Shark Scoop
September 2024
Principal, Ms. Jonas
Dear Naples Park Families,
The 2024/2025 school year at Naples Park Elementary School is off to a great start. I want to personally thank the community for a few things as the school Principal. First, thank you for having our Shark Students so ready for school. The students are back, working hard, happy, and modeling great leadership. Second, kudos to our students, staff, and the community for the hard work and effort on the Florida Standardized Assessments last year. We had amazing accomplishments, and all involved should be very proud of it. Thirdly, thank you for the amazing support you continue to show our school and staff. It is so great to work alongside such support.
Our theme this year, Naples Park Superheroes, will help our students and staff continue to work towards our goals. We plan to have a lot of fun as we dig deep into our academics, while building positive relationships.
As you all already know, and now I know it too, it is good to be a Naples Park Shark.
Stephanie Jonas
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Summers
Hello Amazing Families,
We will begin our first round of state testing (PM1) this week and testing will take place over the next few weeks. Students will be participating in the FAST State Assessment. Naples Park Elementary will observe a closed campus on state testing days. Visitors and volunteers will not be able to visit on these dates. This includes visiting your child for lunch. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Dates for Closed Campus: September 10th, 11th, 24th & 25th
Testing Schedule
September 10th- KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Math
September 11th- 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Math
September 24th- KG, 1st and 2nd Grade FAST Reading
September 25th- 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade FAST Reading
On Testing Days:
1. Make sure your child is on time for school. They should be well rested and have eaten a good breakfast or arrive with time to eat breakfast at school. Testing starts promptly at 8:30am.
2. If your child is feeling ill, please keep him/her home.
3. It is important that all students be at school all day. Please avoid doctors appointments and picking up your child early on these days.
Below, you will find the testing parent letter that was sent home last week in your child's blue folder.
Thank you and as always, please reach out if you have any questions.
Mrs. Summers
Save The Dates!
- September 10th- SAC Meeting at 7:45am
- September 10th - KG- 2nd PM1 Math Testing
- September 11th- 3rd-5th PM1 Math Testing
- September 16th- Fall Picture Day
- September 16th- 20th- Fall Book Fair
- September 17th- Parent Curriculum Night (PK-2nd is 4:30-5:15pm, Title I Information is 5:15-5:45pm in Cafe & 3rd-5th is 5:45-6:30pm)
- September 18th- Early Release Day- Dismissal at 11:50am
- September 24th- KG-2nd PM1 Reading Testing
- September 25th- 3rd-5th PM1 Reading Testing
- October 1st- PTO Meeting 5:30pm
Picture Day- September 16th
- Picture Day is on Monday, September 16th.
- Students should dress their best wearing school appropriate clothing along with closed toe shoes.
- Picture day order forms were sent home last week. You can also order online at Access code is C662753.
Curriculum Night & Title I Meeting- September 17th
Spirit Shirts
- Spirit shirts are still available for $15.00.
- Please order online by September 30th.
School Hours
School Doors Open: 7:45am
FREE Breakfast: 7:45am-8:15am
Bell Rings to Enter Classrooms: 8:10am
School News Show Begins: 8:20am
Students are Marked Tardy: arriving 8:25am or later
Dismissal: 2:50pm
Emergency Information Forms
You will login to the CCPS Portal to access FOCUS to review and update your child's emergency and health information for the current school year. Directions to access forms are below and you can get to the CCPS Portal by clicking on this link:
Change of Transportation Reminders
ALL changes to transportation MUST go through one of the following procedures by 2:00PM:
- Call the office with the change. A photo of the legal parent/guardian’s driver’s license/FL ID of the must be emailed to verify the caller. Email sent to:
- Send an email directly to: along with a photo of the legal parent/guardian’s driver’s license/FL ID.
Without one of these procedures in place, the child will be sent home as they normally dismiss.
Shark Cafe News, Mrs. Scarisbrick
Go to
Please take the time to complete this application even if you do not think your family will qualify. The number of applications completed helps NPE, regardless of the number of families who qualify.
LUNCH IS NOW $2.50 UNLESS APPROVED FOR FREE LUNCH. My School Bucks allows you to place funds in your child's school lunch account.
Please use the link below to sign up.
The Shark Café offers a no cost breakfast to every student from 7:45-8:15am
We offer hot items (pancakes – egg sandwich – French toast) along with assorted cereal, muffins, pop tarts, cereal bars, fruit and milk.
Sept 24th we will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Join us for lunch that offers tamales, black beans and rice, plantains, & fresh maiz rustido.
COOKIE .50 – 1.00
CHIPS .50 -1.50
ICECREAM 1.00 – 1.75
Fall Book Fair
Math Minute, Mr. Masiello
Hello Families!
We’re off to a fantastic start this school year, and it’s been wonderful getting to meet so many of our Shark students over the past few weeks! I have seen so many of our sharks engaging in math with excitement and curiosity throughout our campus. It’s been great to see students developing their skills and growing more confident with numbers over the first weeks of the school year.
As we continue our journey, I wanted to share a few ways you can support your child with math at home. In the Monthly Shark Scoop, I will add attach a letter that will explain the current month's focus, and give you some activity ideas you could do to extend your child's learning. The activities range for students in all grade levels K-5 and support foundational skills that students need to build a deep understanding of Math.
Mr. Masiello's Math Problem of the month:
K-2 Problem:
Denise had 18 pieces of fruit. She gave 11 pieces to her friends and 2 pieces to her sister. How many pieces of fruit does she have left?
