PTA Updates
Thank You! | AM Coffees | School Supplies - Last Call!
Thank you for the parking help!
PTA Coffee Hours on the Playground this Week
The Ross PTA will be hosting coffee hours at drop-off Thurs (tomorrow) and Fri mornings this week! Please stop by to learn about the PTA, our upcoming activities, and how you can get involved. We will also have Ross-branded gear for sale! Don't forget your credit card ;)
Last Call for School Supplies! Help us Hit our Goal...
Right now, we are 88% to our school supply donation goal of $13K. Thank you to all the families who have contributed so far! If you haven't contributed yet, it's not too late! Please make your school supply donation here.
In your order, you can donate additional funds to help families who aren't able to cover the full amount.
Get Your DC United Tickets!
Because it was such a hit last spring, the Ross PTA has again reserved a block of discounted tickets ($27 ea) for the DC United game vs. Inter Miami CF on Sun. Sept 18 at 5PM. Ross students will be able to join in a group photo on the field after the game!
If your family would like to attend, but is unable to cover the cost, please let Principal Searl know. The PTA has set aside funds to make it possible for more families to join.
Save the Date: Back-to-School Picnic on Sept 22
Join fellow Ross families, teachers and staff to welcome in the new school year!
Our annual Back-to-School Picnic will be held Thurs, Sept 22, from 5-7pm on the Ross field and playground.
Sign-up form to come soon!
Ross Single Parents Get-together
A get-together will be held on the Ross playground Sat, Sept 24, from 10-noon for Ross single parents and their kids!
This is a casual get together for single parents to meet each other, connect, and build community (while our kids play!).
Please email Holly Kilness Packett at hollykilness@gmail.com if you have questions.
Are you Ready to Fall for Ross?
Create Art to Help Keep Our Streets Safe!
The Ross PTA is partnering with our Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2B) to help promote pedestrian safety in our neighborhood. To better engage and reach the community, we're inviting Ross students to participate! We’re encouraging students to create artwork that can help raise awareness and educate our local neighbors and drivers about the importance of keeping our streets safe for everyone. Artwork may be featured in local businesses or on social media as part of this campaign, as well as used for signage around the neighborhood. We would also encourage families to post their art in their home windows and front yards during the month of September!
We encourage students and families to start creating art now - we hope to receive submissions by September 9. Students will also have the opportunity to create art on the playground before school, as well as at the JCC during aftercare programs.
How to Submit Your Artwork:
- Label with the artist's first name and age
- Take a picture and email to RossPTAoperations@gmail.com
- Or, you can drop your artwork at Ross, in the submission box in the lower level outside the main office
About the Ross PTA
Email: PTApresident@rosselementary.org
Website: rosselementary.org
Location: 1730 R St NW, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: (202) 673-7200
Visit smile.amazon.com or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app.
Select "Ross-School Parent Teacher Association" in Washington, DC as your chosen charity!