Fairfield Middle School
October Update
Homework Club
This year we are offering students an opportunity to get caught up on missing assignments on our 2:00 dismissals on Fridays during our Homework Club! Each week, Mrs. Marten will communicate with parents of students who need to stay after school. Then, she will set up students with an FMS staff member to assist until 3:30 with the goal to provide students time to complete their assignments and stay caught up in their classes. Be sure to be on the lookout for communication from Mrs. Marten!
Dress Up Days and Highlights
FMS students got into Homecoming Week by celebrating with Dress Up Days!
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Beach/Hawaiian Day
- Wednesday: Anything But a Backpack Day
- Thursday: Jersey/Team Day
- Friday: Trojan Pride Day
Students had creative ideas for Anything But a Backpack, to include fishing nets, coolers, laundry bags, and dog food bags!
Keepin' it Clean!
Breakfast in Commons
Starting this year, students must eat their breakfast in the commons as they aren't allowed to take it with them to eat in Trojan Time. Please have a conversation with your student about using their time to eat breakfast in the mornings and then head to class.
Listen to the Music!
Band Class Schedule Changes
If your student wishes to remove Band Class from their schedule, moving forward they won't be able to do so until the end of the trimester or within two weeks of a concert. This is to ensure that the band as a whole will be able to depend on its members to ensure a good concert at their events this year. Please contact Mrs. Danae Coleman if you have any questions!
Upcoming - FMS Book Fair!
The middle school book fair is coming up the week of October 7-October 11.
Send your students to school with money to be able to purchase books and other items at the fair! Students will be able to shop before and after school, during their ELA classes, and during study halls when Mrs. Miller is available.
FMS Conferences
Sign up by clicking the following link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Fairfield_Middle_School_3