Pirate Parent Newsletter
July 30, 2024
Welcome Back
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Stone Mountain High School, I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We are proud of so many great things at our school and look forward to continuing providing quality instruction and resources to you and your students. While we are proud of what we have done, we embrace our district theme for the year of New Levels, New Heights. This means we look to provide improved academic instruction, social and emotional support, and quality customer service to all of our stakeholders. I am committed to continuous improvement but I need your support. Your involvement in our Parent Teacher Association or in our Principal's Advisory Council is critical in providing us the feedback and communication we need to know if we are serving you effectively. We all play a role and I am looking forward to increased parent participation in assisting us in making our school the best in DeKalb County.
Go Pirates!
Principal Costa
Open House Details
Please see below for our updated Open House details.
- 1:30-2:00 PM -Ninth Grade and New Parents to SMHS Meet and Greet in the Gym.
- 2:00-4:00 PM- Ninth Grade and New Parents to SMHS Open House
- 4:00-6:00 PM- Returning Pirates Open House (Grades 10-12)
Digital Dreamers Device Request
If your student is in need of a Chromebook or Hotspot, please click the link below. You may also print or request a hard copy of the agreement. Device registration will be available during Open House. We would highly recommend buying the insurance, as a $19 payment for the year is better than paying over $300 to replace a device.
Violence Prevention Fridays
VIOLENCE PREVENTION FRIDAYS Free Weekly Youth Program & Outdoor Concert Series “The Summer of Peace Violence Prevention Fridays" is a community-driven effort aimed at promoting peace and safety in our community while providing a fun and engaging environment for youth and their families. The five (5) week initiative will begin July 5 and occur each Friday through August 2, 2024 at the newly opened Priví at Stonecrest Mall. The series will feature multiple activities and workshops that draw attention to the causes and potential solutions to youth violence. It will also include a free outdoor concert series with food live music performances, food vendors, and activities. PRE-REGISTER FOR YOUTH WORKSHOPS USING THIS LINK:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 100 BMOD Members! We can always use your support Friday's from 2 pm - 6 pm to assist the workshop instructors or in another capacity. Please reach out to the "Summer of Peace" Committee Members, if you are available: E. Chris Cornell (Co-Chair) Vaughn Irons (Co-Chair) Phillip Finch (Peace Education) Dr. Roger Harris (Peace Education) "Bring the whole family to volunteer, then stay to enjoy the evening concert together!"
Annual Verification for 2024-2025
Principal Advisory Council Parents Needed!
Fall 2024 PAC Elections Candidate Declaration Window
Fall 2024 Principal Advisory Council Elections
The candidate declaration window for 2024-2025 Principal Advisory Council elections will be open through Friday, September 6, 2024.
Complete the relevant form below to run for a position on your school’s Council.
- Parent/Guardian Candidate Declaration Form (English/Spanish)
- Parent/Guardian Candidate Declaration Form (Additional Languages)
- Teacher Candidate Declaration Form
Principal Advisory Councils bring parents, school employees, students and community members together to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s perspectives and share ideas for increasing student achievement and performance.
What is the role of the Principal Advisory Council?
- Act as a link between the school and the community
- Encourage the engagement of parents and other stakeholders within the school community
- Work to increase student achievement through transparent operations and shared best practices
- Review the Continuous School Improvement Plan and monitor progress toward goals
- Participate in the selection of the school principal
Additional Resources for Council Elections
For assistance with the electronic voting system or general information about the elections process, please contact Alia Summers, Coordinator III, School Governance, at schoolgovernance@dekalbschoolsga.org or (678) 656-6997.
Reminder: Clear Bookbags Only
As you prepare for Back to School shopping, please be reminded that we are a clear bookbag school. Students will not be allowed to bring in bags that are not clear. As an incentive to join our Parent Teacher Association, we will provide a clear bookbag to the first 100 parents that join this year. This giveaway will occur during our Open House on July 31.
Parent Volunteers Needed!!!
We are in need or parents to volunteer as officers for the Principal Advisory Council and the Parent Teacher Association. We need volunteers to get both afloat. Please complete the form below if interested so we can contact you. This is your school. Without you we cannot do the things that your students deserve.
Transportation App
As you are aware, we have had struggles with having enough bus drivers in our district. I wanted to make you aware, if you are not, that we have an app that assists with bus times and route information. Please see the QR code below or enter the download information. There are also step-by-step instructions on how to set the app up attached below.
Our Drive to 95- Upcoming Attendance Protocol Changes
As we strive to improve our student attendance, please note we will be utilizing new protocols this upcoming school year. Please see those changes below:
- Any student arriving after 8:30 MUST be signed in by a parent/guardian. If a student arrives late with no parent/guardian, we will attempt to call the parent. We will do this only two times. After the second time the student arrives late after 8:30, we will ask the parent for proof of residence. The parent will have one week to submit the proof of residence. Failure to submit the proof of residence will result in withdrawal.
- We will do a tardy table for every period. Once students accumulate 7 tardies, they will be assigned In School Suspension or Saturday School (parent's choice).
- All students who have 6 or more absences will receive a 6-Day Notification letter and a referral to the school social worker.
- No student will be allowed to leave campus with anyone not on the contact list within Infinite Campus. This is why annual verification is important to complete. Please update your emergency contacts with Infinite Campus by completing Annual Verification.
Pirate Parent Newsletter
Email: michael_costa@dekalbschoolsga.org
Website: http://www.stonemountainhs.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
Location: 4555 Central Drive, Stone Mountain, GA, USA
Phone: 678.676.6303
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070311425418
Twitter: @principal_costa