Wildcat Weekly
News from Westfield Elementary School: May 25, 2023
Westfield families:
I would like to take a moment to recognize all of our students for a successful year and to celebrate our fifth graders as they move on to Glen Crest! Of particular note, we've had many students engage in new clubs and activities such as newspaper and drama. Seeing students grow through these activities - as well as seeing their growth in academics and character - has truly been a joy. I am excited to hear of their accomplishments in the future!
Thank you to all the families as you have supported your children, the staff, and me this year. Thank you for the hours you have given to volunteering at Westfield! The family involvement makes Westfield such a special place.
Thank you to the Westfield staff! The Westfield staff is truly outstanding. In everything they do, they put students first. Their dedication and care for the students and families of Westfield are inspiring.
As I write this last newsletter as the principal of Westfield I am filled with gratitude for the past three years. It has been an honor to have served in this role. I feel privileged to have worked with and gotten to know so many wonderful staff and families. The greatest joy, however, has been to see the hundreds of smiling student faces as they walk through the halls each day!
For the next three weeks, I will work to wrap up this school year and work with Mrs. Ulery to prepare for next school year.
Thank you again for all of your support over this year and the past three years. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Always a Wildcat,
Matt McDonald
Upcoming events
May 26: Summer construction begins
June 1: Summer Freckle Challenge starts
June 5: Summer school /summer library begins at Briar Glen
June 9: CCSD 89 Family Summer Bash, noon-3 p.m.
June 19: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
June 23: Last day of summer school / summer library
July 17: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
August 21: Staff returns for 2023-24 school year
August 21: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
August 23: First day of 2023-24 school year for students
August 23: Blood drive at Glen Crest, 2-6 p.m.
Summer construction will affect Westfield
Construction projects at all five CCSD 89 buildings are scheduled to begin on Friday, May 26, the day after the school year ends. It’s critical that students clean out their lockers, check the lost-and-found, and bring home medication at the end of this school year. Families will not be able to retrieve items over the summer. Families are encouraged to stay off the school’s playground equipment when construction crews are actively working at the school. A summary of the 2023 construction is available here: https://bit.ly/41siBbG More information: https://bit.ly/41AOsqE
Are your kids ready for the Freckle Summer Challenge?
All CCSD 89 elementary students are invited to take on the Freckle Challenge this summer! Freckle is an online learning tool for practicing reading and math. Starting June 1, students will be able to access Freckle through their school computers.
Students can set a goal to practice reading and/or math on Freckle for 30 minutes a day. The more days they practice, the more prizes they can receive in the fall! Look for a flier in your student’s backpack or print one here: https://bit.ly/3Ot1pzb
New LMC furniture
Field Day
Thank you to Mrs. Hanneman for organizing an amazing field day and to all of the parent volunteers for making it happen!5th Grade Fling! Congratulations 5th grade!
Thank you!
We did it! We finished the school year with a full calendar of in-person events for the first time in FOUR years! And it couldn't have happened without your help chairing committees, baking cookies, donating food and supplies, and lending a hand at events. We truly appreciate all your help! A big thank you to the parents of graduating fifth graders for all your support over the years. Westfield will miss you!
Thank you to Mr. McDonald, Mrs. Carter, Nurse Stephanie, and the PTC staff liaisons Mrs. Lipinksi and Mrs. Coran for your support this year. We have truly enjoyed working with you!
Thank you to all the teachers and staff for teaching our kids every day. Our children are so fortunate to have you in their lives!
Thank you to all the teachers that sponsor our children’s beloved clubs. The clubs bring joy and happiness to our kids’ school days, thank you for taking on the extra challenge!
Thank you to Mrs. Hanneman, all the staff, and the parents that volunteered at Field Day! It was such a fun way to celebrate the end of the school year!
Thank you to Joan Klaus, Isabel Rubinas, Stephanie Tenconi, and Lisa Pelafas for organizing a fantastic Fifth Grade Fling with a day of fun at Ackerman!
Thank you to Jen Fritz-Reavis and Danya Greschuk for collecting photos throughout the year and creating an awesome yearbook!
Thank you to Sara Fort and Isabel Rubinas for running the school store all year!
Thank you to Elizabeth Altergott for a year full of delicious and profitable restaurant nights!
Thank you to Isabel Rubinas and Tessa Ciarrachi for championing Mileage Club!
Thank you to Carly Walsh for coordinating all the room parents this year and maintaining our website!
