West Oxford Owl
August 23, 2024
It was a great week at West Oxford this week as we jumped right into curriculum! Students started exploring numbers, reading books, and writing about what they are learning. I had the opportunity to read to over half of our classes and will get in the rest of the classes next week. We read one of my favorite books from the summer all about possibilities and potential. Students auditioned to be on the announcement team, and we started some assessments so teachers know what each child knows and is able to do.
Our first free dental clinic will take place all day on Wednesday! Only students who signed up at open house may participate.
Our PTO Candyman fundraiser will start on Thursday, and your student will bring home everything they need. There are different levels of prizes for the number of items sold. Please support our PTO!
West Oxford gear can be purchased here. The deadline has been extended to September 5th.
Please remember that our doors open at 7:20, and students must be in the classroom at 7:45 to earn their first Dojo point of the day. If you are walking your student to the door, please park on the Ivey Day side. If you are dropping off, please do so on the Roxboro Rd side. This process ensures that students have adult supervision and are safe.
For afternoon dismissal, we will not allow parents to walk up to pick up their children. It is much safer for us to load your students into the cars than for us to try and track who is grabbing who out of the line. You may drive up on either side, and we will call your students up as you get in the car line. If you need to make any transportation changes, we ask that you call the office before noon. We do not take transportation changes over ClassDojo. No students can be dismissed after 2:25.
Our PTO is hosting a rummage and vender sale on August 24th from 8:00-12:00. If you are interested in participating, we are charging $25 per parking space. Please reach out to westoxfordelempto@gmail.com. We will set up a special section for venders who are children. We look forward to hosting you.
We had a fire drill this week. Please help us reiterate the importance of staying safe at school.
Please make sure that you are reading with your child for 20 minutes each night. Happy reading!
West Oxford Elementary
Website: https://woes.gcs.k12.nc.us/
Location: 412 Ivey Day Rd, Oxford, NC 27565, USA
Phone: 919-693-9161
Facebook: facebook.com/West-Oxford-Elementary
Twitter: @WestOxford