Family Weekly Update
Collins Community
Welcome back everyone! We hope you all enjoyed the time with friends and family. Trimester II ended today and reports cards will soon be posted. There are many important dates coming up we want to make sure you are aware of over the next couple of weeks. Make sure you read through the newsletter. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you,
Wednesday, March 6th
No School
There will be no school Wednesday, March 6th.
Week Ahead: February 26th - March 2nd
Monday - Day 3
Tuesday - Day 4
Wednesday - No School
Thursday - Day 1
Friday - Day 2
Trimester Dates
Mark Your Calendar
March 1 - Trimester II Ends (Today)
March 4 - Trimester III Begins
March 15 - Report Cards Published
March 20 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Charlotte Forten in Salem
6th Grade Work at Charlotte Forten Display at Old Town Hall
Intramural Basketball:
Saturday 3/2- Dub City vs Elite - 11:00-11:50
- Celtics vs Lakers - 12:00-12:50
Intramural Volleyball:
- Practices will start Tuesday March 5th - 3:25-4:25 PM - late bus available at 4:40 PM
- The first games will be played Saturday March 16th - times to determined
- Times of practices/games and the number of teams will be determined based on registration numbers.
- Please sign up by filling out the form below by March 1st! Please fill out this google doc to register your child!: Intramural co-ed volleyball sign-up
8th Graders Visit the Edward M. Kennedy Institute
.Pathways to Citizenship
Students in 8 South at CMS participated in a program called Pathways to Citizenship. Students acted as senators and deliberated and voted on legislation regarding farm workers, Dreamers, refugees and general immigrant population. CMS North on 3/15 and CMS pilot on 3/22.
Collins Middle School Attendance
March Madness
Last year Collins Middle School 24.3% of students were chronically absent. This year the number is down 16.5% That is amazing progress! Thank you. We want to continue our early success with a little fun. This month we will have a CREW March Madness. Every Friday CREWs will be matched up for some friendly competition. The CREW with the highest attendance percentage will move on to the next round. Let's see everyone have a great month of March!
Salem High School CTE
CTE Open House
Students and families of Collins Middle School and Saltonstall School are invited to attend the Career Technical Education (CTE) Immersive Open House Saturday, Mar. 2, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Salem High School.
Register Now
The CTE pathways include:
- Automotive Technology
- Building and Property Maintenance
- Carpentry
- Culinary Arts
- Early Education and Care
- Electrical Engineering
- Medical Assisting
- Programming & Web
- Graphic Design
The Open House includes tours of the CTE facilities with recent graduates and industry professionals on hand to answer questions.
For more information, view the attached flyers or contact CTE Director Mario Sousa at
High School Visit
8th Grade Visits
8th graders will be visiting Salem High School the week of March 4th. Here is the agenda for the day.
9am - Arrival and welcome presentation from Mr. Sousa or Ms. DeRosa in the auditorium
9:10-9:30 - course selection presentation
- Meghan G. Sousa will present 9th grade course selection options at SHS and give an introduction to elective choices and pathway opportunities.
9:30-10:30 - Salem High School Tours
- Students will tour the high school with an emphasis on AP elective classrooms and CTE shops. Tours will be led by Salem High School students.
10:30-10:50 - Salem High School Q & A round tables in the IMC
- Small groups of 8th grade students will be paired with a 9th grader and
upperclass student to ask questions about their high school experiences, course
selection, and fill out elective choices.
10:50-11:00 - Closing remarks from Mr. Burns and departure
MCAS Dates (Updated)
Save the Dates:
8th - April 2nd and 3rd
6th - April 4th and 5th
7th - April 9th and 10th
Make-Ups week of 4/22 and days after the grade level testing window (until 4/26)
Math -
8th - April 30th and May 1st (Make-Up 2nd and 3rd)
7th - May 7th and 8th
6th - May 9th and 10th
Make-Ups until 5/24
8th - May 14th and 15th (Makeups until the 5/24)
Performance Assessment - May 30th
End of Course Assessment - June 4th (Makeups until 6/7)
Parent Teacher Organization
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 5th at 5:30PM - Main Office of CMS. There will also be a virtual link.
English Learners Parent Advisory Council
Who are we?
We are ELPAC!
We are parents or guardians of children who are learning English (ESL), or learning two languages (Dual Language) We also advise the school district and the School Committee about issues related to children who are learning English. All families of English Learners are welcome! We meet 5 times a year. If you are interested in joining us, we would love to have you!
2023-24 Meeting Schedule:
- Wednesday, Mar. 27: Multi-Language Learner Family Night at Saltonstall School (6-7:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, Apr. 4: ELPAC Meeting via Zoom (6-7:30 p.m.)
- June 2024/Date TBA: ELPAC Meeting at Horace Mann Field (6-7:30 p.m.)
8th Grade NYC Trip
8th grade families!
Online payments for the 8th Grade NY Trip are now live! - Our unique code is collins24
NY Trip Online Payment Registration (English)
NY Trip Online Payment Registration (Portuguese)
If you have any questions while navigating this process, please feel free to reach out to Malcolm Pimentel, and Ben Chertok