Jag News
Weekly Updates for August 24 - 28
Message from the Principal
We had a very successful first week with 100% virtual classes! As we enter week two, the students and teachers are getting use to the routine and how to navigate Google Classroom and Zoom.
All teachers will record a direct teach lesson each day and post it in their Google Classroom. For students that are not able to join their class for the scheduled time, they will have the option to learn asynchronously each day. This allows for a student to work or help another family member with their schooling during their class time if needed. If a student chooses this option, they will be able to complete their school work at any point during that same day (before midnight) and not receive an absence.
It is great to see our students working hard and excited to be 'back in school'. As we continue to move towards the District's Phase In plan, we will keep everyone informed on what is happening. If you would like to see the Phase In plan, please click on this link.
Gary Comalander - Principal
Social Media connection at CTJ!
Social Media connection to CTJ! Most of the Johnson groups have their own Twitter handles but CTJ as a campus has a Twitter and Facebook account where you can stay connected with all the wonderful things happening at Johnson high school!
Twitter: @CTJohnsonHigh
Facebook: Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School North East ISD @JohnsonNEISD
Johnson Counseling Social Media info
Here is a great place to go where we will be advertising lots of scholarship information. Our Twitter account is: @CTJcounseling
Counseling Smore
For more information from the Johnson Counseling department, please check out this link.
Johnson HS information
I Still Need Help with Technology
Reminder, you can always connect to Google Classroom and to Zoom meetings through your smart phone. While you are limited with some of the tools available, you can connect with your teachers, stay engaged in the lesson, and be present in the class. If you are having problems with your computer, please join with your phone if you can.
SAT and PSAT testing information
Attached is a letter regarding the NEISD plan for SAT and PSAT/NMSQT testing opportunities for high school students. Reminder that these dates could change as needed based on current conditions.
Student Information
Yearbook Distribution
We are so excited to finally be able to distribute yearbooks to our students this week. Much like we've done for textbooks and other things, distribution this year will be a drive-thru event. Here are some quick instructions for picking up your book this week:
- We will be distributing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday beginning at 3:45 and closing up at 5:15 pm.
- Do not come early. We will not start before 3:45 PM.
- We will have more opportunities to get your Yearbook for those not able to make it on their day this week.
- Seniors will pick up their yearbook on Wednesday, juniors on Thursday, and sophomores on Friday.
- Make sure your have your student's name written large on a piece of paper on your dashboard.
- Please drive through our front circle - coming all the way down to the art patio area. We will run the book out to you from there.
Make sure your student has an ID - just in case there are any issues.
Also, if you would like to purchase one of the extra copies we have left - they are $80, payable by cash or check made out to Johnson HS.
If you have any questions, you can email me at vjewet@neisd.net.
Golf team tryouts
If you are interested in trying out for the golf team at Johnson High School please contact Mike Martin or Shawn Mahan for details.
Mike Martin – mmarti117@neisd.net
Shawn Mahan – smahan@neisd.net
CTJ updated Football schedule
Community Info
Jaguar Pride Association
Jaguar Pride Association - Merchandise and Membership
JPA is the athletic booster club for all sports teams at CTJ! Visit our new online Jag Gear store to help support each and every athletic program on campus. While you’re there, you can also purchase your JPA membership to further support our student athletes. Go Jags!
Agendas from our Theatre Dept
Jag Spirit Club Shop
CTJ PTSA Smart Driving Club
Johnson Spirit Night at Willies
Hello Johnson community!
As we prepare to dive into September, Johnson Spirit will be having a Spirit Night at Willies!!! Please know, this event is completely OPTIONAL. The Jaguar Spirit Night is at Willie’s Grill & Icehouse San Pedro on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. Willie’s Grill and Icehouse is open for Dine-In at 50% occupancy, Curbside, Take-out and Delivery business. Spirit nights are still good to go with these major reminders:
- Top volume for dinner is 6:00-7:30 and call volume may be so large that some callers will experience difficulty connecting, please be patient with us.
- Online orders DO NOT COUNT toward spirit night (sorry!!!). Spirit night supporters must order over the phone or in-person AND mention spirit night If spirit night is not printed on the itemized receipt, you were not counted and we can’t add these tickets after they’ve been closed.
- All spirit nights during quarantine are “ALL DAY” spirit nights.
Thank you in advance to those able to support us during this very difficult and extraordinary time. We hope you all are remaining safe and healthy!!
Johnson HS Google calendar
Please go to the Johnson calendar to see all activities. Soon we are hoping that there will be many games, concerts, and events happening every week. There is always valuable information on our calendar for events and deadlines. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=isa.neisd.net_1b1jb7tbikidnid7amtotnjk0o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FChicago
Let’s have a great week and Go Jaguars!
Gary Comalander