Principal's Weekly Newsletter
Benson Polytechnic High School October 7th 2024
A Message to our Parents/Guardians: Information Platforms for Benson Tech
Please be sure to follow me on X (Formerly Known As Twitter @BensonTechPride.) (X)
Please be sure to go to our PPS/BHS Website at www.pps.net/benson for important school information, events and school activities that will be happening throughout the school year. (PPS/Benson Tech Website Calendar)
Parents/Guardians please be sure to download the Trivory App for up to date information regarding Benson Tech. This is a great communication tool for Benson Tech and we highly encourage all parents/guardians and students to stay connected with the school by downloading the app. https://trivory.com/
(Trivory App)
Principal Wilson
Follow Me On X Formerly Known as Twitter
Gather Information From Our Benson Tech Website
No School Friday October 11th: Statewide Inservice Day
A Message from Benson's Curriculum Vice Principal Sara Callies
PreACT for 10th Graders Postponed- October 16th Full Day/All 8 period Schedule
October 16th PreACT testing for 10th grade students has been postponed due to vendor issues. That day will now be a full school day on an all 8 schedule. Juniors that opted in to take the PSAT will still take their test as planned.
Progress Reports Ready to View in ParentVue
This 2024-2025 school year, all parent/guardians will receive paperless report cards. They can view them in ParentVue. You can now find the Quarter 1 Progress Reports by logging into ParentVue, and clicking on the Student Screen Documents tab and/or Grading Tile. If you have any questions or would like to receive paper copies and have not yet requested them, you can reach out to Shana Corah (scorah@pps.net).
Sara Callies (she/her/hers)
Vice Principal
Viking Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Benson Tech
Dear Benson Tech Community,
Prior to the pandemic, we planned to donate 20% of the gross of our Viking Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 8th 2020 for the Benson Booster Club. For obvious reasons, that event was cancelled and, indeed, all events at Norse Hall were cancelled. But the pandemic is over and Benson Tech and Norse Hall are neighbors again so after four years, we are finally going to have that fundraiser! Please see the attached flyer for specific details regarding the breakfast event.
We are donating 20% of the gross from our Viking Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 13th, 2024, to the Benson Tech Boosters! The breakfast includes all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage links, fruit, scrambled eggs, orange juice, and coffee, tea or hot chocolate. The breakfast will run from 8:30 am-noon at Norse Hall, 111 NE 11th Avenue-very close to Benson Polytechnic! The cost is $10 for adults, $6 for children ages 3-10 and kids under 3 eat free! Please enter through the door on the Couch Street closest to the parking lot.
The Sons of Norway-Grieg Lodge
A Message from the Benson Tech Boosters
Benson TechBoosters Fall Fundraiser: Ready! Set! Go Astros!
We’re excited to share that our Fall Fundraiser, “Ready! Set! Go Astros!” has officially launched, and it kicked off in style at Benson Tech's grand re-opening on Saturday, September 14.
This new tradition brings together our Benson Tech community in a spirited competition to see which class—past, present, or future —wins the honor of raising the most funds for our school. Since September 14, the current lead in the competition is the Class of 2028 with $210. But this can change!
Here’s How You Can Join the Fun:
Until the strike of midnight on October 12, simply visit one of the following donation links below. Your choice of link will indicate how you'd like your donation to be directed. Be sure to include your graduating class year or affiliation in the notes section when making your donation. This way, we can accurately track contributions and ensure your favorite class gets the credit it deserves.
- Freshman Football: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=WAD7W5L54T2S2
- Teacher Appreciation: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8LU3AS39M9FS6
- TechBoosters General Fund: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZVWA7BT723RCJ
Why Participate? Your generous donations will help provide uniforms and equipment for our new Freshman Football team, show appreciation to our dedicated teachers & staff, and support Benson Tech sports, student groups, and our school community.
Competition Details:
- Participants: All alumni & students, their families, and friends of Benson Polytechnic High School.
- Objective: Help your favorite class raise the most funds by the end of the competition on October 12, 2024.
- Recognition: The winning class will be celebrated with an engraved plaque displayed on the new Benson Tech campus.
Thank you to everyone who has already shown their support and to those who will contribute in the coming weeks. Let’s make this fall one to remember and show our Tech pride!
The Benson Tech Boosters
A Message from Benson's College Counselor Kathleen Reid
Seniors and Senior Families:
The FAFSA (financial aid form) will open on December 1st. Both the student and parent/s will need to set up an account/FSA ID, and now is the time to set up your account. Here's how:
- Go to the FSA ID website.
- Select “Create Account.”
- Fill in personal information, including name, Social Security number, and mobile phone number & email address (or both).
· Set up a two-step verification method (text, email, or authenticator app) during the "Create Account" process.
For the latest college news, check out Benson’s College Newsletter. The Benson college team can help students build a list of good-fit and affordable college options, assist with college applications, review essays, find scholarships, and apply for financial aid.
Kathleen Reid
College Counselor/AVID Coordinator
kreid@pps.net or 971-238-8322
Sign up for an appointment with Kathleen here
Katie Clark
College Coordinator
kclark@pps.net or 503-894-4660
Sign up for an appointment with Katie here
A Message from Benson's College & ASPIRE Coordinator Katie Clark
Career News: Astros, there are many amazing internships, jobs, and career exploration opportunities. Please check out Benson Tech's Career Opportunities board for an updated list of current opportunities for all grade levels. If you have any questions or need help applying, please connect with Katie Clark, College Coordinator, kclark@pps.net
Katie Clark (she/hers)
College & ASPIRE Coordinator
Benson Polytechnic High School
Cell: 503-894-4660 (Text/Call)
Schedule a meeting with me here!
Find out about college support and events here!
Benson Tech Picture Retake Day
Picture Retake Day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23rd during lunch in the Auditorium. If you have any questions, please reach out to Roi San or email her at randerson@pps.net
Roi San Anderson
She/Her Pronouns
Principal Secretary
Benson Polytechnic High School
503-916-5100 ext. 88401
A Couple of Messages from Benson's Social Worker Caroline Bleckmann
Greetings Benson Tech families!
The Benson Wellness Center has COVID-19 and Flu vaccines. Supplies are limited, with hopes for an actual vaccine clinic in the coming weeks.
Students MUST be registered as patients with OHSU. After that, they can walk in and schedule their appointment.
Parents/guardians, you can call to schedule, too, but it might be faster to ask your child to do it.
OHSU Patient registration: 503-494-8505 (one time call); Appointment line: 503-418-0409 (answered M-Thursday)
Chrysalis Program
We are excited to offer a group called Chrysalis again this year. Chrysalis is a school-based skills group for female identifying trauma survivors in 11-12th grade. If there is space, we can allow sophomores, but it is not a good fit for 9th grade.
Here is some more information. If you have a female identifying Benson student you think might benefit, please let me or your counselor know. You and the student do not have to disclose specifics about trauma stories to qualify.
Most participants report that this is a really helpful experience--we regularly have students asking to do the group again!
Please reach out with questions!
Caroline Bleckmann, LCSW, She/her
School Social worker, Benson Polytechnic High School
For all meeting requests click here or use google calendar for PPS employees
Cell/Non-urgent texting: 503-729-3486
Monday-Friday, 8-4:00
How can the School Social Worker help me?
Outside of office hours, if you or your loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the Multnomah County Crisis line at 503-988-4888.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to all our Hispanic and Latinx community at Benson Tech!
Here are some events celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.
Nuestra Cultura: For the second Nuestra Cultura event, JuntosPDX will host another festival focused on the flavors of Latin America. This event will feature a market with food, drinks, artisan goods and various vendors.
1:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, Tany’s Cafe Con Pan, 24173 N.E. Halsey St., Wood Village; tickets are $10-$15; juntospdx.net
Portland Latin American Film Festival: For the past 18 years, this film festival has been a cornerstone event at the Hollywood Theater, showcasing contemporary Latin American cinema, with a lineup of nine film screenings.
Sept. 25-Nov. 24, Hollywood Theater, 4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd.; tickets are $9-$15, hollywoodtheatre.org/series/portland-latin-american-film-festival
A Message About Chromebooks
We are short on chromebooks at Benson. When students check out a loaner computer sometimes they aren't bringing them back by the end of the day. This makes it challenging for others who are having theirs repaired, or just need one for a day.
