Eagle Express
February 5, 2025
Mission Statement
St. John Lutheran School exists to nurture children in faith and intellect, equipping them for Christian lives of service.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven us."
Ephesians 4:32
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic book fair is February 10-14.
PTP is still looking for parent volunteers to work the cash register after school 3:00-5:00 any day that week and pack up the fair Sunday, February 16th at 12:00. Volunteering earns PPP hours. Below is the link to sign up for specific spots.
Please contact Kate Jorgensen (605-695-4768 or katelynn_01@hotmail.com) or Mary-Ann Penaloza (414-313-3636 or mlince14@gmail.com) with questions.
BOOK FAIR - eWallet
Below please find the link to our school book fair homepage. There you can find event details, browse books, and set up your student's eWallet for easy shopping.
School Accreditation
Our school is accredited by Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation (WELSSA). This involves a process in which the school evaluates its current educational practices and seeks sound methods to build on its strengths and determine new ways to grow and strengthen the educational ministry of the school for the benefit of the students and parents to the glory of God.
WELSSA operates under these three core values:
continuous improvement,
distinctly Lutheran,
and discerning accountability.
WELSSA is a sanctioned member of the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).
Since we are at the end of an accreditation cycle, a visiting team of 4 members will be coming into our school next week Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They will be observing our classrooms, touring our facility, interviewing staff and various parents, and going through our submitted documentation. On Friday, February 14, they will share their results during a presentation in the church at 3:45pm.
If you see any of these visiting members next week, be sure to greet them and share your input if they ask you to do so. We ask for God's blessings on their visit and on our efforts as we continually work to improve our school.
Tuesday Fun Runs
Starting Tuesday, February 11, Mr. Kopczynski will be offering a 15-minute after-school fun run as he has done the past couple of years. We will always meet in the 5th & 6th grade classroom and then, weather permitting, head outdoors for a run. All 3rd - 8th graders are welcome to join the fun!
Pine Car Derby
Wednesday, February 19, 4 p.m.
Come and cheer on the boy and girl pioneers at the St. John Pine Car Derby. Event starts at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, and should run to about 5:00 pm. There will be awards for boys and girls in speed and style. All are invited to attend. We hope to see you there!
St. John Snow Tubing Event
Join your St. John friends and family on Saturday, February 22, from 4-6 PM for snow tubing as a group up at Crystal Ridge in Franklin, WI. We have 30 allotted tickets, so first come first serve. There is no minimum age requirement, but all tubers must be at least 36 inches tall. If you are coming, you will need to fill out a waiver in advance. To purchase tickets and for more information, please either scan the QR code below or go to the following website:
Contact Paul Massey with any questions: paul.massey@stjohnslib.com or 847-275-6222.
Daddy Daughter Dance
The St. John Daddy Daughter Dance is back! Dads and daughters are invited to join us for an unforgettable event on Sunday, February 23, 2 to 4pm. This event will include music, dancing, games, a dessert bar and MORE! A donation of $10 per family is suggested. Please fill out this RSVP form by February 13 so we can be prepared for your arrival! If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Lofsness (sarah.lofsness@stjohnslib.com).
PPP Opportunities
Contact Sarah Lofsness, sarah.lofsness@stjohnslib.com, if you can help
- Assist with Daddy Daughter Dance (February 23, 2025) - various roles: planning, decorating, prep work, clean-up, photography, help during event
Registration for 2025/2026 School Year
Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is open!
You are invited to join us for Registration Night on Monday, March 17, 3-6 p.m. You can sign-up here for a time to talk with our finance team and to get your packet of forms from Mrs. Schubert. It is helpful, but not mandatory to sign-up for a time slot. Please feel free to still attend Registration Night even if you don't sign-up for a specific time. If needed, an alternate day and time can be scheduled. We will also have an Irish-themed dinner available during this time.
Thank you for your partnership. It is a true joy for us to serve you and your family through the ministry of St. John Lutheran School. We look forward to another great school year!
Chapel Offering for the 2024-2025 School Year
Chapel Offerings so far: $1,238.70
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
Thursday, February 6: Basketball Practice, 3:30-5 p.m.
Friday, February 7: Baskeball Games at Trinity, Caledonia, starting at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 8: Basketball Games at Christian Life, Kenosha, starting at 9 a.m.
Monday, February 10 - Friday, February 14: Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, February 12 - Friday, February 14: WELSSA Accreditation Visit
Wednesday, February 12: Final Basketball Practice Party Day! All basketball players and parents too!
Wednesday, February 19: Pine Car Derby after school in Fellowship Hall - races start at 4 p.m., all welcome to attend!
Friday, February 21: School Spirit Day and Year Older Day
Saturday, February 22: Tubing Event, 4-6 p.m.
Sunday, February 23: Daddy Daughter Dance, 2-4 p.m.
Friday, February 28: No School, Teacher Inservice
St. John Lutheran School
Email: info@stjohnslib.com
Website: stjohnslib.com
Location: 501 West Park Avenue, Libertyville, IL, USA
Phone: (847)362-4424
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnslib/