This Week at GLOBE
News & Notes | August 21, 2024
Key dates
Today, August 21
Ice cream social at Lower Campus, 3:15pm–4:45pm.
6th grade Orchestra Parent and Student Meeting, 6pm–7pm.
August 21–23
MAP Testing @ Upper Campus continues.
August 22
Parent Coffee Talk - Reading (grades K–8) - UC at 8:30am.
Ice cream social at UC, 3:50pm–5pm.
Band Parent Meeting, 6pm.
August 26
Board of Directors meeting, 7pm–9pm.
August 27
Fall Picture Day.
Lower Campus Curriculum Night, 6pm–8pm.
August 28
Spirit Night at Matthews Cafeteria, 5pm–8pm.
August 29
Upper Campus Curriculum Night, 6pm–8pm.
September 2
Labor Day - No School
September 8
Cub Scout Pack 345 (grades K–5) kick-off meeting, 2pm–3pm, Charles McDaniel Park.
Parent Coffee Talk, Reading, tomorrow at 8:30am, UC Cafeteria
Join us on Thursday at 8:30am in the Upper Campus Cafeteria for our Parent Coffee Talk about Reading. Hosted by Sabrina Manns and Megan Tolbert, the coffee talk will provide an overview of GLOBE's English Literacy Program and will also address upcoming curriculum changes for the 2025-2026 school year. The presentation will also be recorded and added to GLOBE's YouTube channel.
Thank you for supporting the second annual GLOBE Games!
The second annual GLOBE Games kicked-off last Friday to an evening of friendly fun competition and socializing. The students had a great time playing soccer, while families and friends gathered in the stands and Silverbacks' bar and grill, Willie B's, to catch up on all things GLOBE.
During the games, Ollie the Owl (GLOBE's mascot) made an appearance, much to the delight of the students, and was even captured dancing to the Macarena! (check it out here).
The victors lifting the trophy for this year's tournament were the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who found the back of the net twice during the final game against the adult team, consisting of GLOBE teachers, staff and parents. The final score, students 2, teachers 1.
Congratulations also to GLOBE Games raffle prize winner, Kingsley Dunwoody, who won two tickets to see Atlanta United vs Montréal in October, at the Mercedes Benz Stadium.
Thanks to your generous support, this year's GLOBE Games raised over $1200, which will be used to directly support our student athletes, helping them to continue excelling in their sports and beyond.
Well done to everyone who took part and a huge thank you to all of our amazing organizers and volunteers, without which this event could not take place.
For further information about our athletic program, click here.
Melissa Lewis
Athletic Director
Campus Notes
Ice Cream Socials
Let’s have a sweet start to the new year and enjoy some treats at the Ice Cream Social. Parents, caretakers, teachers, staff, students, siblings and friends are welcome.
Lower Campus: Today, August 21, from 3:15pm to 4:45pm.
Upper Campus: Thursday, August 22, from 3:45pm to 5:00pm.
Sick child protocols
It is Covid, Cold, and Flu season again. Please do not send your child to school sick.
As per DeKalb County Schools guidelines, students must be fever free without any fever reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to campus. Students who have tested positive for Covid may return to school 24 hours after symptoms resolve and they are fever free without the use of any fever reducing medications. Thank you for your partnership in helping to keep our school sickness free.
Arrival and Departure Protocols
Thank you for your help in keeping our carpool at both campuses as efficient and safe as possible. If you did not see the recent communication about our latest arrival and departure protocols (at both campuses), please read it here.
Start-of-the-school-year checklist
Take a moment to download our checklist and make sure you have completed all of the necessary tasks for the start of the school year.
Upper Campus notes
Parent Coffee Talk | Reading | Grades K–8
We welcome all Lower and Upper Campus GLOBE parents/guardians to our Parent Coffee Talk about Reading, tomorrow, August 22 at 8:30am, in the UC Cafeteria.
Connections - Music
Please mark these upcoming dates on your calendar.
August 21
6th grade Orchestra Parent and Student Meeting, 6–7pm (required for all 6th grade families).
August 22
Band Parent Meeting, 6pm in the Auditorium.
Please enter through the front gate next to the office. In addition to answering all of your questions about band, Mr. Page from Art’s Music will be in attendance and will have a sampling of upgrade mouthpieces for 7th and 8th grade students to try out if they attend.
