Bonny Slope Elementary
October 17, 2024
Dates To Remember
10/18 October Birthday Lunch
10/18 *Monster Mash Family Event
10/25 NO SCHOOL-Grading Day
10/30 Asia & Middle East Part 1 (GeoClub)
10/30 *Fall BSCO Community Meeting 7:00pm (Zoom )
10/31 Halloween - NO Costumes at school
11/11 NO SCHOOL - Holiday/Veterans' Day
11/13 Conferences 4pm-8pm
11/14 Conferences 8am-8pm -NO SCHOOL
11/18 Picture Re-Take Day
11/20 Asia & the Middle East Part 2 (GeoClub)
11/22 November Birthday Lunch
11/25-11/29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Attendance Matters
Please Help Us in the Car Line
It is helpful if the carline can move quickly in order to minimize traffic backup on McDaniel, and also to make sure students arrive to class on time. Please only use the car line for drop off in the morning if your child can exit on the curbside, and the driver can stay at the wheel.
Please park your car in the the lot and walk students to the door if you have to stop the car to get out, or if students have to open a trunk or hatchback to get their things. If students cannot exit curbside, please park the car and walk students to the door.
Guidelines for Car Line vs. Car Park for Morning Drop Off
Car Drop Off Example
Thank you to Findley Holloway, Mrs. Williamson, and Ms. Nguyen-Johnson for demonstrating the car drop off process.
CogAT Screener
On October 23rd (Caraballo, Hazel, Grant) or October 24th (PoSt, Hammond), all 3rd graders will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screener. This 30-minute of testing measures students’ learned reasoning abilities through verbal/picture analogies, number analogies and figure matrices. Families whose child scores in the 90th percentile or above on the CogAT screener will be notified and invited to give permission for their child to take the remainder of the test. There will be post-screener testing and full CogAT testing happening in elementary schools after the new year (date to be determined). For more information about testing, please contact Lindsey Williamson, the school’s TAG facilitator. If you would like to read more about the CogAT for students older than 2nd grade, click here.
If your student is on vacation or ill during the 3rd grade screener, we will not be able to accommodate a testing session in advance. When you return, check in with the building TAG Facilitators to see if there is an easy way to add your student to a future testing session.
Bonny Slope School-wide Expectations
At Bonny Slope, we want to "Be our best CATS". We teach these school-wide expectations, and talk with students about how to do this in all of our spaces. Families can support this by checking to see if your students know about these expectations and discuss what this looks like at school.
TAG Parent Nomination for Grades Kindergarten - Second Grade
Every year all students are considered for identification as Talented and Gifted in Beaverton
School District. These services are usually provided within the classroom by the teacher(s).
Academic, intellectual, behavioral, learning, and/or performance information is considered
before a student is identified for TAG services.
In accordance with OAR 581-022-1310, our District is also committed to efforts in the
identification of students from ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, and students who are
culturally different or economically disadvantaged.
If your child is in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade and you think your child might exhibit qualities that typically are used to describe giftedness, you may wish to complete the attached Parent Information Form. Because we believe that parents are excellent observers of their child’s potential, we invite your input into this evaluation process.
This parent form is based on the Kingore Observation Inventory that is used by classroom
teachers in the Fall. Complete the characteristic sections that describe your child and provide
supporting examples, whenever possible. While completing this form does not guarantee that
your child will be tested, it will give our school’s TAG committee valuable additional
information in the evaluation process.
Upon receipt, your completed form becomes part of the school’s identification process. Parents
will be notified regarding testing eligibility, and the required permission form will be sent to
parents prior to testing.
The attached Parent Information Form may be completed and returned to your child's teacher. The deadline for this form is November 1. Reminder, this parent nomination process is only for kindergarten-second grade students.
Should you have questions regarding the identification process, please reach out to our school TAG Facilitator, Lindsey Williamson at lindsey_williamson@beaverton.k12.or.us
Monster Mash is Back!
Dust off your treat bags and get your costumes ready!
Monster Mash happens this Friday, October 18th at 6:00pm!
Find out everything you need to know on the ParentSquare post Attendee Details for Monster Mash, which includes event info, a map of attractions, and a link to urgently needed volunteers!
Questions? Contact monstermash@bonnyslopebsco.org
Please remember that costumes are not allowed at school on Halloween....enjoy showing your costumes to friends at Monster Mash!
Thank you to BSCO for an Awesome Jog-a-Thon!
This was a wonderful event that the students loved! We really appreciate all of the work that went into another fabulous Jog-a-Thon, and also appreciated the support of all of our families that were able to come out to support our runners!
Jog-A-Thon Update
Wondering how many laps your student ran?
You can find this information in Marathon Kids at https://app.marathonkids.org/select-profile.
This is the same website/app used to track laps for Bobcat Trail Club.
Go to https://app.marathonkids.org/select-profile and Sign In.
From the Parent Dashboard click on ‘History’
Find BSLP Jog-A-Thon and add up number of laps!
Switch between students by clicking on the down arrow next to “Bonny Slope Elementary” in the left column.
Any questions please email: Jogathon@bonnyslopebsco.org
OBOB Registration is Open
Click here to access the Student Enrollment and Parent Permission form.
Once you are enrolled, bookmark the Bonny Slope OBOB website to find everything you need for a successful season.
Enrollment ends on October 25th and teams are announced on November 1st. Get registered right away!
Questions? obob@bonnyslopebsco.org
Art Literacy
Lessons for the October unit on John Constable are winding down.
Art Helpers are still needed in the following classrooms:
Art helpers hand out art supplies and assist with clean up. This is a great way to spend time in your child's classroom. No training or skills as an artist required!
Can't get enough? Training for the Nov/Dec unit on Marc Chagal happens on Nov 4th at 9:30 via Zoom. Click here to get to the ParentSquare post with the Zoom invitation!
BSCO Fall Community Meeting
October 30th 7:00pm on Zoom
Click here for the ParentSquare post with the Zoom invitation.
Our first community meeting for the 2024-25 school year and we are starting with a bang!
On the agenda:
We are asking the community to vote on large dollar-value ways to improve the school. If you have strong feelings about how we spend your fundraising dollars, you don't want to miss this meeting!
We will have several guest speakers talk about how the proposed improvements would benefit the school and/or the students.
Because there is a lot of information to review, we will make a packet available for community review. You can find that on the BSCO Board and Business page of the BSCO website on October 22nd.
Student Directory
Get Your Changes In Today!
Each year a directory of Bonny Slope students is published in Oct/Nov and shared only with other Bonny Slope Elementary families. It includes student and parent contact information as well as class lists to be able to connect with other classmates’ families.
The information in the Student Directory comes from data you most recently provided to Beaverton School District (BSD) in completing your student’s Fall verification/registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Student Directory will include your student’s home address along with emails and phone numbers for the first two parents/guardians in your child’s enrollment record, UNLESS you have indicated with BSD that your address and/or phone number is unlisted.
If you are unlisted with BSD and would like to add your student’s information to the Student Directory, please complete the Directory Change Request Form, below. This will not change your preference for being unlisted with BSD. You may also complete this form to request changes – either to add, modify or remove some or all of your information. Please submit changes no later than Friday, October 25th.
You only need to submit this form if you are requesting a change from your student’s recent BSD Fall verification or new student registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Student Directory, when published, will be posted to the BSCO website and be password protected. Families are welcome to download a copy for personal use. Please do not share the Directory with anyone outside of Bonny Slope Elementary.
The password for the Student Directory will be distributed to families via teacher communication.
Questions? Contact directory@bonnyslopebsco.org.
No Dogs Allowed on Campus
We cannot allow dogs on campus during arrival or dismissal. Thank you for understanding.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: