Lions Letter
April 9, 2020
Principal's Power Hour - Tonight! 6:30
Tips for Parents to Help Students with Remote Learning
Parents, please be sure to allow Google Classroom notifications so that you get up to date information about your child's classes.
You can check on how your students are progressing by asking to see their Edgenuity class tiles. There is a pacing bar that shows different colors for the levels of progress. Blue means the student is on track. Green means the student is ahead. Red means the student is behind. Please note that the percentage of completion is based on a May 1 end date. The percentage might seem low, but if the assignments are completed for the week and the pacing bar is blue or green, you student is on target for completing assignments.
Lessons are posted by 9:00 am Monday morning.
Here are some instructions and guidelines for using Edgenuity that parents might find helpful.
The Pomodoro Technique Can Help Students Focus
1) Choose ONE task to work on.
2) Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on the task for that amount of time.
3) When the timer goes off, take a 5 minute break. Stretch, go to the bathroom, do a quick chore.
This is one pomodoro session.
4) After 4 pomodoro sessions, take a longer break, about 20 to 30 minutes. Take a walk, have lunch, call a friend, or read a book.
A couple of things to remember:
* It is important to remember to work on only ONE task at a time.
* Be sure to remove any distraction. Close all extra apps on your phone or put it in airplane mode. Close all tabs on the computer. Make sure you have a quiet place to work.
* Be sure to have all necessary materials at hand. You don't want to lose focus by having to look for things.
Important Links Related to Phase 3 of Remote Learning
On April 6, we launched Phase 3 of the Remote Learning Plan for School Closure. Initial information was shared with our Plano ISD community and is linked on our district website, but we would like to share what Phase 3 means for our students while we can't meet face to face. For many of our core courses, we are using a new online platform called Edgenuity along with the learning that teachers will be designing and sharing with students using Google Classroom.
Each week, teachers will be sharing lessons and assignments using the Edgenuity platform and provide communication regarding any additional assignments needed to support student learning.
Students can access Edgenuity through a new tile that has been placed on their WebDesk home screen. As students launched Edgenuity, they were required to watch an orientation video that provided directions on how to use the platform.
Here is the link to access the Student Overview Video that launched when students accessed the platform for the first time.
More information and helpful links will be provided on the district website soon.
El 6 de abril, el distrito lanzó la tercera etapa del plan de aprendizaje de distancia para el cierre de la escuela. La información inicial fue compartida con nuestra comunidad, y queremos compartir lo que esto significa para nuestros estudiantes mientras que no podemos vernos cara a cara. Para varios de nuestros cursos básicos, el distrito estará utilizando una nueva plataforma en línea llamada Edgenuity, junto con lecciones diseñadas por nuestros maestros/as que serán compartidas en Google Classroom.
Cada semana, los maestros/as compartirán lecciones y tareas que sus estudiantes tendrán que completar dentro de la plataforma Edgenuity, y tareas adicionales que realizaremos en línea juntos para apoyar el aprendizaje.
Los estudiantes accederán la plataforma usando WebDesk y un nuevo mosaico que se ha colocado en la pantalla principal llamado Edgenuity. Cuando se inicie el programa Edgenuity, los estudiantes vieron un video que les dio instrucciones sobre cómo usar la plataforma. Este video se lanzará cuando los estudiantes accedan la plataforma Edgenuity por primera vez. Aquí puede encontrar el video de orientación estudiantil (ingles).
Más información será proporcionada en el sitio web del distrito muy pronto.
McMillen's New Twitter for Parents, Teachers and Staff
Take Care of Yourself
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