Shepherd High School Weekly Update
August 23rd, 2024
November 8, 2024
As a small thank you for all that you do for Shepherd students, enjoy lunch Monday and Wednesday. Cancun on Monday and Mancino's on Wednesday (compliments of Jr. Achievement).
Last Monday the weather did not cooperate so we will be trying again this upcoming week. Shepherd High School students will be out in the Village cleaning up on Monday afternoon. Please dress appropriately and please make sure to be back at 2:45, but no sooner. If your section of town is all done, feel free to wander further and help another group.
If you need something while out and about please get in touch with Lisa, Mike or Garth.
Heather has been working on the High School Instructional Rounds schedule that is linked here. Our staff will be doing the rounds in late October/early November. We will work on getting subs lined up for each of you so please do not worry about that.
Alumni Spotlight
If you have names for the spotlight, send me a message so that we can reach out to them. Essentially I would like to find a range of people who cover a variety of post high school careers/successes as well as those who are still in the area and who have moved away.
I would need from you their name and (preferably) an email address so that I can send them the following request:
Please share with us your answers to the following questions and email a picture we can use in our graphic.
Favorite High School Memory
Favorite Class or Teacher
Graduation Year
Advice to current students.
What did you do after high school and what are you doing now?
Thank you for those that have passed along names and/or email addresses. We will start contacting these alumni before long to get the first one(s) recognized on social media.