LPS Tiger Talk
January 31, 2025
Message From The Principal
Dear LPS Families,
Celebrating Terrific Tigers is a highlight in the building each month. Today, we celebrated a great group of second grade students and yesterday was an awesome celebration for first grade. Congratulations to this month's Terrific Tigers. You are amazing and we are glad you are part of our school!
Each month during our Terrific Tiger Celebration days, we also open up our Tiger Trading Post store. It's awesome to see our students take pride in what they've earned and watch them make purchasing decisions for how they want to spend their Tiger Tickets. The student ownership and feeling of accomplishment is a wonderful part of our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) system here at LPS.
I hope our Tigers have a wonderful weekend! We will see them back on Monday.
Kevin Fancher
Important Upcoming Dates
4 - LPS Night Out At Dewey's Pizza
6 - Parent Teacher Conferences (4-7:30pm)
7 - Magazine Sale Kick Off
13 - Spring Picture Day
14 - Magazine Sale Turn In #1
14 - Valentine Parties
17 - President's day - No School
21 - Magazine Sale Turn In #2
28 - Magazine Sale Final Turn In
LPS Night Out At Dewey's Pizza ~Tuesday, 2/4, 4-9 PM
We have our next LPS Night Out on Tuesday, 2/4 at Dewey's Pizza. Mention LPS at this Giveback Night when dining in or ordering carryout and up to 20% of all sales will be donated to LPS. Online orders must mention "GBN" in the Order Notes.
Spring Picture Day Is Coming On 2/13
Pre-order your pictures on mylifetouch.com using your Student ID or Picture Day ID: EVT9FJPVB
Counselor's Corner
Gifted Testing
The state of Ohio requires that school districts provide an identification procedure for gifted/talented students. However, per the Ohio Department of Education, school districts are not required to serve. Click HERE to learn more about how Loveland serves gifted students. Loveland offers full grade testing in second and fourth grades. All second graders are scheduled to test on Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday February 19th so no referrals are needed. If parents/teachers of first grade students wish to request testing, referral forms are available here. The form is due to the LPS school counselor no later than February 14, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Darcie Chandler (School Counselor) at chandlda@lovelandschools.org.
Kindness Club
Our next LPS Kindness Club project will be collecting the aluminum tabs from your soda (and other) cans for the Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House. They earn money for each pound of pop tabs and typically earn more than $20,000 per year to help support their families and to help fund other projects. We will be collecting pop tabs throughout both January and February, until February 28th. Please put the tabs in a baggie/container and send them in whenever you have them...the more we can deliver to The Ronald McDonald House, the more families we can help. Thank you!
Therapy Dog at LPS
Loveland Primary School will soon have a therapy dog on campus. Jordy is a golden retriever who has gone through training and certification through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. LPS School Counselor Darcie Chandler is Jordy’s owner and handler at school.
Jordy is trained to provide affection, comfort, and support for students. Research shows that therapy dogs help reduce stress and anxiety, provide a sense of connection, and increase empathy and compassion among students. Mrs. Chandler is excited to have Jordy visit campus a few days a week to assist in her role of helping students.
We’ll be introducing Jordy to students and going over expectations in the coming weeks. Jordy’s visits will be voluntary. If your child is allergic to dogs, afraid of dogs, or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Chandler at chandlda@lovelandschools.org.
Conference Meal Dinners
Parent / Teacher conferences are coming up this week on Thursday 2/6.
LEPTA has arranged for the main portion of the meals that evening to be covered so that our teachers can focus on conferences, but we have a few side items we are looking for help providing.
If you are interested in helping out, please see the below sign-up link. Thanks!
Save The Date For Our Spring Showcase
Get Your Tickets To Tiger Ball!
Support the Loveland Athletic Boosters as they support our student athletes, and get your tickets to Tiger Ball 2025. The Tiger Ball is going “back to the future” at the Landing Event Center on Saturday, March 8. Join your friends for food and fun, music and dancing. Get your event tickets and Split The Pot tickets now by following this link: https://tigerball2025.givesmart.com/.
Contact Loveland Primary School
Principal: Kevin Fancher (fancheke@lovelandschools.org)
Assistant Principal: Katie Cameron (cameroka@lovelandschools.org)
Counselor: Darcie Chandler (chandlda@lovelandschools.org)
Secretaries: Karen De Jongh (dejongka@lovelandschools.org)
Health Aide: Connie Smith (smithco@lovelandschools.org)
To report an absence call (513) 697-3888 by 9:30 am
Website: Lovelandschools.org
Location: 550 Loveland Madeira Road, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: 513-683-3101
Facebook: LPS
Twitter: @LPStigers