September 12th, 2024

Save The Date
- 9/12 Restaurant Night TONIGHT - Parry's Pizza - Highlands Ranch location
- 9/13 *NEW DATE* PTO Meeting 8:30am - 9:15am
- 9/13 Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat Day
- 9/13-9/15 Colorado Rockies Tickets Fundraiser
- 9/16-9/19 NO BUS 62 & 301
- 9/19 Fund Run
- 9/20 NO SCHOOL- Professional Development Day
- 9/23 Battle of the Books parent meeting - 5:30pm in the library
- 9/24th-26th Parent Teacher Conferences
- 9/27 Fund Run Money Due
Action Items
PLEASE be sure to check your student(s) Thursday folders or take home binder tonight for A LOT of information!
School Information
NO Bus 9/16-9/19
Route 62 AND 301 are cancelled next week due to the rolling bus cancellation schedule.
Parents, please plan for more traffic during drop off and pick up. Thank you!
Bring your best hat or get creative with crazy hair OR crazy hat TOMORROW, September 13th.
Calling all 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders who love to read and enjoy a bit of competition! We will read a ton of great books and learn to work together as a team along the way. If you are interested in checking it out or learning more, please email Melissa Crooks at melissamcrooks@gmail.com.
Our informational parent meeting is on Monday, September 23rd at 5:30 pm. Please join us to learn what Battle of the Books is all about. This meeting is for ALL families who have participated previously or are new to the activity. Battlers (students) are not required to attend this meeting.
The book lists are out now! Let's get reading today! Check out the books here. All local Douglas County libraries will have multiple copies available to check out/put on hold. Don't forget to ask about the "Your Lucky Day" section in the children's area of your nearest local library.
Heritage yearbooks are now available for pre-order with a 10% discount through September 30th!
Click the flyer above and use Passcode: 1013850739261506 to order now!
Upcoming Events
Fund Run- One Week Away!
The annual Heritage Fund Run is Thursday, September 19th.
DONATE NOW! Set up your child’s Fundraising page on Handbid!
Share this URL with friends and family all over the country!
We need volunteers! Sign up to help out on the day of our Fund Run:
FUND RUN UPDATE: So far, we have raised over $19,000! We still have a ways to go to reach our $30,000 goal!
Help your teacher get on the leaderboard! Every classroom that reaches $1,500 will get to have a classroom T.P. Party! We still have 14 teachers that need your help!
Heritage FUND RUN Day September 19th Schedule
Come join your child during their specials time to run along with them and cheer them on!
All families are welcome!
- 4th Grade 9:30 – 10:10
- 6th Grade 10:15 – 10:55
- 5th Grade 11:00 – 11:40
- 1st Grade 12:20 – 1:00
- 3rd Grade 1:05 – 1:45
- Kindie 1:50 – 2:30
- 2nd Grade 2:35 – 3:15
Got Talent?!
Heritage Talents are out of this world on October 24th at 1:45pm and 6:00pm.
Auditions are going to be held on September 17th and 23rd from 3:50-5:30pm - sign ups will be via Sign Up Genius, linked HERE. Please limit performance time to a maximum of 3 minutes in length. Performance tracks are optional, but if you need one please have your track ready at auditions. Permission slips can be found HERE or picked up from Miss Hess, and must be turned in at the audition. Tech Crew and Stage Design team sign up information can be found at the link below. Please contact Miss Hess with any questions at khess1@dcsdk12.org
Click this link to view the flyer and access registration links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmIVOgY1r8bPD8hUGqeVYRxT6GsDGWpE/view?usp=sharing
Bond Initiative
Learn how Heritage would benefit from Bond funding: https://funding.dcsdk12.org/2024-bond/how-my-school-would-benefit
Check out the district's funding website at www.dcsdk12.org/funding if you have any other questions.
PTO Updates
Please join us tomorrow at 8:30am in the library for our PTO meeting. If you are unable to attend, but are still interested in helping the PTO, fill out this quick survey:
Additional support of the Heritage PTO can be made by joining the PTO and providing a $25 donation.
Join today at: https://ptoheritage.org/pto-payments/ols/products/heritage-pto-membership
Parry's Pizza Restaurant Night is TONIGHT!
Ditch the dishes and head over to Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse (9567 S University Blvd) on Thursday, September 12th 11:00am-9:00pm. Just let them know that you’re with Heritage and 20% of the proceeds will come back to the school.
Colorado Rockies School Fundraiser THIS weekend!
Enjoy a Rockies game and Support Heritage all at the same time. Purchase tickets for September 13, 14, or 15 using our link and a portion of your ticket will come back to Heritage. Up to 12 tickets
can be purchased at a time through the website. Need more than 12 tickets? Contact Ryan Tapp at ryan.tapp@rockies.com or 303-312-2443. The 3 schools with the highest ticket sales will nominate an outstanding teacher or staff member to be recognized on the field September 13.
Fall 2024 Parent Teacher Conference Dinners
Conferences are quickly approaching and we want to say “thank you” to our amazing teachers! The PTO will be catering dinner for the teachers both nights of conferences (September 24th & September 26th) and are hoping to cover the cost with donations. Please click the SignUp Genius link below to let us know which night you would like to donate towards. Then, please send in your donation (cash or check made out to Heritage PTO) in an envelope marked "Fall PTO Conference Dinner.” Thank you so much for making these dinners possible for the amazing teachers at Heritage!
Ongoing Heritage Fundraisers
Click for more information: https://ptoheritage.org/ongoing-fundraisers.
Heritage Spiritwear!
Did you know that Fridays are Heritage Spirit days? We have lots of new items. Place your order online and have it shipped directly to you or pick it up in the store.
Heritage earns 20% back for every order. Order yours today!
Activities & Enrichment Opportunities
Peachjar - Your one stop destination for school flyers!
Are you looking for information about after school activities, community events, and enrichment opportunities? Don’t forget to check out Peachjar! Peachjar is an electronic flyer distribution system that streamlines school-to-home information. Douglas County School District and Heritage Elementary are continuing our partnership with Peachjar in the 2024-2025 school year. By using Peachjar, schools and community partners save paper, reduce costs and save time. Flyers distributed through Peachjar include approved flyers from schools, parent groups, community organizations and district departments.
Parents can subscribe to Peachjar at anytime, or click the Peachjar logo on the Heritage website as shown in the image above.
Community Events through The Foundation
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools has some great Community Events already lined up for our school community!
Detailed information can be found on the Community Event page of The Foundation's website. All tickets can be purchased directly from that page as well. Current offerings include tickets to the Colorado Rockies, Rapids, Avalanche, Air Force Falcons, Elitch Theme Park, Lone Tree Arts Center, DCPA and more - check back often for new opportunities to be added!
These are fun, discounted opportunities, and a portion of each ticket purchased goes back to DCSD!