Hawk Talk - February 2, 2023
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Families
We have lots of great things coming up!
- Keep scrolling for more information, dates and special events.
Hawthorne's "McTeacher Night" is Monday, February 5th, 2024 from 5-7:00 p.m. at the 17th St. McDonald's. Hawthorne gets a percentage of the profit of all of the sales from 5-7 that night, so come have dinner with us!
😀😀😀February is for KINDNESS😀😀😀
We are going to be capturing kindness for the month of February! Students will receive "hearts" from teachers and staff when they are "caught being kind". They will also be able to earn additional "hearts" by completing "RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS" and tracking them on an activity chart. We will have a kick-off assembly for Kindness Month on Tuesday, February 6 and our counselor, Ms. Hamilton will be teaching weekly lessons on kindness for the entire month during her weekly counseling lessons.
Jersey Day - February 9
Friday, February 9 is Jersey Day! Wear your favorite sports jersey or the colors of your favorite team OR if your favorite team is the "Hawthorne Hawks" wear your school gear!
Progress Reports
Progress Reports went out last week and the 2nd trimester ends on February 29! So, if your student has grades that they want to improve, now is the time to work on them! Please ask your student if they have missing assignments and encourage them to get them turned in. Be sure to reach out their teachers if you have any questions about how you can help them to do their best and succeed.
🥶🥶🥶BE READY winter is coming BACK!!!🥶🥶🥶
Children should arrive at school dressed for the weather of the day so they are comfortable and can safely enjoy recess. In winter months, children should remember to dress appropriately. Unless parents have contacted the teacher by phone or note about a child staying in, children will be expected to go out for recess. If a student needs to stay in for recess, they will be reading a book or doing a quiet activity in the office area so their teacher can have their lunch break. If your child cannot participate in recess for health reasons, please send a note to this effect. If it is a prolonged stay (longer than 3 days) please send a note from the doctor.
In the event of adverse weather (temperatures less than 0 º, high wind, severe rain, etc.) students will remain inside for recess.
Book Fair!
We will host a Scholastic Book Fair this year during our March Parent-Teacher Conferences. Ms. Wood needs some volunteers to help with set-up on Monday, March 4th, during the school day and then more volunteers to staff the fair on March 7th, from 3:30-7:30 and on March 8th, from 9-12 a.m. Please call the school if you are interested in helping or email Ms. Wood at woodmega@sd91.org.
5th Grade Patriotic Program
The annual D91 5th grade Patriotic Program is fast approaching. Our 5th graders will go to Longfellow for a "mini-practice" on Monday, 2/5, then they will have a whole group practice at Skyline on March 12. Then the program will be at Skyline on Wednesday, March 13.
Attendance Matters!
(This section is from the HAWTHORNE PARENT & STUDENT HANDBOOK)
The process of education requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study in order to reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for each individual child. The regular contact of students with one another in the classroom and their participation in instructional activities under the direction of a highly qualified teacher are vital. Education is much more than written assignments or homework; it encompasses instruction, discussion, interaction, and project work that occurs in the classroom. Most of the learning that takes place in a classroom cannot be replicated or sent home as homework. When a child is not in school, learning opportunities are lost.
Regular attendance reflects a student’s dependability and is a significant factor on the student’s permanent record. Future employers are as much concerned about punctuality and dependability as they are about academic record. School success, scholarship, and job opportunities are greatly affected by a good attendance record.
Parents - every school in D91uses the same ATTENDANCE POLICY so I thought it would be useful to put a copy in Hawk Talk (Remember it is also in our PARENT & STUDENT HANDBOOK, see link above).
Parents - let's all work together to encourage great attendance! The next 8 weeks of school are the "heart" of the school year and lots of important learning takes place.
Pick up and Drop Off
Pick up and Drop Off
Parents - please help us all get to school safely by planning a little extra time on these snowy and icy days. The safest place to drop off is in the alley at our parent drop off zone. You can safely drop off your students and then they can walk over to the blacktop and wait with their friends or they can go eat in the cafeteria. Dropping off on 16th Street is becoming difficult due to the snow berms. If you drop off on 16th Street, please try to use the right hand side so students do not have to cross through traffic. You can also drop off on Calkins and students can walk up the plowed walkway to the blacktop. Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe!
Important Dates
Mon. 2/5/25 Hawthorne McTeacher Night (5-7 p.m.) at the McDonald's on 17th
Mon. 2/19/24 President's Day - no school
Fri. 3/1/24 Teacher Work Day - no school
Thurs. 3/7/24 Parent-Teacher Conferences (evening)
Fri. 3/8/24 Students at home learning day
Fri. 3/8/24 Parent Teacher Conferences
Wed. 3/13/24 5th Grade Patriotic Program
Mon. 3/18-Fri. 3/22/24 D91 SPRING BREAK