August 23–30
6th grade Band Instrument Testing (by appointment).
Scout Pack 345 (grades K–5)
The kickoff meeting for Cub Scout Pack 345 takes place on Sunday, September 8, from 2–3pm, at the Lower Campus playground (Charles McDaniel Park).
All current members and any interested new families with children in grades K–5 at The GLOBE Academy are invited to come out for some fun, to learn about our exciting plans for the year, and participate in a new camper orientation.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with our Scouting community and get ready for an adventurous year ahead!
For more information, please send us an email.
Parent Teacher Community Council
Yearbook Picture Day Volunteers Needed
There are still some slots available at Upper Campus. If you want to get your volunteer hours in early this school year, come help out with Yearbook Picture Day on August 27, 2024. Click here to sign up for Upper Campus.
Spirit Night at Matthews Cafeteria
Our first spirit night of the school year is happening on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at Matthews Cafeteria, from 5pm to 8pm.
Enjoy dinner with family or friends and Matthews will give 10% of proceeds to GLOBE's PTCC.
Volunteer with the PTCC
The PTCC leadership team invites you to join a PAC (Parent Action Committee) as a co-lead, join a subcommittee or sign-up to be a Room Parent. Please complete the Parent Volunteer Survey, register for the new PTCC website and stay tuned for upcoming PTCC events and volunteer opportunities.
We look forward to seeing you at the Ice Cream Socials this week. You can also email PTCC Officers at any time.
Parent Volunteer Survey | Visit the PTCC Website | Download the PTCC Flyer
Upcoming parent meetings for Fall Sports
August 26 - Volleyball and Cross Country parent meeting, from 5–5:30pm, in the UC Cafeteria.
August 27 - Boys Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee parent meeting, from 5–5:30pm at Silverbacks Stadium Field.
Thank you once again for supporting this year's GLOBE Games! Visit the athletics website to find out about our athletics program, and watch out for more upcoming events and activities!
Support GLOBE athletics
Visit our Sideline store for GLOBE athletic wear | Join GLOBE Athletic Club.
Board of Directors
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Monday, August 26 at 7:00pm. Register to attend the Zoom webinar here.
Annual Fund Challenge
Every year, each classroom competes to see who will be first to reach 100% participation in the Annual Fund Challenge. To kick start the year, a challenge is being presented to you all. The class at each campus with the highest participation rate by September 2, 2024 wins a Popsicle Party and a surprise for each student. Donate here! Thank you to all who have donated thus far. We have raised 10% of our goal!
Mark your calendars for November 15 as GLOBE Trot is returning!
Planning for GLOBE’s biggest fundraiser of the year has already begun. GLOBE Trot is a school-wide fun run and exercise-focused event where all GLOBE students will run, skip, race, and have fun while promoting healthy bodies and healthy minds. Volunteers are needed to help with planning events for the day, fundraising, and soliciting donations. If you are interested in volunteering and creating a lasting memory for the student body, please reach out to Obse Ababiya and Andrew Dahl.
2024/25 Yearbook
Be a wise owl like Ollie, and click here to reserve your 2024/25 yearbook.
Send us your photos
The yearbook is only as good as the pictures in it. We want your photos!
We especially would like photos of any GLOBE sporting event. If you go to a game during the year, please take pictures and send them to us.
GLOBE's Photo Share site
Sharing photos with the yearbook staff has never been easier.
Click here to go to GLOBE's Photo Share site.
Click "Get Started"
Add your contact information: Use I am a ... to make sure photos end up in the right place. If you choose Student, follow the onscreen instructions to make sure that the photo is tagged correctly.
Check your email for a verification code. Enter it and click Verify to continue.
Review the photo guidelines then select Choose Images to select photos from your device.
Make sure you tag people in the photo.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tamiko Jones, Admissions Coordinator, via email at Admissions@theglobeacademy.net or call 404-464-7040, ext. 225.
The breakfast and lunch menus for August can be found on the website, here.
For further information about school meals, MyPaymentPlus, nutrition, and the USDA, visit GLOBE’s website at theglobeacademy.org/School-Lunch. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Briana Caddell.
Have a question?
You are welcome to submit it here, or consult this chart to find out who to contact.
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