Cougar Connection
A Note from the Music Room...
A HUGE thank you to our Colbert Community for attending and helping with this year's winter program - Stories, Songs, & Service! It takes a team of folks behind the scenes to make the magic come to life. Thank you to our Colbert staff, maintenance department, and PTO volunteers for supporting our young musicians by delivering equipment, decorating the gym, and organizing the card making. Thank you to our students for working hard and performing at such a high level as they brought these stories to life with singing, dance, and instruments. If your child is looking for additional ways to explore music, theatre, or the arts, let me assist! Consider giving the gift of an experience in the new year. I have recommended teachers for piano and other private or group music lessons. Looking for more singing opportunities? Check out Spokane Area Youth Choirs. If acting is of interest, youth acting experiences are offered by: Spokane Valley Summer Theatre, Spokane Children's Theatre, Spokane Civic Theatre, or CYT throughout the year.
All students who plan to attend movie night need to be accompanied by an adult.
Technology Use at Colbert
Please read the information below as it pertains to technology use at Colbert.
- Cell phones must be turned off and in a backpack during school hours. If a cell phone is out during the school day, it will be taken for the remainder of the day and parents will be informed.
Gizmos and iwatches are considered phones as well, and are expected to be turned off and in a backpack during school hours.
Ipads, Kindles and tablets of any kind should not be brought to school.
If a student needs to contact a parent they can do so from the school office or classroom.
If there is an emergency at the school, parents will be contacted by our front office.
Bridge Building Competition
Mead School District Families of Grades 5-12,
The STEM Forward Series continues with the annual Bridge Building Competition! Mead School District students in Grades 5-12 are welcome to participate. Read on for more information, dates, locations and registration.
Registration Information
- Up to Two (2) students per team - Students may compete individually
- Registration Deadline: February 1, 2025
- Join through Google Classroom for Rules and Requirements:
- Sign-in to student’s Google Classroom
- Click + in top right corner, click “Join Class”
- Enter class code: FINRXOU
Competition Date: Feb. 22, 2025 – Check-in between 9-9:30 a.m., competition begins at 10 a.m.
Competition Location: Mead High School Gym – 302 W Hastings
Program Information
Using only popsicle sticks and white Elmer’s school glue, each team of one or two students will build a bridge according to the competition's rules and requirements. On competition day, each bridge will be loaded with weight until it breaks and then judged and scored on its efficiency, which is defined as the ratio of its ultimate load capacity to its own weight. Students will need to use creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness in order to maximize the strengths and minimize the inherent shortcomings of each material. Plaques and prizes will be awarded to the teams with the top efficiency scores!
Check out this video from a past MSD Bridge Building Competition to get a flavor of competition day!
District Nutrition Policy
As the holidays approach I just wanted to give our families a reminder about our Policy 6700 around Nutrition. As a district we are allowed to have only one class party a month with snacks that are not Smart Snacks. We encourage our families to contact their child's teacher for alternative ways that birthdays can be celebrated in the classroom. You can find the policy at the link below.
Dates to Remember...
1/15 - Movie Night in the Gym 5:00 - 7:00
1/17 - Spirit Day - Career Day
1/20 - No School - MLK Jr. Day
1/22 - No Late Start
1/22 - Skate Night 6:00 - 8:00
1/27 - No School - Snow Make Up Day
1/28 - Mt Spokane Basketball (Colbert Night) 5:30-7:30
1/31 – Early Release - 12:45