The Scoop
Chugach Optional Elementary Newsletter - September 2024
Message from Joel
Dear Chugach Families,
We’re off to a great start to the 2024-2025 school year! It’s always wonderful to see the excitement on the student’s faces at the beginning of each day - that is something you don’t necessarily see at other schools. I would also like to officially welcome our new families and encourage you to become involved in our different activities here at Chugach. A great way to discover what’s happening around Chugach is to read the Scoop (our monthly newsletter) and attend our Community Assembly Meetings (CAM). Our first CAM meeting will be on September 10th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Library.
Starting on September 4th, we’ll begin our MAP Growth testing for all 3rd through 6th graders, and on September 9th, we’ll be doing the mClass testing for all K through 3rd graders. These tests are important to our teachers as they gauge where your child is at in their reading (K-6) and math (3-6) abilities and show the teachers where they can support your students so they can continue to grow as learners.
As always, please stop and say hello as you see me around the building.
September's Important Dates
Monday, September 2 - LABOR DAY - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 4 - MAP Testing (Uppers); Kindy Apple Picking Field Trip (Jihee FG @ 10am, Else FG @ 1:30pm)
Friday, September 6 - MAP Testing (Middles); Parent Coordinator Meeting (8:30am in Staff Lounge), Upper Open House (3:00pm-3:30pm)
Monday, September 9 - mClass Testing (K-3); MAP Testing (Uppers); Middle Botanical Garden Field trip (Mikelle FG @ 9:30am, Heidi FG @ 12:00pm); Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm, meet in gym)
Tuesday, September 10 - Middle Botanical Garden Field trip (Genie FG @ 12:00pm); Community Assembly Meeting (6:00pm in Library)
Wednesday, September 11 - MAP Testing (Middles); Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Friday, September 13 - EARLY RELEASE DAY (Dismissal @ 11:15am); Middle Group Open House (11:30am-12:00pm)
Saturday, September 14 - Running Club Coyote Classic @ Kincaid Elementary
Monday, September 16 - School Picture Day; Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Wednesday, September 18 - Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Monday, September 23 - Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Wednesday, September 25 - Running Club (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Thursday, September 26 - Running Club Jamboree @ Bartlett High School
Friday, September 27 - EARLY RELEASE DAY (Dismissal @ 11:15am)
Monday, September 30 - Running Club Party (3:00pm - 4:00pm)
Nurse Notes
When to Keep Your Child Home from School
Temperature of 100.4 F
Vomiting more than 2 times in 24 hours
A constant runny nose and/or a cough that is frequent and wet
Experiencing nausea or is too tired and uncomfortable to function at school
For more details on when to Keep Your Child Home, please click HERE
Medications at School
If your child needs to take medication during the school day (prescription or over-the-counter, including cough drops) please get in touch with Nurse Maya. More details and medication forms can be found with this link: https://www.asdk12.org/Page/7810
No nuts/peanuts policy in our classrooms
We ask that families pack a snack that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts for snack time. Peanuts and tree nuts are not allowed to be consumed in our classrooms.
Birthday Snacks or Shared Treats in the Classroom
Most of our classrooms have at least one student with food allergies, ranging from mild to severe Anaphylaxis. Before bringing food to share in your child’s classroom please check with their classroom teacher to see if there are any allergies or dietary restrictions so all children can enjoy the treat safely.
Student Health Screenings
During the course of the school year, Nurse Maya will be checking height, weight, vision, and hearing. The extent of the routine screening depends on the grade. If your child has abnormal results in hearing or vision you will be contacted. However, any time a teacher or parent has a concern they can reach out to Nurse Maya.
Keep us informed
Please get in touch with Nurse Maya if your child has a new medical/health condition that the school should be aware of, starts a new daily medication or has an injury that affects their ability to participate in recess and/or gym class. Having up to date health information on our students helps us support student needs and ensure their safety.
Volunteering at Chugach Optional
ASD requires ALL volunteers (including parents) to complete a volunteer application and waiver before volunteer activities can begin in our school.
Volunteer applications must be completed each school year.
