Bring last years' palms if you still have them! 🌴 Makin Ash
Worship & Announcements
Witnesses to the glory of God in the face of Jesus reflect that glory in the world. It was true for Moses. It was doubtless true for Peter, James, and John. We pray that it will be true of all of us who see God’s glory in the word and in the supper and who are being “transformed into the same image” by God’s Spirit.
- Lectionary
- Exodus 34:29-35 Coming down from Mount Sinai, Moses’ face shone
- Psalm 99 Proclaim the greatness of the Lord; worship upon God’s holy hill. (Ps. 99:9)
- 2 Corinthians 3:12—4:2 With unveiled faces we see the Lord’s glory as we are transformed
- Luke 9:28-36 [37-43a] Jesus is transfigured on the mountain
*Background Image--Transfiguration mosaic in the Palatine Chapel, Palermo.
This Week In The Parish
Installation of Council Members at Pilgrim
Burning last years’ palms post 10:30am service
Monday March 3
6-7pm Evening Bible Study at Bethany
6pm Parish Board Meeting @ Bethany
7pm AA at Pilgrim
Tuesday March 4--Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
10am Parish Bible Study @ Pilgrim
12-2pm Pastor Bethany Office Hours
4:30pm Deborah Circle @ Bethany
Wednesday March 5 – ASH WEDNESDAY
10am Worship Service (w/ Pr. Maggie Isaacson!) at United Pioneer Home, Luck
(afterwards Pr. Emily walks thru w/ ashes @ Rehab and Traditions)
12-12:30pm @ Pilgrim --Stop by for ashes and brief prayer
1pm Prayer Service @ Bethany (10-15 min.)
1:15-ish @ Bethany --Stop by for ashes and brief prayer
3:20-6:30pm JOY after school program @ Bethany
6pm Pilgrim Sanctuary open for meditative prayer and confession
7pm Parish Worship Service at Pilgrim
Thursday March 6
10am ADRC meeting @ Bethany
Friday March 7
7pm AA @ Bethany
Pastor's Day Off
Saturday March 8
8am Parish Men's Club Breakfast @ Pour House
Sunday March 9 - LENT 1 (violet)
8:30am Worship @ Pilgrim
9:30am Coffee Fellowship at both churches
10:30am Worship @ Bethany
--Parish Praise Band and JOY Kids (and it's Jeanne Johnson's birthday!!!)
Email: emilythebaptizer@gmail.com
Website: bplutheran.com
Phone: 320-438-5807