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Crestview Elementary School
Dear Crestview Families,
🎅🏽 This week is our PTO Santa Shop on Tuesday Dec 10th and Wednesday Dec 11th. All items are less than $5.00. There will be several parent volunteers to assist the students when they shop.
~KG-2G will shop on Tuesday.
~3G-5G will shop on Wednesday.
👩🏼🏫 Right At School- If you are interested in learning more about the before and after care school program please email Ms. Tawny crestview@rightatschool.com or watch the video below.
🏘️ Friday, December 13th is our next House Meeting. Please have your child wear their house color.
The PTO has supported this district-wide initiative by purchasing supplies and materials so all of our 435 students can participate in the fun and engaging activities. The purpose of HOUSE meetings is to help everyone feel connected and build positive relationships among students and staff. By participating, students will feel a sense of belonging and community! The kids are going to love this month's activity.
4th GRADE COGAT TESTING: On Tuesday, December 10, 4th graders will take the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®). The CogAT measures students' learned reasoning abilities in three areas that are closely related to success in school. Each of the three separate batteries provides a broad perspective on a student's reasoning abilities, helping to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Many students in Brunswick City Schools have already taken similar tests to assess their academic and cognitive abilities for various reasons. If you believe that your child would not benefit from additional cognitive testing for future programming and gifted identification in the areas of superior cognitive ability and creative thinking, you may opt your child out of the CogAT test using the link below. Opt-out forms must be submitted on or before December 3, 2024. CogAT parent letter
Click here to view Mrs. Gigax's letter. The performance for families is Thur Dec 19th at 2:15. If you plan on signing your child out from school, click here.
With ten days left until the holiday break staff will be looking for students who continue to demonstrate the PRIDE expectations in the classroom and around the school. Students will have an opportunity to earn an ELF PRIDE ticket each day! A special PRIDE live drawing will be held on Friday Dec 20th to select a few winners for a fun holiday prize.
Dec. 7th-13th: Five Below Fundraiser... see the flyer below
Have a great week,
Mrs. Schulke
November Students of the Month
We'd like to congratulate and recognize the following students below for being nominated by their teacher for continuously showing RESPONSIBILITY in the classroom and around the school. Together we work on teaching and acknowledging the Journey of a Blue Devil competencies is our daily actions.
KG- Chase Martinez, Emma Spradlin, Brynn Kocisko. 1st Grade- Annalise Rohde, Eddie Leichliter, Carter Olson, Delaney Bramel. 2st Grade- Liam Burroughs, Isabella Kresty, Madelynn Halley, Janessa Rupert
3rd Grade- Stella Brasacchio, Jia Patel, Madelyn Bober, Maryna Demko
4th Grade- Paige Kresnye, Peyton Bramel, Briella Fundzak
5th Grade- Morgan Tomko, Emery Ault, Audrey Good, Audriana Buher
Artists of the Month goes to Ivan Ols and Amelia Reindel. Congratulations!
For information on the PTO visit the school website or the links below.
PTO Board Members - contact information
Calendar of Events- click here
If you'd like to have your student's name on the electric sign the week of their birthday, please fill out the form below and send in $5. Feel free to bring them up for a picture to celebrate in front of their name in lights. If your child had a summer birthday, no problem... we will celebrate for their half-birthday!
PTO Newsletter
PTO Contact
330-225-7731 extension 1529
For the month of DECEMBER emotion management and responsibility will be the focus. Teaching students to be responsible and recognize strong feelings. Using calming down steps to stay in control are effective ways to increase coping, as well as reduce aggression and other problem behaviors. Students will be taught proactive strategies to help prevent strong feelings from turning into negative behaviors.
The SEL SECOND STEP PROGRAM K-5 lessons will continue to focus on listening/learning skills and friendship skills. Students will learn and role play the listening skills : Voice Quiet-Body Still-Ears Listening-Eyes Watching-Use Self Talk-Be Assertive. I will also introduce the problem-solving steps. STEP S:say the problem without blaming words, T:think of solutions that are safe and respectful, E: explore consequences. Does the solution work for everyone? P:pick the best solution. Using the right skills to solve problems with others is an essential life skill. Learning calming strategies to manage emotions is the first step in solving problems and building good friendships and resilience. Empathy: strive to understand the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others!
Click on this link for information about the Second Step program.
Second Step: Social-Emotional Learning Programs
Solving Problems - Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve
Responsibility For Kids | I Am Responsible For Me | Social and Emotional Learning for Kids (Part 1)
Rainbow Breath - Learn To Raise Your Energy | Meditation For Kids | Breathing Exercises | GoNoodle
3 Ways To Be A Better Listener
Anger Management Techniques For Kids - Strategies To Calm Down When Your Temper Rises
Resilience guide for parents and teachers
If you have concerns about your child and would like me to meet with them, please use the link that can be found on the district website.
Go to Families, then Forms, then Counselor Referral Forms (elementary) Crestview.
Brunswick City School District / Homepage
Click on these links for community counseling resources. https://docs.google.com/document/d/170S1bITLREdJblnkeDYvwhzanZaYcPcgEmRbpv-G9Rc/edit#
Ms. Christy Sinko's weekly focus is below.
If you are in need of before and after-school care, please contact Ms. Tawny or Ms. Allison at crestview@rightatschool.com. We have a phenomenal program that kids love and don't want to leave. Ms. Tawny and Ms. Allison are the educators that will be at Crestview in the morning and afterschool.
Attendance Phone Line
If your child will be absent, please call the Attendance Line: (330) 273-8103.
If you will be picking up your child early for an appointment please email the teacher and the secretary Mrs. Tanya Bryant tbryant@bcsoh.org.
Grading scale - click here
Click here to view all the grade level class supply lists.
Chromebook HELP
Classroom party, field trip, or special event, you must have a background check on file at the BOE. CLICK HERE
Free & Reduced
To determine if a student is eligible to receive free/reduced lunch, please use this LINK to complete the application
See Something Say Something
Call or text the tip line - 844-SAFEROH - you can report anything suspicious or endangering to you, your friends, or your school. No tip is too small. Click here for more information
PaySchools- Lunch/Fees
Pay Schools - Lunch
Call the Attendance Line:
(330) 273-8103.
If you pick up your child early, please email the teacher and the secretary, Mrs. Bryant tbryant@bcsoh.org