Anna Yates TK-5 September News

September 1st Newsletter
Back to School Night
Anna Yates TK-8th Grade will have its Back To School Night won Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Elementary (grades TK-5th) teachers will welcome students from 5-6 PM. Middle School (grades 6th-8th) teachers will welcome students from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Elementary school teachers will have their first presentation at 5 PM and their second presentation at 5:30 PM.
Back to School Night is great opportunity to learn more about school and class expectations, meet your child/children´s teacher, visit the classroom(s), hear about what students will be learning this year, ask questions, and find opportunities to get involved at the school!
Coach Ray, Magenta, Principal Animuntu (middle school) , and Principal Chavez (elementary) will be at the front lobby to welcome and answer questions as needed.
We will have ASL interpretation.
After School Program Orientation
After School Program Orientation
The Rec is having their monthly family orientation on Tuesday September 17th at 5:30pm in the Teen Center for perspective families interested in signing up for the after school program.
Only families that attend this orientation will have the opportunity to fill out the Rec. application so their child can begin program on October 1st. The next orientation will be in October for November enrollment.
More information about the expanded learning program can be found on the Emeryville website.
Coffee with the Principal
September Coffee with the Principal
Join us in front of the school for our first monthly Coffee with the Principal of the school year! Please share your feedback; all questions, concerns, and appreciations are welcome.
September Coffee with the Principal will be on Friday, September 6th, 2024 during morning drop off on 53rd Street.
Volunteer Interest Questionnaire
Family Questionnaire
Anna Yates Elementary has partnerships with Scientific Adventures for Girls, Girls on the Run, Kala Institute, The People´s Conservatory, and New Arts Foundation to provide after school, art, and dance programming for our students.
We would like to expand on the programming, plan special events, and celebrations for our students and we need your help. Please fill our the volunteer interest form to share with us your ideas, skills, talents, and interests.
Mark your calendar!
- Monday, September 2nd: (No School) Memorial Day Holiday
- Wednesday, September 4th: Back to School Night
- Friday, September 6th: Coffee with the Principal
- Friday, September 27th: Free Dress Day
- Monday, September 30th: Picture Day
- Friday, October 4th: Coffee with the Principal
- Wednesday, October 9th: Jog-a-Thon
- Monday, October 14: (No School) Indigenous People´s Day
- Friday, October 25th: Free Dress Day
- Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade