AEHS Weekly Newsletter
March 9, 2025
Good evening, Einstein Community,
I hope you are all having a great weekend.
As we start shifting toward the Spring season, we are looking forward to an exciting lineup of performances, showcases, athletics, and celebratory events. You can check the School's Website as well as our weekly newsletters to stay updated on upcoming events.
There are three weeks left in the third quarter, so now is a great time to check ParentVue for a grade update and encourage students to finish strong as we approach the final quarter of the school year.
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the school. We are excited for another great week with our students.
Justin Krop
Principal Intern.
AEHS Calendar Items
Reminders & Dates (UPDATED)
March 14 & 15 - Secret Garden the Musical Tickets link
March 18 - PTSA meeting.
March 19 - SAT Day in School
March 31 - No school for students
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
- MCPS SY4-25 Calendar
PTSA Fundraiser (NEW)
Join the AEHS PTSA for a tasty fundraiser at Ledo Pizza in Wheaton on Monday, March 10th, and Tuesday, March 11th, from 11 AM to 9 PM (all day)!
For online ordering, use code "Fundraiser" on the checkout page. Enjoy your favorite pizza, salad, pasta, sandwich, wings or a sweet treat while positively impacting our school community. Don’t miss this chance to indulge and give back—every bite helps! During these hours, 20% of all sales will directly support the PTSA.
Ledo Pizza Wheaton
2638 University Blvd W, Wheaton, MD 20902
(301) 929-6111
Thank you for your support!
Spirit Wear Sale (NEW)
The Einstein Athletic Booster Club will be at school selling spirit wear during lunch on Thursday, March 13th. Sweats, tees and pajama bottoms will be available for purchase using cash, credit, Apple Pay or CashApp.
Stop by our table on Main Street to buy your spirit wear!
Looking for other ways to support Einstein Athletics? Become a member, make a donation, or order mulch now using the Boosters website at www.aehsboosters.com.
VAC 50th Anniversary (NEW)
Game Changer Conference (NEW)
Join us for a transformative experience designed to reignite and build the social-emotional wellness, confidence, and values our young males need. Tailored for African American and minority students from 4th grade to 12th, this conference is a beacon of hope and empowerment.
Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon
Location: Montgomery College - Germantown Campus - Globe Hall,
20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876Safety: Masks are optional but recommended for added protection.
Congressional Art Competition (NEW)
Good morning! We are sending this email as a reminder that it’s time for the 2025 Congressional Art Competition.
All high school students residing in Maryland’s 8th Congressional District are eligible and encouraged to enter.
Entries must be submitted digitally via the portal here no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Each student can submit one 2-dimensional piece (no bas-relief), no larger than 26 inches high, 26 inches wide, and 4 inches in depth when framed, along with their completed Student Information & Release Form.
Complete submission guidelines can be found on Congressmember Raskin’s website here.
All artwork submitted will be showcased in Rep. Raskin’s virtual gallery. In addition, the 8th District's Congressional Art Competition is a juried exhibition. Professional artist judges from across the District will select and recommend artwork from the submitted pieces for inclusion in the exhibition. Student artists selected for the exhibition will be notified on April 14, 2025.
Selected entries will be exhibited at VisArts (155 Gibbs Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850) from May 7, 2025, through May 11, 2025. Some of the exhibited artworks will be awarded runner-up and one will be chosen as the winner of the 2025 Congressional Art Competition. The award selections will be announced at a reception on May 8, 2025, at VisArts from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
The winning submission from the 8th District will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year alongside artwork from every Congressional District across the Nation. The runners-up will have their work displayed in Rep. Raskin’s congressional office.
If you would like more information on the Congressional Art Competition, please contact Nina Weisbroth at nina.weisbroth@mail.house.gov or Hailey Roh at hailey.roh@mail.house.gov or call 301-354-1000.
Senior Banners (Updated)
Don't forget to order you banner today!
Albert Einstein High School is offering Class of 2025 congratulatory banners for graduating seniors and school groups. Banners are delivered direct to the school and are proudly displayed in the hallway outside the main office. Banners will be distributed to students to take home in time for graduation celebrations. The 36”x24” vinyl banners include a welded finish with grommets and are for both indoor and outdoor use. They are flexible, tear-resistant, weather-proof and are printed with vibrant fade-resistant ink.