3-5 Problem:
A fruit stand sells packages containing 1 peach, 1 pear, 1 apple, 1 banana, and 1 mango each. One week they sold a total of 395 pieces of fruit. How many packages did they sell?
This Month's Monthly Math Topic:
Counselor Corner, Mrs. Ruben
My Name is Mrs. Ruben and I have the privilege to serve our students and parents of Naples Park Elementary school. I have been an Elementary school counselor in Collier County schools for many years.
How can I help our NPE Students? I am here to support you and your child in all aspects of learning. I am excited to teach our students leadership skills, Life skills and how to manage those BIG emotions. We will teach our monthly charter traits and our shark expectations. We will also learn and practice the 7 habits of Leader in Me.
We will be celebrating our students with Fintastics, the school store and our Shark Leader of the Month and give students daily leadership responsibilities to ensure lifelong learners.
Shark Leader of the Month Character Traits
Attendance & Vacation Planning Matters
Plan ahead! It is important that students are at school, on time, every day! Every moment of learning is important to your child’s development and progress.
*Please note- If your child is absent for any reason, please call the front office at 377-7700 to let us know why your child is absent so we can properly notate that. In addition, all absences are unexcused unless a doctor’s note is provided. Per Florida Statute (1003.26(1)(b), students with 5 unexcused [or validated] absences within a calendar month, or 15 unexcused [or validated] within a 90 day period are considered truant and an attendance meeting may be scheduled with the school and district personnel.
PTO News
- We had our first PTO General Meeting on Tuesday 9/3, thank you to all who participated in person or virtually! Our primary objective as a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to provide our school with programs and resources that will enrich and maximize the education of every child while supporting the teachers and overall benefiting the school. We plan EPIC family events, fill classroom needs, assist with the cost of field trips, and support our superhero teachers and students. It’s a great way to get involved with your child’s school! Our meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 in the Naples Park Media Center and we also offer a virtual option. If you can’t make our meetings, you can still help out. For more information on the PTO: Follow our Facebook page, send us an e-mail (, or checkout our website.
- Spirit Shirts/School T-shirts: Every year Naples Park Elementary has school spirit shirts for sale ($15). You can order shirts here. Order Forms were also sent home at the beginning of the year, if you prefer to pay that way. If you need an order form please call the front office. Please make sure to fill out all information on the form so we can get the shirts your child.
- Business Banners: Naples Park Elementary School PTO (NPE PTO) is excited to bring back the Business Friends Banner Sponsorships! To assist in all we do, we are selling banners that will be proudly displayed along the fence entering the school. Your contribution will allow you to promote your business while making a difference in the lives of the students and staff. As we are a non-profit organization all purchases are tax deductible. If interested, more information can be found here. Sponsor Level Logo should be emailed to (must be in JPEG format). Logos need to be received no later than Friday, September 27, 2024.
- REMINDER: To volunteer at the school, you must reapply through Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) website. Please make sure you fill out the VOLUNTEER APPLICATION.
Volunteer Corner
1. All volunteers, new and returning must reapply every year.
- Apply to volunteer by clicking "Apply to Volunteer” -
2. Please come to our front office to complete the registration process once school starts.
- Please bring a valid US-issued photo identification which will complete your background check
- Please visit our front office from 8:30am–10:00am or by appointment
3. If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Mrs. Serrano.
- Laura Serrano-, 377-7710
Art News, Mrs. Griffin
Dear Families,
My name is Mrs. Griffin, and I am thrilled to be back teaching all your amazing children the wonderful world of art. In art class we focus on the Elements of Art. What are the Elements of Art? The Elements of Art include LINE, SHAPE, COLOR, VALUE, TEXTURE, SPACE and FORM. We incorporate the Elements of Art in all projects using a variety of materials. My focus for your child is that they improve their craftmanship, explore their inner artist, and build self-confidence.
We started this year with kindergarten and first graders reviewing the most fundamental Elements of Art, line, shape and color. We did this through creating a collaborative class project reviewing color and shape recognition. My second, third, fourth and fifth graders were each given a small sketch book which they have decorated. Their sketchbook will stay in class and will be used to practice their drawing skill.
This year students will participate in the annual Square 1 Art fundraiser which helps raise money for the Art Department. Each grade level will be given an assignment in art class and when complete, your childes art will be sent to the company. You will receive a catalog featuring your child’s artwork on various keepsake items which make great personalized gifts for any occasion. Our school receives 33% of the profits made from our school’s order and that money will be used to purchase art materials for the classroom. More information to come in the next few weeks!
This year will be full of exploration, messy days and fun and look forward to what this year has in store for us! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 239-377-7391 or email me at
Thank You,
Mrs. Griffin
SACC (School Aged Child Care)
Please find below, the 2024 SACC brochure containing information about our afterschool program here on campus. Our space at this time is very limited. Please email a request for the Child Care Enrollment Application along with the grade of your child, and someone will get back to you asap if you are interested in utilizing afterschool here. An enrollment form will be sent once it’s determined your needs (according to our space of availability for your child’s grade) can be met. Our email address is Thank you for your interest in our program!
Code of Student Conduct
Academic School Calendar
Naples Park Elementary
Location: 685 111th Ave N, Naples, FL 34108
Phone: 239-377-7700
Twitter: @NPESharks
Facebook: Naples Park Elementary
FortifyFL was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The application was named by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The Office of Attorney General, Department of Education and Florida Department of Law Enforcement coordinated its development and roll-out.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.