St Mary's Catholic School 15 June 2022 - Term 2 Week 7
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle C
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Gospel Reading
John 16:12-15
Whatever the Father has is mine. The Spirit of truth will guide us.
Background on the Gospel Reading
This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. This Sunday and next Sunday, however, are designated as solemnities, special days that call our attention to central mysteries of our faith. Today, on the first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. This feast invites us to consider what we believe about God, who has revealed himself to us in the Trinity—one God in three persons.
The verses of today's Gospel come near the end of Jesus' long discourse at the Last Supper. In the early part of this discourse, as we saw last week on Pentecost, Jesus offers assurances to the disciples. Even though he must leave the disciples, he tells them that they will have a future because of the help he will send them in the Holy Spirit. In this section he focuses more on the shape of the future, which will include Jesus' victory over the world that they will share in. The disciples of Jesus cannot know the future. They can only know that, whatever shape the future takes, they will not have to face it alone. They have the Spirit of Truth, who will continue to provide the teaching of Jesus in the future.
Reading this passage on Trinity Sunday reinforces our understanding of the unity shared by the members of the Trinity. Although the idea of one God in three persons remains a mystery, we have the assurance that, as Jesus and the Father share all, Jesus and the Spirit share all.
Tēnā koutou kātoa e te whānau,
Tihei mauri ora, nau mai, haere mai, tena koutou katoa, E nga whanau, e nga kaiako, e nga tamariki, e nga manuhiri, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
Thank-you to all those families that were able to attend our Pentecost Mass last Friday. It was a beautiful Mass and our children were excellent.
Closing the school field due to weather conditions
We are operating a flag system so children can still go on the field (if possible) to release their energy.
Flag System
NO FLAG- the field is clear to play on with school uniform.
GREEN FLAG- children can play on the field with mufti clothes or PE uniform. Please bring a towel and a change of clothes for a green flag setting.
RED FLAG- the field is closed.
Please make sure children have a PE uniform or mufti clothes in their bag, a towel would also be helpful. Thank-you for your cooperation around this.
School Holiday Programme
James Murray
Thank you to all parents and family members who were able to join us for Mass last Friday in our Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey Centre to celebrate the great feast of Pentecost.
As you are well aware this is the first time this year, because of Covid, we have been able to gather as a whole school community to celebrate Mass.
It was certainly a most beautiful Mass and we thank Father Philip for coming to school to say Mass for us .
A special thank you to Whānau Wood and Mrs Willemse for their wonderful re-enactment of what happened at the very first Pentecost.
This really helped other students to understand what happened and also to grow their understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are very mindful what a privilege it is to have Mass said at school for us, especially when our Priests are so stretched at the moment.
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
This week our Liturgy focused on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ which our church celebrates this Sunday.
We listened to the reading from Corinthians which recounts what happened at the Last Supper.
We explained to the children that when we go to Mass and receive the bread and wine Jesus is there with us in a special way. When we receive the bread and wine we are showing we believe in Jesus. We are receiving Him into our lives. Jesus is giving us His real presence. He will always be with us and He will give us life forever.
As we live in Aotearoa we celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year.
At our next Liturgy on Monday our focus will be on God’s gift of creation, for the stars, for the seasons, new beginnings and a time for preparing.
We will thank God for our homes, our food and water.
We will remember and be thankful for our loved ones who have died and who ”shine like stars around us.”
We will share and give thanks for the “starlight” of God’s love.
Class Masses
Our class Masses are held each Thursday at 9am in our school Cluny Chapel. You are very welcome to join us for these beautiful celebrations of the Eucharist. Whānau Wood have their Mass this next week followed by Whānau Piceno and Whānau King on the following two Thursdays.
Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey Feast Day
On the last Friday of this term we will be celebrating the feast day of the foundress of our Cluny Sisters, Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey.
The day will begin with a special Liturgy focusing on the charism of our school.
Following the liturgy the PTA are organising the School Fun Run which you have been hearing about to make it a very special and enjoyable day for all!
We encourage you to join us for this liturgy and the activities on the day.
With kind regards and God bless
Sally Washer
Science Roadshow Friday 17 June
Aroha is very much looking forward to the Science Roadshow coming to school this Friday 17 June. It is an exciting and entertaining learning programme. The Roadshow will be a hands on, minds-on with plenty for our students to explore and engage with.
We look forward to an exciting learning experience.
PTA Message
The Colour Fun Run Fundraiser launched last week and we’re seeing an AMAZING fundraising effort so far. Thank you to all those who have registered and started fundraising already. Keep up the good work! The Year Group with the MOST profiles created online by the end of day tomorrow (Thursday 16 June) will get to RUN FIRST on the day, so if your children haven’t signed up yet – be sure to do so at https://schoolfundraising.co.nz.
Do we organise the PTA's famous St Mary’s Fireworks event this November?
We’d love to see Fireworks happen this year, but we need help with the planning and preparation to pull it off. Can you help?
Do you have a talent or service that you can offer?
Let us know by the end of THIS week (Sunday, June 19) by completing the Google Form below, because we need to confirm the major vendors next week (like the Fireworks!) if we proceed.
If we don’t get enough people to help us organise it, it simply can’t go ahead.
The event date would be Saturday 12 November (with postponement date of 26 November).
Katie, Sarah and Lisa
Your PTA Executives
St Mary's Force
Also, good luck to the nine St Mary’s netball teams that start the season this weekend.
Sunday 19 June - Parish School Mass 5pm
Tuesday 21 June - WBoP Cross Country
Friday 24 June - Matariki - school is closed
Tuesday 28 June - BoP Cross Country
Friday 8 July - School Feast Day - Term 2 Ends
Monday 7 February - Waitangi Day
Term 2 - Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July
Monday 6 June - Queen's Birthday
Tuesday 7 June- TEACHER ONLY DAY, Kahui Ako
Friday 24 June - Matariki
Term 3 - Monday 25 July - Friday 30 September
Friday 2nd September-TEACHER ONLY DAY
Term 4 - Monday 17 October - Friday 16 December
Monday 24 October - Labour Day
Friday 18th November- TEACHER ONLY DAY
Term 3- Wednesday 27th July, 3 pm-6 pm, Thursday 28th July 12.30 pm-6 pm. SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12PM Thursday 28th July.
Term 4- Wednesday 7th December, 3 pm-6 pm, Thursday 8th December 12.30 pm-6 pm. SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12PM Thursday 8th December.
Please support our Gold Group Sponsors
Contact Us
Email: office@stmarystga.school.nz
Website: https://www.stmarystga.school.nz/
Location: 11 Thirteenth Avenue, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 578 8066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmarystga/