2.7.25 Badger News
Builta School, "We're So Happy You're Here"
Dear Builta Families
This Week at Builta:
- Builta students and kindergarten families enjoyed watching our kindergarten friends in the 100th day parade. We had a great time cheering on our kindergarten students as they showed off their 100 day posters.
- Third grade visited the WVHS Planetarium.
- On Friday, I had the opportunity to hear presentations from the Builta Robotics Teams. The teams did a great job sharing the collaboration and problem solving skills they have utilized during robot building. The teams have been practicing very hard. We can't wait to see them compete in the district competition soon. Thank you to our robotics coaches, Coach DeFarno and Coach Petruzzi.
PTA Thank You:
- Thank you to the PTA for purchasing the new sign above Builta's entryway. The sign loks great!
- The PTA has purchased and donated new recess equipment for Builta Badgers. We can't wait to unwrap our new recess materials in the spring!
- The PTA partnered with Lowe's in Bolingbrook to give the staff lounge a make-over. Our PTA helped facilitate the donation of new cabinets, two refrigerators, a shelving unit and ice maker. We are very grateful to our PTA and Lowe's for this wonderful gift!
Next Week at Builta
- 2/10: 5th Grade Trip to WVHS Planetarium
- 2/12: 2nd Grade Music Program @ 6:30 pm
- 2/13: PTA Meeting
- 2/14: Letters to parents regarding whether or not a conference is requested by the teacher
Ms. Morgan
This Week
100th Day Parade
New Donated Refrigerators and Icemaker
New Cabinetry
February Dates
- 2.17: President's Day-No School
- 2.26: PTA Sponsored Assembly-The Headspin Guy
- 2.27: Parent Teacher Conferences-1:00 pm - 8:00 pm (No School)
- 2.28: Institute Day (No School)
Mental Health and Wellness Symposium - Saturday, March 8, 2025
District 204, in collaboration with five neighboring school districts, will hold the 3rd Annual Mental Health and Wellness Symposium on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at Metea Valley High School from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. The keynote will be presented by Doug Bolton, author, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Director of School Consultation for Formative Psychological Services. The symposium will include breakout sessions for students and adults, a community resource fair, a book fair, and childcare for ages 3-10. Adult attendees will receive a free copy of Doug Bolton's book - Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation. The first 500 adult attendees will receive a welcome bag and the first 200 student attendees will receive a free t-shirt. New this year - experience sessions for adults and students and a complimentary boxed lunch for all attendees. For more information, visit ipsd.org/symposium or register here.
Safety Contest – Win a $500 Amazon Gift Card
IPSD 204's safety contest titled "Safe Schools Start with Us" is now open. Students are invited to create posters, digital designs, or PSAs to raise awareness about the importance of alleviating school threats—whether real, hoaxes, or made in jest—reporting any threats to law enforcement or a trusted adult and recognizing the vital role everyone plays in keeping our schools safe. Submissions are due by Friday, February 14.
The top six finalists at each level will be contacted by Friday, February 21 and invited to attend the February 24 Board of Education meeting where winners will be announced. Students with winning entries will receive prizes and their contest submission will be featured on the district's social media and website, helping to spread awareness around this important topic. The top prize at each level is a $500 Amazon gift card!
Contest entries can be submitted in one of two ways:
- Online through the Safety Contest Submission Form
- Entries, along with the Entry Submission Form, may be dropped off at:
Crouse Education Center
Attn: Safety Contest
780 Shoreline Drive
Aurora, IL 60504
Learn more about the safety contest at ipsd.org/safetycontest or view the “Safe Schools Start with Us” Flyer.