Counselor Newsletter
High School - September 2024
Welcome Back!
Hi, I'm Ms. Clifton
I'm so happy to be back at Boles ISD. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read these newsletters. Here is what you can expect in future newsletters.
- Newsletters will be sent at the beginning of each month.
- The newsletter will be for students and parents.
- There is a section dedicated to parents/guardians. It has helpful tips.
- There will be a section dedicated to seniors or other class events/deadlines that are unique to each grade level.
- They will have a theme typically based on the appropriate awareness month.
- There will be a section dedicated to social emotional health.
- There will be a list of community health resources.
What Does The Counselor Do?
I am here to provide academic and emotional support. I do this by providing the following services:
- College and Career investigation and counseling in classrooms and one-on-one
- College Testing such as TSIA2, ACT, PSAT and ASVAB
- Scheduling of classes based on graduation requirements provided by the Texas Education Agency
- Social and Emotional Lessons delivered through Shine Time
- One-on-one short term mental health support
Upcoming Events
September 17th: NETCAT College Fair - Senior field trip to TAMU-Commerce
October 9th: Coffee with the Counselor (For Parents/Guardians) - 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
October 17th: Juniors take the PSAT on campus
November 6th: Juniors and Seniors attend the Boles ISD CTE Career Fair on campus
September is suicide awareness month. The suicide rate for children ages TEN to 24 rose over 60% between 2007 and 2021.
The video below is for parents. It has tips on how to notice the signs and what to do about them.
Congratulations Seniors, you made it to 12th grade. There is an end in sight. You can do this and I am here to help!
May 23rd will be here before you know it. Enjoy every minute!
☝🏻This is a presentation that I shared with the seniors a couple of weeks ago. There are links on here to websites that help with college applications and timelines, also, links for trade schools.
Filling out the FAFSA application is now a graduation requirement!
As of now, the Federal Government is hoping to launch the new application on or before December 1st. The student AND their parent/guardian must set up an FSA ID BEFORE you can fill out the actual FAFSA form. Setting up your FSA ID can be done right now.
These are the awareness days for September 2024
If you fear for someone, tell a trusted adult immediately.
Boles ISD is honored to partner with TCHATT. This service is provided to families in Boles ISD FREE of charge. You can meet with a mental health counselor (LPC) for free through telehealth. This means that you can meet with a counselor over a Zoom meeting. There is no need for travel.
Email Ms. Clifton for more details and to obtain the consent forms.
1. Graduation Toolkit - https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/news-and-multimedia/brochures/14grad-toolkit-booklet.pdf
2. CCMR with Ms. Thrash - https://www.ccmrwithmsthrash.com/college
3. Carevide Pediatrics - https://carevide.org/pediatrics/
4. Community SEEDS - https://sites.google.com/cseeds.org/refresh/home?authuser=0
5. Mental Health Resources in Spanish - https://mhanational.org/recursos-en-espanol?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=95b8a4e0-4c04-4cbc-baf9-80ae442b7f16
Email: bclifton@bolesonline.com
Website: https://www.bolesisd.com/524535_3
Phone: 903-883-4464
See the Counselor Link: https://forms.gle/G3rqijrCX2bMTF9g9