Principal's Announcements
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
On behalf of the teachers and staff of AGMS, welcome to the 24-25 School Year! I hope all our AGMS families enjoyed a wonderful summer, and had an opportunity to slow down a bit, and make some memories. Here are some important upcoming dates:
Friday, August 16: Bus assignments will go out from our Transportation Department
Thursday, August 22 (4:00-7:00pm): AGMS Open House Students and parents are welcome to come in and see where student classrooms are, as well as get more familiar with the layout of the building. Teachers will not be here that evening, but it is a great way to get a "sneak peek" before the school year starts. Kona Ice will be here selling delicious treats!
Monday, August 26: First Day of School
Friday, August 30-Monday, September 2: No School for Labor Day holiday
Thursday, September 5: Back to School Night (6:30pm-8:30pm)
School Supplies
A recommended school supply list can be found on our website; it is also linked below. Teachers will provide class-specific recommendations the first week of school.
Administrator/Counselor Alignment
As part of our middle school philosophy, administrators and counselors team up to work with the same cohort of students during their three years with us. For this year:
6th Grade: Ms. Janice Lear (jlear@avongrove.org) and Mr. Sami Phelps (sphelps@avongrove.org)
7th Grade: Dr. Suzanne Magee (smagee@avongrove.org) and Mrs. Lisa Czaplicki (lczaplicki@avongrove.org)
8th Grade: Mr. Mark DeEmilio (mdeemilio1@avongrove.org) and Mrs. Kristi Milburn (kmilburn@avongrove.org)
Student Learning Spotlight
Student Schedules
Nurse's News
PTO Update
PTO Spirit Wear
Hangry Bear Creamery Ice Cream Fundraiser
Join us at Hangry Bear Creamery on Wednesday, Aug 28 between 4:00-8:00pm. Proceeds benefit the AGMS PTO- please see picture for more details.