North Star News
Parent Edition - November 24th, 2024
Ross CommUNITY - We are deeply thankful for all of you and your endless support. At Ross, we have a dedicated team of educators who put in countless hours to ensure that your child(ren) is/are getting a top tier education. The kindness and compliments that you share with not only me, but our staff, goes a long way and really gives us that validation that is needed. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and trust. We truly are thankful for you! Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.
*Please note that the next North Star News Parent Edition will be Dec. 8th.
Important Dates
Nov. 27th - 29th: No School. Thanksgiving Break
Dec 3rd: Picture Retakes
Dec. 11th: Early Release @ 2pm
Dec. 11th: Ross Teacher of the Year will be announced
Dec. 18th: Fire Drill
Dec. 20th: Half Day - Dismissal @ 1pm
Dec. 23rd: Winter break begins
Typically during this time of year behaviors increase. We are seeing an uptick in some of leaders roasting others. Therefore, we kindly ask that you chat with your child(ren) about the importance of being kind with one another... especially as it is one of our core values. During our Rise and Shine Assembly last Monday, I reviewed our core values with our students. I will continue to do the same this Monday. Thank you for your partnership.
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
While we want to continue to honor the use of cell phones/smart watches outside of school... we do see that some students have been not following through with our expectations. The expectation that is listed within our Parent/Student Handbook is:
"Students may bring a phone/smart watch to school for emergency purposes. Phones/smart watches MUST be placed on silent and left in a child’s backpack. If the student is using the phone/smart watch anywhere within the building OR the phone goes off, the teacher/staff member will give the student a verbal warning, as well as make parent contact. If after the warning, the phone is still in use OR the student needs an additional reminder, the teacher/staff member will hold on to the cell phone until the end of the day and contact the parent. If there are repeated offenses, the parent will be contacted and asked to come to the school to pick up their child’s phone/smart watch."
Thank you for your support!
Purple Envelope
PTO's Purple Envelope Campaign will be coming home in backpacks soon! As always, we welcome donations all year round by simply going to the PTO website under Contribute to PTO and scanning the QR code! ALL money raised goes directly back to Ross in a variety of ways.
Volunteers Needed
Interested in volunteering? Check out the PTO website for event volunteer opportunities as well as full descriptions of Executive Board volunteer positions.