Please help us out by searching for, and returning, any PPS extra chromebooks that might be in your homes.
A PPS computer has a Silver IT sticker on the back and has an Identification number that starts with IT00-123456
We would also like to encourage you to talk with your students about keeping their devices safe at school and not leaving them out unattended, not loaning them to other students or leaving them behind in their classrooms.
Also, please remind your students to charge their chromebook nightly. Many teachers assign most of their work using computers.
Having a charged chromebook helps your student succeed in their classes.
Christina Thompson Pronouns: she/her/hers
ESL Teacher, Benson High School
(503) 916 - 5100 x 86232
Benson Tech Athletics
Schedule This Week
Monday, 10/7
Volleyball is at Cleveland, 4:30 PM (JV) & 6:00 PM (varsity)
JV2 boys soccer hosts Cleveland at Delta Park, 4:15 PM
Tuesday, 10/8
JV girls soccer hosts Lincoln at Delta Park, 4:15 PM
Varsity boys soccer plays at Lincoln at 7 PM
JV boys soccer plays Lincoln at Delta Park, 4:15 PM
Wednesday, 10/9
Volleyball hosts Grant at 4:30 (JV) and 6:00 PM (varsity)
Thursday, 10/10
JV2 boys soccer travels to Woodstock Park to play Cleveland at 4:15 PM
Friday, 10/11
Cross country is in the Rose City Invitational, first race is at 12:30 PM
Saturday, 10/12
Volleyball hosts Hillsboro and Tualatin beginning at 9 AM
Jessica Russell
Benson Tech Athletic Director
A Message from Benson's Health Occupations Instructor Meredith McClanen
Want to attend an educational trip to South Korea and Japan next summer? Please join Health Sciences teacher Meredith McClanen for a virtual meeting on Thursday, October 10th at 7pm. Please RSVP ~ a parent or guardian must attend the meeting.
Meredith McClanen
Health Occupations Instructor
A Message from Benson's Bookkeeper Sheli Bryan
Club Fair Kickoff for Student Activities
Thursday, September 26th during Flex was our annual fall Club Fair with many student groups and interests represented. Thanks go to all our student leaders, teacher advisors and to Ms. King, our Activities Director. There was a lot of enthusiasm and it was great to the outreach and connections being made. HERE is the current Club Directory which will be updated as some groups find meeting schedules and further details come together. We encourage students to become involved and take advantage of the many opportunities available. Students can look on the bulletin board in the commons, upper level, for flyers or reach out to advisors for more information if needed.
ParentVUE Reminder
As the midterm progress reports are now submitted, please remember that these are visible online on your ParentVue account. They will not be mailed unless you make the request to receive them. If you have not already, please log in and complete the "Yearly Verification" so we have your accurate contact information. HERE is the link with more information and to log in. If you have multiple students, you need to complete this process for each one. If you have any trouble accessing your account, you can contact the bookkeeper, Sheli Bryan.
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
503-916-5100 ext. 88412
A Message from Benson's Leadership/Student Government Advisor Ms. Torin King
Dear Benson Tech Students,
The Student Body Government is up and running and ready to welcome any new members. If you would like to get more involved at Benson, join us for an upcoming lunch meeting in Ms. King's room 261. We typically meet on B days on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
(See the calendar below)
In October, we'll be meeting on the 1st, 9th, 23rd, and 29th, B days during lunch.
Students from all grades are welcome! Hope to see you there :)
Torin King (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
Leadership, AP Art History, & Intermediate Art Teacher
Activities Director
Student Government Advisor
Picking Up Students During School Hours
If you are needing to pick up your student(s) during school hours for appointments, etc..please allow at least 30 minutes BEFORE they need to leave for their appointment / pick up.
Due to the size of our new building, it gives staff time to find your student and have them meet you in the office or out front.
You can call or email the attendance office with these requests.
PH: (503) 916-5100 --- choose attendance line
Email: bensonattend@pps.net
Thank you for your assistance.
Benson Tech Admin
Please Help Support Benson Tech Football By Donating To The Link Below
A Message from Benson's AP (Advance Placement) Coordinator Christy Thomas
AP Students and Families,
Sign-ups for the AP test will begin on September 15th and run to November 1st. Students have begun registering for AP Classroom (this will continue in AP classes next week) and will receive instructions on how to register and pay for the exam on 9/15. If you have any questions, please contact Christy Thomas (AP Coordinator) in Room 237 on A days, or email her at cthomas3@pps.net.
Christy Thomas
Benson Tech High School
AVID 11 /Government/Econ teacher
Pronouns: She/Her
** I work part-time on A days and will respond to emails when I'm in the building. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the main office at 503.916.5100.
Senior Graduation Ceremony Venue Change for 2025
Parents/Guardians of our Senior Students,
Please be sure to read the attached letter from my office regarding the venue change for our Graduation Ceremony scheduled in June.
Principal Wilson
A Message from the Benson Tech Yearbook Advisor Greg Huntington
Reserve your 2025 Yearbook today!
Dear Benson Tech Community,
You can pre-order a 2024-2025 yearbook today! Click THIS LINK TO ORDER.
Follow the prompts on Josten’s website to find Benson’s order form. Early-bird special is $50 through September. Don’t wait! The Cost goes up on October 1st 2024.
For the Families of Seniors:
Honor your graduate with a Yearbook Recognition Ads! They are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. In addition, revenue from recognition ads goes towards our “sponsor a yearbook” for members of our community in need.
To purchase your ad online, follow the instructions on the link above or call (800) 358-0800. Josten’s is responsible for our school's yearbook ad sales. Please do not send images and text to the school, but the yearbook advisor, Greg Huntington (ghunting@pps.net), is happy to answer any questions.
Senior Portraits are a tradition that many families have. The Benson Photography department also holds a free senior portrait event later in the year. Please be sure to be on the lookout for information on how to submit professional portraits as the year unfolds.
The Benson Blueprint
A Message from Benson's Bookkeeper Sheli Bryan
Action Required- Complete your Yearly Verification on ParentVUE
Please take some time to log into your ParentVUE account and complete the "Yearly Verification." HERE is the link with more information and to log in. We need you to verify your current address and contact information each year. If you have multiple students, you need to complete this process for each one. ParentVUE is where you can view your child's schedule, see and report attendance information, and get your student's report card. Note that this year, all parents have been opted into a paperless report card as the default. If you wish to receive a paper report card mailed to you, you need to make that change on ParentVUE. If you have any trouble accessing your account, you can contact the bookkeeper, Sheli Bryan. If you need to complete a paper version of the verification, contact the main office.
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
A Message from Benson's Bookkeeper Sheli Bryan
SchoolPay Information for Payment of Fees and Donations
SchoolPay is the online tool for families to make payments for fees and donations easily from home or a mobile device. We recommend that you sign in and use your SchoolPay account so you have a saved history of your payments in one place. HERE is the link with more information and to get started. If you have any questions, please contact the bookkeeper, Sheli Bryan.
ATHLETIC PAY TO PLAY FEE LINK For students participating in PIL athletics, the fee is $200 per sport for the first two per year and the fee for a third sport is waived. If you qualify for Free/Reduced Meals, the fee is $35.
PE UNIFORM FOR 9TH GRADERS LINK All families of 9th grade students are asked to pay $25 to cover the cost of the uniform, a combination lock, and to help support the costs of the PE/Health course.
Suggested Donations
STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND LINK Families who are able are asked to contribute funds to school-wide projects, classes and programs each year. The school operational budget does not cover all the needs of our students, classrooms, programs, activities, and building/equipment improvements. We rely on voluntary contributions from families to enhance the overall experience for our students. As the school year progresses, we will highlight needs as they arise for teachers and student groups. Individual teams and teachers may be sharing information as well. If you are able to contribute a suggested $25, or whatever you can afford, to our Student Activity Fund, these dollars will help fund school-wide activities for all students. Thank you.
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
Start of the School Year Letter
Dear Benson Tech Parents/Guardians,
If you did not get a chance to see my "Start of the School Year" letter, please be sure to click on the attachment below to review the letter.
Principal Wilson
Benson Tech New Cell Phone Policy
Please be sure to read the attached memo from my office that covers Benson's New Cell Phone Policy.
Principal Wilson