The Bulldog Bulletin - Dec. 2024
News From Crown Point Community School Corporation

Playground Communication Boards
All Crown Point Community School Corporation (CPCSC) elementary playgrounds are being equipped with communication boards thanks to a partnership with Emberly’s Smiles, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all children. Read more about it on our website.
Safety Night Information
If you were not able to attend the October presentations about school safety, please be sure to check out our new parent safety guide for some of the information that was shared.
Our safety tip line is available 24/7 to report anonymous concerns. You can find more information and our safety video series on our website.
A friendly reminder that as we move to second semester, we will no longer have PDF lunch and breakfast menus on our website. Menus will be available digitally through MealViewer, where you can print a copy if needed.
You can see menus without an account. However, if you create an account, MealViewer can notify you when your student’s favorite meals are being served, and you can rate menu items to provide feedback for our Food Service team.
Enjoy the sounds of the season during the CPHS musical performances in December. Tickets and information are available at https://cphs.ludus.com/index.php
- Thurs. Dec. 5th: Choir Concert at 6pm
- Tues. Dec. 10th: Orchestra Concert at 6 pm
- Thurs. Dec. 12th: Band Concert at 6 pm and 7:30 pm
- Sat. Dec. 14th: Holiday Spectacular Featuring Band, Orchestra, and Choir at 2 pm and 5 pm
- Sun. Dec 15th: Holiday Spectacular Featuring Band, Orchestra, and Choir at 2 pm
AP Honor Roll
We are proud to announce that CPHS was named to the 2024 AP School Honor Roll! The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that meet high standards, including having a significant number of students take AP exams, scoring 3 or higher on these college-level assessments, and balancing AP participation across all grade levels. The additional AP Access distinction highlights a commitment to ensuring these opportunities are available to all students, regardless of their background.
Preschool Fun
Preschool students have been busy exploring numbers and learning about roads. They created their own "license plates" and drivers licenses, and they worked together in the class car wash to wash toy cars and work the front counter. They also learned about addresses and each student created their own street sign.
Purple Star Schools
We are proud to announce that every CPCSC school has been designated a Purple Star School by the Indiana Department of Education! The Purple Star designation is awarded to schools that demonstrate a strong commitment to service members, veterans, and their families.
To be recognized, a school must meet a variety of criteria which you can read about on our website at www.cps.k12.in.us/purplestar.
CPHS Forensics Class
Visiting Crown Point High School's Forensics course is always fascinating. Students use math and science to learn how to solve crimes, like an episode of CSI! Today they did a lab analyzing blood spatter (watered down washable paint) to determine how the patterns provide clues to help solve a case.
Holiday Card Artists
Congratulations to Mia Clausen, 4th grader at Lake Street Elementary - her artwork was chosen for the front of our annual district holiday card! Emili Miloshevska's art (5th grader at Jerry Ross) was chosen for the back of the card.
CPHS Wins 3rd National Award
Congrats to our student journalists at CPTV News for another national award from The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Read more about their accomplishment on our website.
- If you need winter gear, join Coats for Kids on December 7th for a giveaway in Cedar Lake
- Sensory Santa | Saturday, December 14th from noon to 5pm at Homan Elementary | Sign up by December 7th
- CPHS Cheerleading Kiddie Camp | January 8th and 9th 5-7pm CPHS indoor turf field | Performance date January 10th | Sign up by Friday December 20th - details on flyer