The Wildcat Week Ahead
3/11 - 3/15
Hi GIS Families!
Reminder- NO SCHOOL Friday, March 22 because of family conferences.
Good snowy Sunday GIS! This newsletter has a lot of information, so please use the table of contents to navigate to important parts.
As you likely saw, our school budget was voted down by a significant margin. Please consider logging into the CIUUSD Board meeting on Tuesday at 6PM to voice concerns or ask questions. Here is the link to the document shared with the public.
Next week (March 18 - March 21), we will hold an options-based drill. Here is what the Agency of Education says about options-based drills.
"Act 29 of 2023 requires that these drills be age-appropriate and trauma-informed. In reviewing the different response methods and researching the data related to past active shooter incidents, we have learned that no one size response plan fits each active shooter incident and that teachers, administrators and students need to have an options-based response approach that is available to them, based on the specific set of circumstances they are dealing with at the time of the incident."
I will using a skunk as a "threat" in our options-based drill. For example, "There is a skunk in the front lobby."
These drills are important to the safety of our school and should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
As always, my door and inbox are always open.
Mrs. H
This email is our general school email and it's set up to go to multiple people in the office. If you have a student who needs to change their dismissal plans, is arriving late, or have another general question or comment- this is the best way to get a quick response.
Fresh Fruits and Veggies @ GIS!
Learn About it Here!
Dates to Remember
March 5- Ski and Ride Day- First day back from break. *Don't forget to get out and vote!
March 12- Ski and Ride Day
March 15- Trimester 2 Ends
Week of March 18- Options based drill *more info to come for families
March 19- Ski and Ride Day
March 21- Book Club Meeting in the library 3:15-4:00
March 21- 4th grade NAEP makeup testing day.
March 22- NO SCHOOL- Parent/Family Conferences- Teachers often schedule conferences leading up to and after this date. Be on the lookout for an email with signups from your individual teachers.
April 8- No School- Solar Eclipse Day
April 18- 1/2 Early Release @ 11:30 for teacher PD
April 22-26- School Vacation
Middle School Registration Information
All students going into 7th grade in CIUUSD have school choice for middle and high school. To start this process please make sure you fill out a residency form and pre-register with schools. Links are below:
Spirit Week! 3/18 - 3/21
Monday, March 18 = Green Day (The class with the most green will get chocolate leprechaun coins!)
Tuesday, March 19 = Students dress like their teacher/Teachers dress like their students!
Wednesday, March 20 = Anything but a backpack! (Bring your belongings in anything but a typical backpack.)
Thursday, March 21 = School Spirit! (Wear red/white, school jerseys, Wildcat gear)
Friday March 22 = No school
The Big Change Roundup for Kids
The Student Council is doing a fundraiser for the remainder of March. We are collecting money for the Big Change Roundup for Kids to raise money for the UVM Children’s Hospital (More info can be found here.) We will have labeled containers in the main lobby for any spare change that families/students/staff wish to donate. We will collect the containers on the last school day of March and take the bins to a donation center to be counted and donated. The Student Council will announce the amount we raised the first week of April.
No School April 8th
Kindergarten Registration for the 24/25 School Year is Open
Summer Programming Registration
Girls on the Run
Registration is open!
The program starts the week of March 18th. If you have any questions, please email Coach Hannah.
Family Resource Center
Mrs. H's Top Articles and Podcasts for Families Week of 3/11
School Board Meeting Information
CIUUSD Meeting
The CIUUSD board meeting meets on the second Tuesday of each month. You can participate in person or virtually. Here is the meeting link to attend via Google Meet, or you can call in:
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 724-436-2108
PIN: 234 032 665#
Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
Grand Isle Supervisory Union, VT, USA
Important Links
March Book Reads
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Parent Meme Corner
Because laughing is good for the soul.
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913
Attendance Form: