Trojan Times Elementary Update
November Edition
We Are Connected!
The "We are Connected" mindset helps us understand that everyone who comes into our lives can assist us in living our dreams. Through this mindset, we learn to constantly explore synergies with others, embrace diversity, and relish competition, allowing us to maximize our potential with and through others.
Watch Riley's Message by clicking the link below!
Another month down and less than two weeks until Winter break! November was a blur.
As I reflect on the month, there's so much to be Thankful for. We are blessed at Parkston to have a wonderful staff, incredible students, and a community that supports us through thick and thin.
Below you will see a few photos recapping some fun events from the month. This is a small snapshot into the hundreds of amazing things that happen each month. I wish I had pictures of everything that happens, but I often forget to capture the moment with a photo. I hope you enjoy what you see below, but as we go into the new year. I'll work to make sure I get a few photos from each grade level.
Everyone is working hard and collaborating together. AMAZING things happen here on a daily basis! A few highlights were the Veteran's Day Celebration, our Penny War, and our fiftieth day of school. The Penny War helped us connect to the Wagner Family and the money earned will be used to create a scholarship in Easton Wagner's name.
It won't be long until the winter break begins. Snow will be coming as will the colder temperatures. If you're missing any winter gear, make sure to check the lost and found. We have LOTS of gear that is piled up on the counter outside of the office. I'd love to get that space cleaned off before we leave for break.
That's all for now. Thanks for all you do to support our students and staff! We are blessed to live in this wonderful community. GO TROJANS!!
Veteran's Day Celebration
5th Grade
Playing in the band
Creating Turkeys
Students designed and wrote about why their Turkey should survive Thanksgiving!
50's Day
5th graders partnered up with their buddies to celebrate the 50th day of school!
The 50th day of school celebration was a fun collaboration between 5th & KG!!!
Fourth Grade Fun at the park and prepping for the Wax Museum!!
Second Graders working a stem project. They had to create a Turkey hideout!
Each week teachers recognize our FANTASTIC students with Trojan Tickets!
Student Council runs a monthly project and helps celebrate Bdays!
November Birthdays!
Penny War Winners
Penny War Pizza
What's Coming Up?
Upcoming Events:
Check the LOST & FOUND for missing clothes-- it's growing rapidly!
Winter Concert-- 12/12/24 (BG-3rd)
Wax Museum-- 12/13/24 (4th graders 1:00pm)
End of Semester-- 12/20/24
Winter Break-- 12-21-1/5/25
Click Here to access the Event Calendar
Daily Data
The Daily Data is provided by Mr. Kinneberg and will provide daily details about things that are happening within the school district.
If you haven't already, please download the Parkston School District App; it will allow you to access a lot of school information.