Further information can be found on the ASD Volunteer webpage (asdk12.org/Page/13771). Click the blue “Online Application and Waiver” button to begin.
Chugach Optional Front Office staff will contact you when your application has been approved by ASD. Please note this may take 7 business days to complete.
Chugach Running Club
Cross Country running will begin Monday, September 9th! Please complete the permission slips (attached below) and return to Polly. Running Club will meet from 3pm-4pm each practice day. We need a lot (20-30) of Group leaders so we can have several small groups of runners. Please see Polly if you are interested in being a Group Leader and please make sure you have completed the online Volunteer Application and been approved to volunteer at Chugach.
NOTE: Kindy runners MUST be accompanied by an adult.
CEC President note
Dear Chugach Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! On behalf of the Chugach Educational Corporation, I extend a warm welcome home to our students, parents, teachers, and staff.
We are thrilled to embark on this year filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and community building. Our dedicated Executive Committee has already been working diligently to plan events and set goals that will enhance our students’ educational experience and foster a vibrant learning environment. Fundraising and events at Chugach are designed to not only support our school’s goals but also to bring our community closer together. We believe that collaboration between parents, teachers, and students is key to creating a positive and enriching environment for our children.
Your involvement and support are crucial to our success. Whether you can chair an event, volunteer your time, contribute your ideas, attend events, or simply share your gratitude, your participation makes a difference. We encourage you to join us in these efforts and become an active part of the Chugach community. We will be reaching out in the coming weeks with more specific opportunities and requests.
As we prepare for this new academic year, we are filled with hope and optimism. Thank you for your continued support and dedication.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Warm regards,
Juliana Shields
President, Chugach Educational Corporation
Dress for the Weather
Nurse Maya has extra winter gear available to loan out to students when it is forgotten at home. We would like to build up a supply of loaner rain weather gear as well. If your family has outgrown raincoats or rubber boots you would like to donate to Chugach, please see Maya.
First 2024-25 Community Assembly Meeting
The Chugach Educational Corporation (CEC) invites you to our first Community Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the library. Join us for a fun and friendly orientation to Chugach Optional! Meet Chugach families; find out more about our Learning and Assessment, Culture, Family Participation and Events and the CEC Budget in small-group sessions hosted by the CEC and staff; and even win some Chugach swag! The CEC will provide light refreshments, and we are organizing childcare to be provided in the gym by West Anchorage High School National Honor Society students and Chugach Optional alumni. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here by Friday, Sept. 6.
School Picture Day - September 16th
We are nearing the halfway point of our Big Simple fundraiser, but we still need your help to fill our nest! There are so many egg-cellent ways that Big Simple supports our teachers and students, including theme-based project supplies and study materials, field trips, or classroom enhancements. We encourage you to talk to your teacher and find out how they will use their Big Simple funds this year! The suggested donation is $125 per student. Head over here to learn more about Big Simple and make your contribution. Big Simple runs through Friday, Oct. 11.
The CEC is organized under IRS code section 501(c)3 as a tax-exempt public charity. Your donation to the Big Simple is tax deductible. The Chugach Educational Corporation Tax ID Number is 92-0156985. Don’t forget to ask your employer if they will match your donation!
School Lunches @ Chugach
We are so happy to be starting the year with a Cafe Manager (Yeah for Makoto!!) and hot lunches at Chugach this year! We've had several families asking how it all works...so here's the scoop!
For school lunch menus go to Student Nutrition's Elementary Lunch Menu page. Log in to the School Cafe system as a guest and then choose Chugach Optional from the drop down menu. You can select daily, weekly or monthly menus.
Meal Prices
- Student Lunch $5.75
- Reduced-Price Lunch $0.40
- Milk $1.00
- Lactose-Free Milk $1.50
For more information about the Free and Reduced Meal Program, go to Student Nutrition's Free & Reduced-Price Meals page.
The easiest way to pay for school lunch is to pre-pay for meals using the online payment system via ParentConnection. (If you need your PIN/Password, please stop by the office or give us a call.)
Lunch Account Balances
You can now get notification when your child’s lunch account balance runs low. Parents can enter information in ParentConnection to receive an email notification once their child's balance is below the threshold that the parent sets. Once logged into Parent Connection, select Online Payments and then Student Balance Notifications.
