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Digital Teaching and Learning
March 10, 2021
"A sense of success comes from a point of failure in the past."
-Jackie Tarbert, Director of Office of Organizational Development
This week, consider what failure can teach us about success.
- How does your current room setup compare to the fall?
- When have you experienced a set back in distance/hybrid teaching? How did you reflect and change your instructional strategy?
- How are you embracing the mess? How are you encouraging your students to embrace the mess?
Kim Perouty, general educator, reflects on what she has learned from challenges:
Technology Contacts Quick Guide
One of the challenges of working in our technology driven eco-system relates to who one should contact when we have technology questions or problems.
Use this Technology Contacts Quick Guide to help you identify who to contact when you need support. It might be helpful to print this document and post it near your workstation, as you set up your room for hybrid instruction.
Digital Teaching and Learning Modules
Reminder: Module 5 of the Digital Teaching and Learning Professional Development course is available as a resource for teachers. Specific content related to the transition to a hybrid environment include:
- Hybrid Teaching and Learning Scenarios
Scenario 1: Teacher teaches both students in the classroom and students at home from the teacher's desk through itslearning and Microsoft Teams
Scenario 2: Teacher teaches from the teacher's desk using the projector
Scenario 3: Teacher teaches from the front of the room using the document camera or webcam
Hybrid Learning Strategies Webinars
Various sessions with an elementary and secondary focus on hybrid learning strategies will be offered to teachers throughout the mornings of March 12 and March 19. Sessions will support educators as they prepare for learning and teaching in a hybrid environment. These sessions will incorporate strategies that highlight collaboration, communication, assessment, and engagement. Additional details and registration is available in HECTOR.
Who: All Teachers and Instructional Staff
What: Hybrid Learning Strategies Webinar
When: Friday, March 12 & Friday, March 19
Register in Hector for your sessions.
Access previous issues of the Digital Teaching and Learning newsletter.