Thank you to Kelly Thue for keeping the bulletin boards around school beautifully updated!
Thank you to Tessa Ciarrachi for keeping the birthday books stocked with lots of fun choices!
If you're interested in chairing a committee next year, please reach out to us at westfieldptc@gmail.com. There will be volunteer sign-up sheets at Meet-the-Teacher Day before school starts in the fall.
Please join the PTC Facebook group to stay informed! Search for "Westfield Elementary Parent Teacher Council Group" https://www.facebook.com/groups/417506058937748/
Have a great summer!
School supplies
Use the link below to order your school supplies for next school year. This is a super convenient way to make sure your Wildcat has all the right stuff for the new school year!
Stay connected with the Westfield PTC
Please feel free to connect with the PTC via:
Our private group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Westfield-Elementary-Parent-Teacher-Council-100644981375276
Our website: https://www.westfieldptc.org
Our email: westfieldptc@gmail.com
Spiritwear: https://apparelnow.com/westfield-elementary-spirit-wear-apparel
“Family Summer Bash” on June 9 will be an opportunity for families to connect
The CCSD 89 Family Summer Bash will be held from noon to 3 p.m. on Friday, June 9, at Briar Glen Elementary. The event is free and open to all CCSD 89 families. There will be activities for kids, including henna painting and ice cream. Several organizations will be sharing resources including local libraries, park districts, the DuPage Health Coalition, College of DuPage Adult Education, and more! Info: https://bit.ly/3o4BmmT
Keep reading! Libraries will have books for all CCSD 89 students
From June 5 to June 23, all CCSD 89 students are invited to check out books from the Briar Glen library, 1800 Briarcliffe Blvd. The Briar Glen library will be open from 8 to 11 am. Monday through Friday to read or check out books. Learn more: https://bit.ly/421gVoW
Any student currently enrolled in CCSD 89 (preschool through seventh grade during the 2022-23 school year) is invited. The Glen Ellyn Public Library has opened its Summer Reading Program to all CCSD 89 students, including those that live in Wheaton, Lombard, or unincorporated Glen Ellyn. Learn more: https://gepl.beanstack.org/reader365
2023-24 school year will start for students on August 23
The first day of the 2023-24 school year for students will be Wednesday, August 23. Staff will start the school year with two planning days on August 21 and 22. The 2023-24 school year is starting about one week later than previous years due to the summer construction schedule. More info: https://bit.ly/401rmZJ
Unused lunch money will roll over to 2023-24
Any unused money in your student’s MySchoolBucks lunch account at the end of the year will automatically roll over to the next school year. Families of current eighth-grade students will need to contact CCSD 89 Accounting Coordinator Lauren Parker at (630) 469-8900, extension 3507, or lparker@ccsd89.org to request that funds be transferred to a sibling or request a refund check for the remaining funds.
Most recent fliers:
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
CCSD 89 Summer Freckle Challenge (starts June 1)
Free medical clinic for families and children (June 3)
Neon Night: A Middle School Night Out (June 9)
Women, Infants, and Children mobile nutrition clinic (June 9)
CCSD 89 Family Summer Bash (June 9)
Friday night Dodgeball Nights (May 5 – August 18)
Aquatics programs at Butterfield Park District (June 5 – August 5)
Dessert decorating mini camp (June 5-8)
College of DuPage Youth Academy (June 5-August 4)
Helping students learn social skills (June 6-August 8)
Wheaton-Glen Ellyn Used Book Sale (June 22-24)
World’s Largest Swimming Lesson in Lombard (June 22)
Poolside Movies with Butterfield Park District (June 23-August 4)
DuPage County Health Fair – free medical care (July 14, 21)
Game Show Mania at Butterfield Park District (July 17-20)
Wacky Water Days at Butterfield Park District (July 17-20)
Family Fun Fest at Butterfield Park District (July 22)
Glen Ellyn Jazz Concert (July 30)
‘Survivor’ camp at Butterfield Park District (July 31 – August 3)
Back-to-School Fair with free supplies (August 9)
Butterfield Park District summer athletics
Butterfield Park District summer camps
Butterfield Park District early childhood summer programs
Butterfield Park District discounted pool/swim team memberships
Adapted swim program for swimmers with special abilities (June-July)
Westfield Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 858-1222
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/westfield
Location: Westfield Elementary School, Mayfield Lane, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 858-2770
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @westfield89