ZHS Weekly Update
Week of November 17, 2024
Zephyrhills High School is the home of the Bulldogs!
Our vision is that all of our students achieve success in college, career, and life.
Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year is "Expect Great Things and Be The Change That Makes Them Happen!"
Week of November 17, 2024
Bulldog Updates
*ZHS student athlete Lydia Vincent placed 5th at State XC competition with a new school record of 18:33! Last year, she placed 14th with a time of 19:07. Way to go, Lydia and Coach Page!
*ZHS student athlete Gracie Sullivan signed with Northeast Alabama Community College and will play golf for them. We are proud of you, Gracie!
*ZHS partnered with OneBlood on 11/15/24. We were able to collect 31 units of blood. Each blood donation can save up to three lives--which means 93 patients will benefit from these efforts. Thank you!
News, updates, and information:
- Students are not allowed out of class for any reason (except emergencies) for the FIRST ten minutes and the LAST ten minutes of class.
- Teachers and staff take and submit accurate attendance every period, every day. Please talk with your student about the importance of being on time to classes. Now that we are settled in, most everyone should be familiar with their schedule and can get to class on time.
- The cell phone/WCD, dress code, and hat policies WILL BE ENFORCED each day. Students must have their devices on silent and out of sight until lunch and then again until the end of the school day. Hats/head coverings are not permitted. Student attire must follow the dress code guidelines. We will utilize progressive discipline for students who do not comply.
- If students refuse to attend class or comply with school/district rules, we will be contacting their parents/guardians to pick up their student and a parent conference will be held.
- Outside food and drinks are not permitted. Any Door Dash, Uber, and other food deliveries will be refused.
Bulldog PRIDE:
Our behavior, academic, and conduct standards are exemplified through Bulldog PRIDE.
PRIDE stands for
Individual Thinker
Dedicated to Academics
During the school year, we recognize students for showing Bulldog PRIDE in the classroom, in the cafeteria, on campus, and in the community with BARK points and other rewards.
Closed Campus:
ZHS is a closed campus. Students are expected to remain on campus for the entire school day and do not have permission to leave campus for food/lunch. Additionally, outside food, food delivery, and food sales is not allowed, as it jeopardizes our Free and Reduced Meal status. These deliveries will be refused.
This Week at ZHS
Monday, November 18--
- ZHS Cheer practice (2:45 to 5 p.m.), Wrestling practice (3 p.m.)
- ZHS B Varsity Soccer @ PHS (6 p.m.)
- ZHS G Varsity Soccer home vs PHS (6:30 p.m.)
- ZHS Outstanding Senior Celebration
- ZHS FFA Judging Practice (1:45 p.m., Room 800)
- ZHS Cheer practice (2:45 to 5 p.m.), Wrestling practice (3 p.m.)
- ZHS B JV/V Basketball @ RRHS (6 p.m.)
- ZHS G Soccer @ Patel (5 p.m.)
- ZHS Band @ USF concert
Wednesday, November 20--
- FFA Jr./Sr. Officer Meeting (1:45 p.m.)
- ZHS Cheer practice (2:45 to 5 p.m.), Wrestling practice (3 p.m.)
- ZHS Girls Weightlifting home vs PHS, AATL (4 p.m.)
- ZHS G Basketball @ WRHS (6:00 p.m.)
- PERT test for potential Dual Enrollment students (1:45 p.m., ZHS Media Center)
- ZHS FFA Judging practice (1:45 p.m., Room 800)
- ZHS Cheer practice (2:45 to 5 p.m.), Wrestling practice (3 p.m.)
- ZHS B JV/Varsity Soccer home vs Santa Fe (6 p.m.)
Friday, November 22--
- ZHS G Basketball home vs GHS (6:30 p.m.)
- ZHS G Soccer home vs Kathleen (6:30 p.m.)
- ZHS Football Playoffs away at Jones High School in Orlando (7:30 p.m.)
Saturday, November 23--
- ZHS B Basketball practice (9 a.m.)
Outside Food/Food Deliveries
The Front Bus Loop is CLOSED to car traffic until after 7:15 a.m.
Student Drop Off and Pickup:
- The front bus loop is CLOSED to car traffic and student drop off between the times of 6:40 and 7:15 a.m.
- Student drop off is to be completed in the GYM parking lot off Henry. Please pull all the way forward so we can effectively and efficiently drop off students. The gym lot gates will be closed at 7:15 each morning, at which time all drop offs will need to occur in the bus loop. The gym lot gates will re-open prior to dismissal for student pick up.
- Please be careful and maintain safe/slow speed in all parking lots to ensure student safety.
The sliding gates to secure the gym parking lot will be closed every day by 7:15 a.m. and will re-open before dismissal for student pick up.
ZHS @ STS Symposium
STS Symposium @ Amalie Arena
ZHS @ STS Symposium
Updated Student Dress Code Policy
Parents and students are encouraged to review the updated expectations for dress and appearance located in the Student Code of Conduct for the upcoming school year.
Updated Policy re: Student use of Wireless Communication Devices (WCD) for the 24-25 school year
Grades 9 through 12:
*Students who bring WCDs to school must ensure that they remain on silent mode and completely out of view for the entire school day except for the student’s lunch period, or as expressly authorized by the classroom teacher for a specific instructional activity. (This policy includes passing period and when in the hallway.)
*Classroom teachers may also provide, and students may utilize, a cell phone storage area in their classroom. These expectations also apply to extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that occur before or after the school day.
Pasco County Schools Transportation Call Center
Call 813-320-2562 or email open@k12-lets-talk.com
12th grade team
Assistant Principal: Dr. Yonkof (jingerso@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Counselor: Mr. Martinez (gomartin@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Graduation Coach: Mr. Fortunato (pfortuna@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Student Services IA: Coach L. Thomas (lvthomas@pasco.k12.fl.us)
11th grade team
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Wasilewski (ewasilew@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Counselor: TBA
Graduation Coach: Coach B. Thomas (bthomas@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Student Services IA: Coach Dobbins (tdobbins@pasco.k12.fl.us) and Mr. Mullis (amullis@pasco.k12.fl.us)
10th grade team
Assistant Principal: Ms. Day (jday@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Counselor: Mrs. Cruz (ecruz@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Graduation Coach: Coach McHugh (tmchugh@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Student Services IA's: Ms. Ellis (aellis@pasco.k12.fl.us)
9th grade team
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Hardy (khardy@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Academic Advisor: Ms. Kinnemand (hkinnema@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Graduation Coach: Coach Hochstetler (thochste@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Student Services IA's: Ms. Thompson (aathomps@pasco.k12.fl.us)
Where's The Bus?
Please review the information linked below regarding the "Where's the Bus" app.
Pasco Post (November Edition)
Visit https://pasco.k12.fl.us/pasco_post for the Superintendent's message and updated information.
ZHS Bell Schedule 24-25--Lunch is 5th period!
Regular Bell Schedule – 2024-2025
1st Period 7:06 – 8:06
2nd Period 8:11 – 9:06
3rd Period 9:11 – 10:06
4th Period 10:11 – 11:06
A Lunch 11:06 – 11:36
5th Period A 11:41 – 12:36
5th Period B 11:11 – 12:06
B Lunch 12:06 – 12:36
6th Period 12:41 – 1:36
Visit the ZHS Website!
There's lots of information for you!
Be sure to click the drop downs under each category.
Closed Campus
ZHS is a closed campus. Students are expected to remain on campus for the entire school day and do not have permission to leave campus for food/lunch. Additionally, outside food, food delivery, and food sales is not allowed, as it jeopardizes our Free and Reduced Meal status. These deliveries will be refused.
Give Back to Your ZHS Community!
If your student, your family, or you would like to give back to your local community--please contact The Thomas Promise Foundation to see how you can help pack food backpacks for local children and families. You can visit thethomaspromise.org or find them on Facebook (at The Thomas Promise) and Twitter (@ThomasPFdn). Their contact information is 4542 Gall Boulevard, Zephyrhills (33542) and their phone number is 813.782.0000. You can make a difference in the life of a child!
ZHS School Advisory Council (SAC)
What is a School Advisory Council?
- The school Advisory Council is the means for community and parent involvement in and support of the schools.
- The School Advisory Council is composed of the principal, teachers, school staff, parents, business and community representatives, and secondary students.
How can I become a SAC member?
- Elected members of the School Advisory Council include teachers, educational support personnel, parents, and secondary students.
- Members are also appointed to the council by the principal to represent business and the community.
- Students serve as SAC members for a one year term.
- A chairperson is elected annually by the SAC membership.
Any parent, community business member, teacher, or student interested in serving on our SAC committee for the 2024-2025 school year--please email Mrs. McCafferty at cmccaffe@pasco.k12.fl.us for a nomination form. This is a great way to get involved and stay connected to your Bulldog family.
We will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month: Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 13, April 10, and May 8 at 7:45 in the ZHS Media Center.
To complete a yearly volunteer application, please visit: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/comm/volunteer/
Outside food, candy, chips, beverage sales PROHIBITED
Thank you!
Thank you to all of the people, organizations, and community members who donate time, money, gifts, food, resources and more to the ZHS student body, staff, and community.
**2018 ZHS Graduate Genna Rich donated supplies to our ESE department, including a Keurig for our teachers. Thank you so much!
The Bulldog Community is unlike any other! Your kindness and generosity is a blessing! #BulldogPRIDE
FortifyFL link
See something? Say something!
Let's all work together to keep ZHS and Pasco County School campuses safe.
Report your suspicious activity here: https://www.getfortifyfl.com/
Contact info
Email: cstanley@pasco.k12.fl.us
Website: zhs.pasco.k12.fl.us
Location: 6335 12th Street, Zephyrhills, FL, USA
Phone: 8137946100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pascoschools
Twitter: @ZHSBulldogs