Parking Options for Chugach Optional Elementary
Parking spots at Chugach Optional Elementary are very limited. Luckily, we have two wonderful neighbors that allow us to use their parking spots for morning arrival and afternoon dismissal. Families are welcome to park across E Street at the New Hope Compassionate Ministries and also at the Municipal Emergency Management Building just to the south of the school.
The Emergency Management Building staff have asked us to remind parents of the following to help them continue to maintain their readiness posture while also continuing to share the parking:
- ALL SIGNED SPOTS MUST REMAIN AVAILABLE TO STAFF IN THIS BUILDING. They are clearly marked for who they belong to, and constitute all of the parking in the middle of the lot
- All parking along the north fence line (between our parking lots), and the east facing fence line shared with the playground are the spaces available to share
- Speed in our parking lot MUST stay at a reasonable speed, for the sake of the families and children as well as for the sake of emergency services personnel
In ALL available parking lots, PLEASE refrain from parking in any of the "RESERVED" parking spots, the fire lane or the loading dock area. We would appreciate your help keeping these areas clear for emergency and delivery vehicles at all times.
Family Communication Survey
If you haven’t filled out our family communication survey yet, please take one minute and complete it today! Completing this survey will help your PCs and the CEC communicate directly within our family groups and school community. We need your participation! Please head over here or scan the QR code below (answer the last question and be entered to win some Chugach swag): https://forms.gle/J5c4F6deeoZqUrZz9
Important Attendance Information
Attendance Line: 907-742-3730 Option 1
Parents/Guardians must call the Attendance Line by 9:15 a.m. when their child will not be at school for the day. Please provide the following information on the attendance line:
Student name
Parent/Guardian Name
Reason for Absence
If your child’s absence is not called in by 9:15am or if a reason for the absence is not provided, parents/guardians will receive an automated ASD phone call regarding their unexcused absence.
Excused Absences: Absences may be excused for health reasons (including medical appointments), family emergencies, participation in religious activities, or other reasons as approved by the principal. If no reason is given the absence will be considered unexcused.
Pre-Arranged Absences: If you know your child will be out for longer than a few days please fill out a Pre-Arranged Absence Form, available in the Front Office. Travel/Vacation is generally considered a Pre-arranged Unexcused Absence (unless otherwise determined by the principal).
Late arrivals: Students are considered Tardy if arrival at school is between 8:20am -9:10am. Arrival after 9:10am is considered a morning absence. Please be sure to check in with the office when arriving after 8:20am to let them know you are here and to have your school lunch counted.
Our New Hope Neighbors
Hello Chugach Families,
Our neighbors next-door, NEW HOPE, provide several community services, such as a weekly Tuesday food pantry, client choice food pantry shopping on site, weekly food grocery deliveries to those homebound/seniors, provide rent assistance, clothing donations, and more.
They graciously allow us to park in their parking lot.
Last year, we collected clothing donations throughout the year.
This year, we will continue our clothing donations AND revive an iteration of an prior tradition of food donations. This year, we will expand our giving by providing them food items (eg canned food, rice, boxed goods, macaroni and cheese, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, spaghetti, fresh produce…really anything!)
We will be taking food collections in a bin, that is located near the cafeteria and intend to drop the items off quarterly, or sooner!
Be on the lookout later this year for clothing donation requests.
Thank you so much!
Susan Hayner
2023-24 Memory Books
If you haven't purchased last year's memory book, you still can! Please purchase a book online here, and your order will be available the following day in the front office. (Please allow for 24 hours for fulfillment.)
Friendly Reminders
Parking Etiquette
- Please refrain from parking in any of the "RESERVED" parking spots, the fire lane or the loading dock area. We know parking is tight but for safety and courtesy reasons these areas/spots must be respected.
Parent/Visitor Sign-in
- All parents, visitors, and volunteers who are going to be in the school after 8:30 am need to sign in at the office.
- We are in need of Noon Duty attendants to assist with outdoor recess and lunch room supervision. Please go to the ASD website to apply or ask for more details at the front office.