SSL News and Opportunities (UPDATED)
- There are many SO MANY SSL opportunities available to students during the month of March (for which students can earn up to 49 SSL hours)! Please share the information below with students still in need of SSL hours:
- The 2024-2025 MCPS Student Expectations Training Module is available on Canvas for students to access. Students must fully complete the training module to earn 3 SSL hours. (Report U-STU703 in Synergy can be used to generate a list of students who have not yet completed this training module.)
- Women’s History in Montgomery County Webinar (March 12, 2025, 5:00PM-6:30PM) - Join us for a webinar where Montgomery Parks shares how women in the past shaped life in Montgomery County.
- Students may earn up to 2 SSL hours for participating in this advocacy opportunity.
- To learn more, please visit this link - https://montgomerycountymd.galaxydigital.com/need/detail/?need_id=1058116
- The Keeping It Safe Video Contest (Deadline: March 23, 2025) is now open! Students may earn 5 SSL hours for quality video submissions about healthy teen dating and the impact of teen dating violence. Interested students may view the contest rules and additional information at this website.
- Delegate Pam Queen’s Living Organ Donor Video Contest (Deadline: March 31, 2025) is now open! Students may earn 10 SSL hours for quality video submissions promoting the importance of living organ donations. Interested students may view the contest rules and additional information at this website.
- Choose Respect Montgomery - RespectFest - March 30 - April 6, 2025
- March 30 - April 5, 2025 (virtual/online) - Middle school and high school students will have the opportunity to earn up to 5 SSL hours for actively participating in online activities and virtual workshops centered on dating violence and prevention!
- April 6, 2025, 1-4 PM - Wheaton Community Recreation Center (in-person) - Middle school and high school students will have the opportunity to earn up to 3 SSL hours for attending this in-person festival focused on spreading awareness about dating violence and prevention! Registration will occur on-site.
- Interested students may view additional details at the following link.
- C&O Canal and Potomac Riverside Cleanup (April 12, 2025, 9AM to 12 noon) - Help us clean up the Potomac River and its huge watershed area! Interested students may view additional details at the following link.
- Students Teaching Students Video Series (Ongoing) – MCPS is seeking students interested in creating a video presentation that teaches a skill or process that would be inspiring or useful for students in middle or high school. Students may earn 10 SSL hours for successful submission of all items identified in the submission form.
- Additional March 2025 SSL Opportunities
College and Career Services (UPDATE)
Summer Internship opportunities are available.
Information meeting will be held via ZOOM on:
March 12 at 4pm and 7pm
May 14 at 4pm and 7pm
Below is a list of apprenticeship opportunities available for rising juniors and seniors. Please see list below. Please see Mrs. Lopez in room 270A to sign up and complete the application.
Please email with questions Brenda_b_lopez@mcpsmd.org
Please review the Application Guidance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFgY13Kqicir2teqXcy2qsPlkFT0ZLkKo-qz9dK0Kdc/edit?tab=t.0. None of the applicants completed the part about registering for NAA. Please speak to any students from your school who applied so they complete that registration.
This program is for Juniors.
IEC Chesapeake
New vouchers are on order and will be available next week.
Please be sure to have students follow all the directions on the application guidance so they are sure to correctly request a voucher.
Students who request vouchers should have all their documentation uploaded in the Navigator so that I can review before issuing vouchers.
Clark Construction
The Clark Construction opportunity is posted.
I know the format of the post is hard to read, but students should focus on the links.
Applicants must follow the directions exactly – incomplete applications will not be considered.
Students must be able to travel to the job.
Link to this week's newsletter: February 26, 2025
MCPS Things to Know (Updated)
Take a look at what is going on in MCPS this week Thursday March 6, 2025
Have a general question for Einstein Staff?
Visit our AskAlbert link to submit your questions!
Newsletter Submissions
Submit Your Event to the Newsletter!
Want something included next week? All submissions MUST be submitted by Thursday each week. Please submit your topic for approval HERE.