RESMS 2024/25 Cell Phone Policy
Mr. Stowell and Mr. Murphy's Family Communicator
The Kid's Are Not Alright - We Chose To Try Something New
RESMS New Cell Phone Policy
Hello Families,
We have made so much progress the past two years, and we feel that this move to remove cell phones from the picture is the right one to continue this upward trend. Please watch the video above and read the FAQ's below.
If you have questions, concerns, or overall feedback, please click this link to share your thoughts. https://forms.office.com/r/4g2NGkPbJZ
We feel that going phone free will give all students an opportunity to maximize their learning opportunities and create more meaningful relationships here at RESMS. These decisions are not always as easy as it seems, and I want to proactively thank everyone for their grace and patience as we launch in the fall.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support, take care and GO RAVENS!
-Stowell & Murphy!
❗Support the PTSA❗
Here is an opportunity to donate to these efforts! Thank you for your support!
Locking Pouches – Frequently Asked Questions
What is a cell phone/smartwatch locking pouch?
The pouch is a secure bag that is used to store an individual’s cell phone, smartwatch, and/or earbuds. It is secured by closing and locking the bag, and it is unlocked with a special device.
How does it work?
- As students enter RESMS, they turn off their phone and smart watches and place them in their assigned pouch.
- Students simply close and secure their pouch. They keep it with them throughout the day.
- When leaving school, students tap their pouch on a base unit to unlock it and retrieve their phone.
Here is video of the process: https://vimeo.com/747806831/8d02a6d409
Why is the school introducing locking pouches?
The pouches will be used as an additional tool to support Eagle Staff students throughout the day. The intent is to support academic performance and student engagement while decreasing bullying and other disruptive behaviors.
Staff, the Administration team, and PTSA are all in support of the locking pouches. Enforcement of the “phones away in class” has often fallen on classroom teachers. Countless hours of teacher, counseling, and administrative support will be freed up to support students in a greater capacity.
How did this come about?
The admin team wants to remove the battle between students and teachers by removing phones, and ear buds, and removing consistently negative interactions over phone use. This tug-of-war wasn’t conducive to the learning environment that we wanted. By removing this variable, we will be able to maximize our instructional minutes and foster healthier relationships.
Why locking pouches?
Our team weighed the cost benefit here. Is this juice worth the squeeze? Absolutely! In the last two weeks admin has spent almost half our time in response to in-school phone use. This is not the best use of our time. These pouches a simple solution that will remove 95% of these issues around phones use.
Are we the only school?
No, over a million students at both public and private school use locking pouches every school day. Various private schools in Washington State have been using these pouches for years. Other schools across Washington, including here in SPS, are planning to implement it in the fall, however they have yet to make the announcement.
Interestingly, the very first school market that requested locking pouches was Silicon Valley.
Take a few minutes and hear from principals, superintendents, teachers and kids. See why this has been successful at schools around the world:
● Massachusetts: https://vimeo.com/859967465
● Alabama: https://vimeo.com/859964816
● Texas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYnV8k8R8bs
● New Zealand: https://vimeo.com/859964417
● How a Connecticut Middle School Won the Battle Against Cell Phones
● New York: https://vimeo.com/829852705
These are only a few examples. Data as reported by schools using locking pouches shows:
- 83% increase in student engagement in the classroom
- 74% improvement in student behavior
- 65% increase in academic performance
When will we hear more?
The admin team will keep everyone informed with more newsletters and answers to your questions coming out soon.
How do students receive a locking pouch?
In September, all students are assigned a pouch to secure their phone, smartwatch, and/or earbuds.
The pouch is the property of the school and is considered on loan to the student during the school year. Students are responsible for the pouch at all times and for bringing the pouch to and from school each day.
How does the process work at arrival and dismissal?
Upon entering school, students turn off their phone, place the phone inside of the pouch, and lock it in front of staff members. The pouch is unlocked by the student at the end of the school day at designated unlocking stations.
Will my student’s phone be safe?
Students are in possession of their phone – in their personal pouch – for the entire school day. We advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks and lockers.
What if a student needs to leave the building before dismissal?
If a student needs to leave school early for an approved early dismissal, medical emergency, athletic event, or school sponsored trip, students unlock their pouches outside at the unlocking stations on their departure. If returning to school during the instructional day, the pouch is locked upon re-entry to the building.
What if a parent/guardian wants to reach their child during the school day?
We want our students to be engaged in their learning, but we understand that emergencies will occur. If you need to contact your child during the school day you can continue to email them on their @seattleschools.org account, call the main office at 206-413-2300, or email both eaglestaffattendance@seattleschools.org and eaglestaff@seattleschools.org to ensure a message gets to your child
How do students contact families if there is a lockdown, or other emergency?
School administration and staff are trained to execute safety and emergency procedures with law enforcement. The school has a system in place to contact parents.
Every room in the building is equipped with an emergency backpack with a pouch unlocking device and a landline phone that can dial 911 (even with no power). Teachers and administrators also have walkie-talkies and cell phones. Students follow the school’s emergency procedures in the case of an emergency.
What if the student doesn’t comply or damages the locked case to access their phone?
The pouch is property of the school. If a student damages their pouch or is caught on their phone, interventions will be put in place (including progressive discipline).
What if a student needs their personal device for a medical issue?
Students who have a documented medical condition and who need a personal device for monitoring their condition will be provided with an alternate pouch which allows immediate access when needed.
Do the pouches block cell signals or the internet?
The pouches do not block cell signals or the internet. Students are expected to turn their devices off before putting them in their pouch.
What do the pouches cost?
The pouches retail for $25-$30 each, but there are various funding sources available to schools. In our case, we are working with Yondr to receive a discounted rate.
What if I have additional questions?
This FAQs page is just a starting point and will be updated in the coming months as protocols are developed and as implementation begins. It will include links to the updated emergency protocols and technology use guidelines. Please contact the admin team or click the forms link at the introduction above.
Images provided by Yondr: https://www.overyondr.com/press