
6 ~ SSC Meeting 5pm, PTA Meeting 7PM
13 ~ 4-8pm Chipotle Fundraiser- Flyer
14 ~ 6-8pm Cookies and Cocoa with Santa- Registration Required
15 ~ Spirit Day- 80's Day- it is our 80th day of school, come dress like it is 1980!
16 ~ 8:45am Harvey Green Spelling Bee- MUR
19 ~ Spirit Week- Flyer
20 ~ 6:30pm Intermediate Band Concert- MUR- Flyer
22 ~ Minimum Day
December 23-January 6 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
9 ~ School Resumes
10 ~ 7pm PTA Meeting
12 ~ 3pm Beginner Band Meeting
16 ~ NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Day
20 ~ Paint Night (more info to come)
School Hours
Regular School Hours
AM TK/K 8:20am-11:40pm
PM TK/K 11:45am-3:05pm
Grades 1-5 8:30am-2:50pm
SDC 8:30am-2:15pm
Minimum Day School Hours
AM TK 8:20am-11:40pm
PM TK 11:45am-3:05pm
All K 8:20am-11:40am
Grades 1-5 8:30am-1:00pm
SDC 8:30am-1:20pm
Spirit Week- December 19-22
Monday, Dec. 19- Inside Out Day
Tuesday, Dec. 20- Twin Day
Wednesday, Dec. 21- Rainbow Day (see flyer for grade level color)
Thursday, Dec. 22- Festive Sweater/ Clothing Day
2022-2023 Enrollment for Continuing Students
New TK and K Enrollment
Science Fair
We are excited to announce that the Science Fair is back. More information and contest rules can be found below. All students who are participating in the Science Fair need to set up their project in the MUR on Friday, February 10th between 8-8:20am. Families are invited to attend Harvey Green's Science Fair on Tuesday, February 14th from 5-6pm. Please be sure to carefully read all instructions, as the projects will be judged following that criteria. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Liaquat at kliaquat@fusdk12.net or Ms. Johnson at tjohnson@fusdk12.net. If you need a board for the project, you can pick one up from Mrs. Liaquat in the Science Lab.
GATE Identification Process
Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) provides support for gifted and talented (GATE) students through differentiated instruction. We believe that differentiated instruction not only serves the needs of our exceptional students, but also enhances the entire educational program for all students.
In February of 2020, funding for the CogAT testing was cut as part of the budget savings. While the CogAT testing has been the primary means of qualifying students for GATE identification we are now in the process of identifying an alternative way of identifying students. There will not be a test for GATE eligibility given this year. We are currently revising the GATE identification process and handbook. FUSD will have an update by Spring 2023.
During the 2022/2023 school year we will continue to identify 5th grade students. These students may be considered for GATE identification through the professional judgement process. Teachers and/or parents may nominate a student. A completed nomination form must be submitted by the teacher or parent to the school Principal by December 15, 2022. Principals will set up meetings to discuss the student’s eligibility for GATE identification. In June 2023, parents, teachers, and students who applied for professional judgement will be informed of their child’s GATE eligibility.
Extended Period of Absence
Extended absences during the school year are absences for more than 10 continuous school days except for those students who are ill or on Independent Study Contracts.
When a student is absent for an extended period, other than illness, and an independent study contract has not been executed, the student’s seat may be given to another student and, upon return, the student who was absent for an extended period will be transferred to another school if classrooms at the school of original enrollment are filled. If the student is absent for an extended period due to illness, and the school has been notified, the student’s seat will be saved. (BP/AR 5113.1)
Yearbooks on Sale
Counselor Corner
Dear Harvey Green Families,
Our last month of the year is here! As we wrap up 2022 and look forward to the new year, there are a few things I want to share. First off, our counseling lesson topics this month are Zones of Regulation and Coping Skills. We want to teach students to recognize and be aware of their feelings as well as be equipped with tools to regulate big emotions. Learning healthy coping skills sets them up for success in the future and builds resilience.
I am hoping to have a Career Day in April 2023 for our students but I need your help!! Our students would be thrilled to learn from professionals like yourself. If you, a relative, or friend is interested in volunteering to be a presenter for Career Day, please fill out this quick interest form. More info to come!
Lastly, I want to express my gratitude for all of your support in the counseling program so far. I'm happy and proud to be part of this community. As always, feel free to reach out to me at dng@fusdk12.net if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Holidays!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ng
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily
ALL Green students will have access to free meals here at school. Students will be asked every morning if they are going to get a school lunch so we can order the correct amount
of food. Please communicate with your child if you would like them to get a school meal and if they are choosing the meat or vegetarian option.
TK/K students are welcome to come through the lunch line and grab a lunch but there is no lunch supervision for TK/K students they will need to eat with a parent/guardian off campus.
Breakfast will be served daily in the MUR for any interested students at 8:05am. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the MUR. Students will be supervised while they eat and will be either released to recess when finished or if they are TK/K they will be walked to class.
For menus and more information please use this link.
Medication at School
If your child needs medication at school please use this link to get all necessary form. Health Forms
These forms will need to be completed and signed by the doctor so please try to get this completed before school starts.
FUSD COVID Safety Measures
There are many questions around COVID 19 and safety measures. Use this district link to find lots of helpful information. COVID Safety Measures
Per Board Policy any parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District shall notify the District prior to or within five (5) days of any change in circumstance and/or a move which would affect their student’s residency (AR 5111.1).
Please complete and email the Change of Address Form with 2 proofs of new address residency to your current school.
FUSD is Hiring
PTA Corner- PTA Membership Drive, Donations and Matches
This is a reminder that our PTA membership drive is still going on and it's not too late to sign up as a PTA member and make donations! Our goal for the school year is to get 160+ members and $6000 donations+ matches. So far we only have 115 members and $3500+ donations, and we need your support to reach our goals.
Feel free to save the following links to learn more about what Harvey Green PTA has been doing for our school and children. If you like what we are doing, sign up online today!
Website: http://tinyurl.com/harveygreenpta
Membership: https://jointotem.com/ca/fremont/harvey-green-elementary-pta
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harveygreenpta
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeZFNeFdjdENjjqWcB3W2YA
If you have already donated to Harvey Green PTA, we kindly ask you to check with your employer and find out if they offer a matching program for your donations & volunteer hours. Harvey Green PTA has already set up accounts on donation match portals such as Benevity, GuideStar, Cybergrants, BrightFunds, YourCause, etc. where you could make donations & claim matches easily. We will be happy to assist you with your needs such as nominating Harvey Green PTA for donation matching or to provide you a donation receipt. Please make sure you are making donations and claiming matches to benefit Harvey Green Elementary PTA with Federal Tax ID 94-3216305.
- Please note that on some portals, Harvey Green Elementary PTA may show up under the name of "PTA CALIFORNIA CONGRESS OF PARENTS TEACHERS & STUDENTS INC". This is the correct profile as long as the Tax ID matches.
Please email us if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your support.
Harvey Green PTA
Beginner Band Classes- Sponsored by PTA
Harvey Green PTA is excited to announce the Beginner Band program in Spring 2023 for 4-5th Graders. A huge thank you to Prof. Newell who will volunteer as our conductor. This program is proudly sponsored by PTA and requires parent volunteering. We welcome band players from Horner or Irvington to volunteer.
Sign up online by Jan 9th, 2023
Organizational Meeting Thursday, January 12th 2023 3-4pm
We would also love for you to attend our evening Intermediate Band Concert on Tuesday, December 20th!