The Good News September 29, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Leadership Message
The week of September 23 - 27 marks Truth and Reconciliation Week. A week where we will honour and share important conversations including the truths of the Indigenous treaties, First Nation, Métis and Inuit land claims, and the residential schools system. On September 30th many of us will wake up and put on an orange shirt in honour of the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada. A story that was shared for some and silenced for many. As we continue to share more stories about the history of those schools and the impact on families and cultures, we listen, learn and go forward today in reconciliation and a commitment to do better. Through story, we are called to remember that every child matters.
Every one of us has our own stories that we show up with every day. These stories shape us into the people we are today. Some stories are difficult, some joyful, some sad, but all important. Through relationships, we celebrate and honour our stories together, and grow in a community of God’s family where we can heal and love.
Prayer for Truth and Reconciliation Week
Loving God, our Creator, help us to be living signs of your healing love.
Open our hearts to respect, to welcome, and to include one another.
Give us courage to stand up for the dignity of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and of those with roots in other lands, all of us created in Your image.
Strengthen us in our walk together. God of Truth, let honesty guide our steps along the path of truth and reconciliation, of healing and friendship.
Grant us wisdom to recognize and to celebrate the beautiful gifts of Canada’s Indigenous cultures.
May we go forward with humility as the children of One Creator and loving members of God’s family.
May we at St. John XXIII, accept each other joyfully and lovingly, knowing that we are all created by God and in His image.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Looking Ahead
- Truth and Reconciliation Day (No School)
- Fall individual and class photos
- Halloween Dance tickets will be on sale at 10am in PowerSchool
- Early Dismissal 2:15 - wear your fall colours
- KMW individual and class photos
- National Custodian Appreciation Day
- Gr 1 Prairie Gardens
- PD Day, no school for students
Looking Ahead...
Oct - 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15,16 - Sacramental Prep (First Reconciliation) with Father Carlos 3:15-3:45
Oct. 7-11 - Read in Week
Oct. 7 - N2 Strathcona Wilderness Centre (SWC)
Oct. 11 - Saffron Presentation
Oct. 14 - Happy Thanksgiving - no school
Oct. 17 - NK Strathcona Wilderness Centre (SWC)
Oct. 18 - School Council Halloween Dance 6-8pm
Oct. 21 - School Council Meeting, N1 &N2 SWC
Oct. 23 - N1 SWC
Save the Date - Fall Photo Day is just around the corner!
Lifetouch will be taking fall individual and class photos on:
Tuesday, October 1st for PreK, KTR - Grade 4
Wednesday, October 2nd for KMW and any students that were absent on October 1st
St. John XXIII Decalogue Student Awards
School fees have been applied to your child's account in PowerSchool.
You can pay on-line with a debit card or credit card. However, if you wish to pay by cash (exact change only) or cheque, please send it to the school office (make cheques payable to Elk Island Catholic Schools). If you have other questions or require assistance with the online payment, please refer to the link at the bottom of this newsletter, and contact our school at 780-998-7777 if you need further assistance.
If you are experiencing financial hardship please review the fee waiver here or contact the principal, Mrs. Kristine Willis Dengler at 780-998-777 to arrange a meeting.
Fall Fundraiser Now Open!
It's time to start ordering for our fall fundraiser! Simply share your student’s unique account
link with friends and family to get started.
Haven’t set up your account yet? Follow these easy steps:
1. Visit https://www.dfscanada.com/shop-now/
2. Select "Register Now"
3. Enter Organization ID: 8512
4. Choose your classroom
5. Complete the remaining information
Once registered, you’ll receive a special shopping link for your student. Happy shopping, and
thank you for your support!
Last Day to shop the fundraiser is Oct 26th
If you have any questions, please contact our Fundraising Coordinator - Michelle at
Join Us for the St. John XXIII Halloween Dance!
Get ready for a spook-tacular evening! The Parent Council invites you to our Halloween Dance
on October 18th from 6 PM to 8 PM.
Ticket Information:
Available in PowerSchool: October 1 at 10 AM until October 16th at noon
Tickets are $5 each or $20 per family (immediate family only – up to 10 people)
Don’t miss out on a night of fun, dancing, and Halloween festivities! Mark your calendars!
PSC Halloween Tickets - available in PowerSchool on Tuesday, October 1 at Noon
School Council is very excited to host our annual Halloween dance once again!
Friday, October 18, 2024
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Please join us for dancing and a great time for the whole family. Tickets are $5 per individual and families of 4-10 people are $20 (immediate family only). Tickets are on a first come, first served basis so that we can adhere to our safety capacity regulations.
Tickets will be available to purchase through PowerSchool from Tuesday, October 1 to Wednesday, October 16th at NOON.
Snacks, drinks and glow-sticks will be available to purchase at the dance.
We look forward to seeing you at the dance!
Please see the link at the bottom of the newsletter for instructions on how to purchase your tickets through PowerSchool.
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
How to Report an Absence
Please submit your child's absences in PowerSchool, and also notify your teacher with a Dojo message or a note sent with your child. For accuracy and tracking purposes, absence coding in PowerSchool is to be submitted by parents, not teachers.
Please refer to the EICS Parent Technology Handbook for instructions on how to report you child's absence, early departure, leave & return or multiple day absence.
For any last minute Early Departures, please call the office before you arrive so we can make arrangements for your child to come to the office for pick up.
Medical Support Plans and EpiPens
Does your child have medical information, a condition the school should be aware of or require medication? If so please complete a B.2) 2024-2025 Medical Status Update/Request for Medical Treatment form located in your Parent Portal . This form is required yearly. We use this important information to alert any staff members, including substitute teachers, of any existing medical needs we need to be aware of. If your child requires medication at school you must fill out the medical form with all relevant information related to the medication.
If your child requires use of an EpiPen, please make sure this is filled out immediately. At this time, all medical forms are past due. If your child no longer has a medical condition, please update the form accordingly.
Please note:
- All medications, even over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Benadryl etc. require a label from the pharmacy
- The submission of a Medical Form is required prior to medication being sent to the school
If you need assistance, please click the Medical Form link found on our website.
Kindergarten Kanga Pouches
Your Kindergarten child will be receiving their Kanga Pouch the week of Sept. 23-27. The fee will be added to your child's PowerSchool account before the end of September. If you already have a Kanga Pouch, please email the school at stj@eics.ab.ca to let us know.
2023-2024 Outstanding Fee Statements
2023-2024 outstanding fee statements were emailed on Friday, August 23rd.
Instructions for paying school fees are located on the bottom of every newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns. 780-998-7777
Sacramental Prep Offered After School 2024-2025
We are so blessed to be able to have our school and parish work together to walk with you and your child on their Sacramental Journeys. Father Carlos and our Sacramental Prep team will be offering Sacramental Prep classes at St. John XXIII after school from 3:15 - 3:45 on the following dates:
First Reconciliation Prep Classes
October 3, 7,8,9,10,11,15 and 16 (At STJXXIII)
First Holy Communion Prep Classes
October 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 30 (At STJXXIII)
First Reconciliation Nov 2nd at the Church OLA at 10:30am
First Holy Communion Nov 3rd at the Church OLA at 3:00pm
More information can be found at https://www.olafortsask.caedm.ca/Sacraments
E-mail registration forms to: olangels.ftsask@caedm.ca (We accept e-transfer of fees to the same email address.)
Community Events
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII