Schuylerville Public Library News
February 2025
Love in the Library Family Sweetheart Dance
Join the Advocates for the Schuylerville Public Library on Saturday February 8th from 4-6pm for their Family Sweetheart Dance! This is a kid-centric family dance that is fun for all!
There will be a photo booth, refreshments, crafts, and dancing! Proceeds benefit the Capital Campaign Expansion Project.
Tickets are required for all attendees over age 1 and are available at https://bit.ly/love2dance25
ASPL's Turning a Page Capital Campaign
As many of you have already heard, the library is looking to expand our physical space to better serve our community. Financial and community support is needed in order to make our dream of a better-sized facility a reality. The photo below is a rendering of what the completed expansion would look like. The blueprint to the left details what features and spaces our library will include after finishing the renovation.
There will be a public vote in 2025 for the community to decide if they are ready for the Library to move forward with this expansion. Additionally, the Advocates for the Schuylerville Public Library will be fundraising for the project with a financial goal of $200,000.
With 56 years since our last capital campaign and major expansion, we understand how significant this change is. When it was completed in 1968, our current building was built to serve just over 1,400 residents. After transitioning from a Village Library to a School District Library in 2013, we now provide service to just over 10,000 residents. Our goal has been and continues to be to serve our community to the best of our ability, and our greatest limitation to that at present is our physical space.
Library Closures this Month
- Closed on February 17th for Presidents' Day
Programs Coming this February:
New Program: Toddler Tunes
Geared towards patrons aged 18 months-3 years, join Miss Brandi on alternating Mondays at 11:30am for a morning filled with musical enrichment!
Toddler Tunes is a 45-minute class that include songs, rhythmic rhymes, movement, instrument play, and multi-sensory learning.
Our goal is to help children develop their cognitive, language, physical, creative, and social-emotional skills through music and movement.
New Program: Movement and Music Mondays
Join Miss Holly on February 10th at 5:30pm, and on the 3rd Monday of the month moving forward, for dancing, yoga, movement games, stories, music and more! In this fun program we will be exploring all the joy of music and movement followed by a fun picture book. This program is recommended for kids ages 5-7.
Registration required for each individual meet-up.
Baby Steps Returns
After a short winter hiatus, Baby Steps will return on Monday February 3rd at 10:30am and once again be a weekly event!
Babies ages birth-18 months are welcome to come take part in activities focusing on motor skills, language, and sensory play. There will also be songs, books, and unstructured playtime!
Books and Bunnies with Hop on Home
Join us at the library for a bunny-themed storytime and then for an opportunity to learn more about how to take care of bunnies and to pet bunnies from Hop on Home, a local rabbit rescue!
Registration is required and can be found here. Ages 4+
Sugaring Off: Making Maple Syrup
Join Lindsay Sprague of Winterberry Homestead for a delicious demonstration of sugaring on Tuesday February 18th from 11am-12:30pm. Registration is required and the link to register can be found here.
Learn how to tap maple trees properly, different methods with pros and cons: How to store and process sap, measure brix, and grade maple products: Science of sugar discussed, with chemistry: Best of all, live demonstration with partially boiled sap to reduce waiting time, kids and grownups can watch syrup finish and taste when cool as sugar on snow. Suitable for all ages.
March 1st: Repair Café!
What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a lamp that won’t work? Or with a favorite shirt that is ripped? Toss it? No way! Schuylerville Public Library is organizing a Repair Café on Saturday, March 1st from 10am until 12pm.
Various volunteer repair experts will be available to help make all possible repairs free of charge. Most tools and materials will also be on hand. People visiting the Repair Café will bring along their broken items from home. Limit of two items per person. Small appliances, lamps, hair dryers, radios, clothes, toys... anything that is broken and small enough to carry is welcome and can more than likely be repaired. The Repair Café specialists almost always have the know-how.
Interested in volunteering for this event, as a repairer? Simply contact Caitlin Johnson at cjohnson@sals.edu. Schuylerville Public Library wishes to organize a Repair Café on a regular basis. News about dates of up-and-coming editions will follow as soon as possible!
The Book Club Roundup
Book Club will meet on February 26th at 7pm. Our book for this month is Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between the World and Me. Check out the graphic below for the rest of the year's picks!
If you would like to participate, come by the library and pick up a copy of the book, we have them on hold about a month before the meeting. Registration is not required. We hope to see you there!
Cookbook Club will be on February 19th at 6:30pm and our theme is Caribbean Cuisine. Cookbooks centered around the theme will be held behind the circulation desk approximately one month before the meeting. Or feel free to seek recipes online or from family/friends!
If you are not currently a part of cookbook club, but are interested in being on our mailing list, please fill out this form. You can also feel free to make a dish and come by.
Shorts and Stouts, our partnership short story book club with Bound by Fate Brewing will be meeting on February 20th at 5pm. Our story for February is "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin which can be found here. Come join us for lively conversation, excellent beer, and delicious Laotian food at the Bound by Fate taproom!
Staff Picks
Question of the Month!
It's a new month, with a new opportunity to learn a little bit about our staff. Each month we ask the staff a question and post the response here in the newsletter. We'd love to hear your response to the question the next time you stop into the library!
February is Library Lovers Month. So this month we asked the staff what's one thing you love about our library that you think everyone should know about?
Caitlin: "I love our Museum Passes!"
Julie: "I love that the library offers museum passes! What a great way to enrich our community!"
Holly: "I love both our apps, Hoopla and Libby because I listen to a lot of audiobooks. I also love our kits and games selection. It's great to be able to take home a new Switch game or grab a kit to explore Egypt."
Emilly: "I love all the different programs we are able to offer!"
Jessica: "I love the farm-2-library program and the fresh veggies it provides to our patrons."
Beth: "I love that the SALS system cooperates with the Mohawk Valley, Upper Hudson and Mid-Hudson library systems to allow your library card to work for all four of these systems on Libby! The borrowing power is awesome between these four options.
Brandi: "I love that the Schuylerville Public Library offers the patrons in our school district free access to Hoopla."
Mary Lou: "I like that our library provides both traditional library services for our patrons and offers so many varied programs and activities for the community. We are small but mighty!!!"
Digital Resources
Library Hours
Monday - Friday 10am-8pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Contact Us
Email: svl-director@sals.edu
Website: https://schuylervillelibrary.sals.edu/
Location: 52 Ferry Street, Schuylerville, NY, USA
Phone: 518-695-6641
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SchuylervillePublicLibrary/