The Hornet's Buzz
A message from Dr. Clark

A Message from Dr. Clark
Dear Holy Cross Families,
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you rested and refreshed after a joyful holiday break with your loved ones. As we step into this new year together, I give thanks for the gift of our school community and for the blessings that each student, faculty member, staff member, and family brings to it.
May this year be one of grace, growth, and unity for your family and all of us as we continue to nurture our students' hearts, minds, and spirits. Together, let us walk in faith, guided by Christ's light, and deepen our commitment to love, service, and learning.
Thank you for your continued partnership, prayers, and support. I look forward to the semester ahead and all we will achieve as a community. Please read some important information regarding winter weather closures below.
I wish you a blessed, healthy, inspiring, and joyful New Year!
Paola V. Clark, Ed.D.
Queridas Familias de Holy Cross:
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Espero que este mensaje los encuentre descansados y renovados después de unas fiestas alegres con sus seres queridos. Al comenzar este nuevo año juntos, doy gracias por el regalo de la comunidad escolar y por las bendiciones que cada estudiante, miembro del personal docente y administrativo y familia aporta a ella.
Que este año sea uno lleno de gracia, crecimiento y unidad para sus familias y para todos nosotros, mientras continuamos formando los corazones, las mentes y los espíritus de nuestros niños. Juntos, caminemos en fe, guiados por la luz de Cristo, y profundicemos nuestro compromiso con el amor, el servicio y el aprendizaje.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo, oraciones y colaboración. Espero con entusiasmo todo lo que lograremos como comunidad en este semestre. Por favor lean a continuación información importante acreca de los cierres escolares por condiciones climáticas adversas.
¡Les deseo un Año Nuevo lleno de bendiciones, salud, insipiración y alegría!
Paola V. Clark, Ed.D.
Important Information on Winter Weather Closures
As we enter the winter season, we want to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, staff, and families. Please be aware that school closures or delays may occur due to inclement weather or poor road conditions.
Archdiocese schools in Johnson County will decide on snow/inclement weather day closures based on the nearest district ( Shawnee Mission School District). This may not apply to "cold weather" or "late start" days.
Please note that on days when Shawnee Mission is not in session (such as when they have professional development days or similar events), Holy Cross will make any closure decisions independently, prioritizing safety.
We will inform you of any closures as soon as decisions are made through the Holy Cross app, email, and social media sites. We encourage you to monitor these platforms regularly, especially in the mornings when weather conditions are uncertain.
Your child’s safety is our top priority. If school remains open but you feel that road conditions in your area are unsafe, please use your discretion. Absences due to severe weather will be excused with appropriate communication to the school office (gradeschool@holycrosscatholicschool.com).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to ensure a safe winter season. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Stay warm and safe!
A medida que entramos en la temporada de invierno, queremos garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias. Por favor, tengan en cuenta que podrían ocurrir cierres o retrasos en la escuela debido a condiciones climáticas adversas o carreteras en mal estado.
Las escuelas de la Arquidiócesis en el Condado de Johnson decidirán sobre cierres por nieve o clima adverso basándose en el distrito escolar más cercano (Shawnee Mission School District). Esto puede no aplicarse a días de "clima frío" o "inicio tardío".
Tenga en cuenta que, en días en que Shawnee Mission no tenga clases (como días de desarrollo profesional u otros eventos similares), Holy Cross tomará decisiones sobre cierres de manera independiente, dando prioridad a la seguridad.
Les informaremos sobre cualquier cierre tan pronto como se tomen las decisiones a través de la aplicación de Holy Cross, correo electrónico y redes sociales. Los animamos a monitorear estas plataformas con regularidad, especialmente por las mañanas cuando las condiciones climáticas sean inciertas.
La seguridad de su estudiante es nuestra máxima prioridad. Si la escuela permanece abierta, pero consideran que las condiciones de las carreteras en su área no son seguras, utilicen su discreción. Las ausencias debido a clima severo serán justificadas con la comunicación adecuada a la oficina escolar (gradeschool@holycrosscatholicschool.com).
Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación mientras trabajamos juntos para garantizar una temporada de invierno segura. Si tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la escuela.
¡Manténganse abrigados y seguros!
No Parking in the Tree Lot During School Hours
Arrival/Dismissal Reminders
Please help us prioritize the safety and security of our students and staff. A reminder that parking is not permitting in the Tree lot during school hours. If you need to park and come in to the school, please use the front parking by the main office. Also, only turn right onto 95th when exiting the parking lot. All visitors must stop by the front office to check in.
Student-Parent Handbook 2024-25
The Student-Parent Handbook for 2024-25 can be accessed here. Please note that as part of our continuous improvement efforts, this is a living document that will be revised as needed in order to nimbly respond to any needs that may arise. Any edits will appear in a different font color.
January Happenin's
Upcoming Dates
January 9 - All School Mass in the Gym
January 10 - Spirit/FIT Day | Grace & Grounds
January 16 - STREAM Night (Grades 3-5)
January 20 - NO SCHOOL | Martin Luther King Jr. | Inauguration
January 21 - Class & Group Photos
January 26-31 - Catholic Schools Week
January 26 - Open House @ 9:30 am
January 29 - Dinner Night Out @ Johnny's
Virtuous Formation Program/Education in Virtue
Holy Cross has adopted a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support System called the Be Holy Cross Virtuous Behavior Formation. Expectations are clearly defined under the “Be Holy Cross” framework. Students are expected to conduct themselves in keeping with the expectations set in this framework to be caring, responsible, obedient, and successful stewards. Individual, classroom, and school-wide expectations will be taught at the beginning of the school year and emphasized at various times. Students will be acknowledged for positive behaviors. This aligns with our annual theme: In a world where you can be anything...Be Holy Cross.
Education in Virtue is the Archdiocesan Catholic Social-Emotional Learning program, a key component of our Virtuous Formation Program. It provides a curriculum and resources developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, based on St. Thomas Aquinas’ teachings on the virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit. These resources provide a framework for helping people of all ages understand how to live more virtuously.
At Holy Cross, we highlight a virtue each month that is woven organically into lessons and our daily school life. They are used in our announcements to guide our morning prayer, selection of the Saint of the Month, activities for our Faith Families, and classroom lessons. The virtue of January is Respect.
Nurses' Nook
Holy Cross Families,
Polly and I wish to express our deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to all of you parents and caregivers of our lovely students. We greatly appreciate all you do to keep us informed about school absences, appointments, illness, out-of-town instances, and medical concerns with your children. Your diligence and love for your children enhance our job by keeping us well-informed and updated. We sincerely hope you had a blessed and restful holiday break with your family. Please do not hesitate to contact Polly Mandl and/or Nina Haverkamp with any of our concerns or questions as the 2024-2025 school year advances. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year.
Familias de Holy Cross,
Polly y yo deseamos expresar nuestra más profunda y sincera gratitud a todos ustedes los padres y cuidadores de nuestros encantadores estudiantes. Apreciamos enormemente todo lo que hacen por nosotros al mantenernos informadas sobre las ausencias escolares, citas, enfermedades, instancias fuera de la ciudad y preocupaciones médicas con sus hijos. Su diligencia y amor por sus hijos mejora nuestro trabajo al mantenernos bien informados y actualizados. Esperamos sinceramente que ustedes hayan tenido unas lindas fiestas y hayan descansado con su familia. Por favor, no duden en ponerse en contacto con Polly Mandl y / o Nina Haverkamp con cualquier preocupaciones o preguntas a medida que avanza el año escolar 2024-2025. Deseándoles un Año Nuevo lleno de alegría y salud.
Office Hours & E-mail Communications
Our regular office hours are as follows. Please note that the school office will be closed during holidays and school year breaks.
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Noon dismissal: 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Your students' classroom teachers are the best point of contact for any student matters. Our team will do their best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that it may take up to two business days to respond as our faculty and staff tend to students and duties throughout the day. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
In an emergency, please call or email the Front Office at gradeschool@holycrosscatholicschool.com, and we will assist.
Hornet Hub
💙🐝It's always a beautiful day for teaching and learning at Holy Cross! 🐝💙
- Catholic Schools Week (NCEA)
- Catholic Schools Week and Activities (Sadlier)
- Catholic Schools Week Inspiration (Archdiocese Seattle)