Crawfordsville Elementary Schools
December 18th, 2023
Information for all CCSC Preschool and Elementary Families
Dear Parents and Families,
I want to express my gratitude for your incredible support and participation in our recent Read-a-Thon! Thanks to your dedication and generosity, we saw a significant increase in participation and contributions this year. Witnessing our school community come together to foster a love for reading is inspiring.
Thank you for being involved!
As always, you are invited to provide feedback to help us celebrate the success of students and staff and to improve, too. Please Click Here to Provide Feedback!
Onward C'ville,
Rex M. Ryker, PhD
Superintendent and Parent
School Safety and Drills
All CCSC Schools will be conducting an armed intruder drill prior to Nov. 5, 2024.
In addition, CCSC schools will complete a monthly fire or other man-made safety drill, one tornado drill per semester, and an earthquake drill. The transportation department also conducts bus evacuation drills annually.
Per 511 Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 6.1-2-2.5, within 60 calendar days of each school year, superintendents shall certify to IDOE that the emergency preparedness plans for the school corporation and each school in the corporation have been reviewed and revised, if necessary.
- Fire: Completed within the first 10 school days, and monthly throughout the remainder of the school year.
- Armed Intruder: Completed within the first 90 calendar days from the start of school. Additional information can be found in IDOE’s Indiana School Safety Laws for Reference document.
- Per Indiana Code (IC) 10-21-1-10, during armed intruder drills, schools must:
- Have accommodations for students who have mobility restrictions, sensory needs, or auditory or visual limitations;
- Emphasize the practical nature of the drill;
- Provide access to mental health services on school grounds following the conclusion of a drill;
- Provide advance notice of a drill to parents or legal guardians of students who attend the school; and
- Provide alternative exercises for students who are unable to participate in a drill.
Willson Preschool Academy
Preschool News
A Note from the Director:
Students have been learning about fire safety last week. This week we started units around fall. This week is the little critters including owls, squirrels, bats, and spiders. Coming up are themes that include leaves and pumpkins. The teachers have some great crafts and extension activities planned. This week we have had several changes to the classrooms. We are at a high volume of absences for students and staff due to illness. If your student talks about a different teacher, it is likely there was a new face in the room. I would like to encourage everyone to pay attention to symptoms including but not limited to fever, stomach ache, committing and diarrhea. Please help us not spread these germs by keeping students home and practice washing hands frequently with your student.
If your student is absent please give us a call. An attendance letter was sent home to students that missed days for the first quarter of the year. This is a letter to educate families about the school age attendance policy. It also helps remind us how important school is for these younger students. When students miss frequently they have a hard time adjusting to transitions and miss out on educational opportunities.
Thank you to all of the families that came out to participate in our Fall Festival. We are excited to see families enjoying their time together. Reminder Fall Break is October 21-25. School will return to session on Monday October 28.
Nurse’s Notes
It's that time of year we are seeing a lot of illness.
1) Please have a plan in place when the nurse calls to pick up your student.
2) Fever of 100 or above, students will be sent home .
3) Vomiting and diarrhea, students will be sent home .
4) Disruptive coughing will be up to discretion of the nurse she may call to have your student picked up.
5) Please be sure your students are dressed for the weather as the students will be going outside even when it starts getting colder. School policy is they can go out down to 32 degrees.
6) Parents please be sure your students have extra clothes, underwear, pants, and tops in their backpacks or in their lockers at school, as I do not always have clothes here at the school to fit your student .
7) Handwashing and covering their coughs will help with controlling the spread of illness in our school, please work with your student on these hygiene habits.
Any questions on whether to send your student to school please call Nurse Jerri 765-362-0005
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Willson Preschool Academy has worked with the Crawfordsville Police Department to improve the car rider arrival and dismissal procedures. On Monday, please follow these updated instructions:
Approach Wabash Ave from the South: Drive on Wallace Ave to Wabash Avenue. We recommend using College Street.
Stop at the Wabash Avenue Intersection: When you reach the intersection of Wallace Avenue and Wabash Avenue, come to a complete stop.
Turn onto Wabash Avenue: Only make a right turn onto Wabash Avenue if there is space available in the parking lot. This helps avoid blocking traffic on Wabash Avenue.
Enter the Parking Lot: Turn into the first Preschool entrance and proceed to the next available parking spot.
Exit the Parking Lot: Turn right as you exit the parking lot.
At Dismissal, Provide Student’s Name: At the 1:50 pick-up time, give your student's name to the staff member stationed at the corner of Wabash Avenue and Wallace Avenue. This staff member will be wearing a safety vest.
Drop-off starts at 7:50 AM, and car rider dismissal is at 1:50 PM. We encourage all parents to use the car rider line for both drop-off and pick-up. Students arriving by bus will enter through Door 1. Parents picking up their child on foot should go to the gate near the playground on Wallace Avenue. See the map on the opposite side for reference.
Breakfast and Lunch
Lunch at Willson Preschool is $2.75 per meal unless you have been approved for Free or Reduced meals. To take advantage of free/reduced textbooks you must still fill out the free lunch application at: Parents can also use the family portal to deposits on their student's lunch account.
Kroger Community Rewards
Willson Preschool has signed up to participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Help our school earn cash for new playground balls and games. We would like families to visit
Once logged into your Kroger account, you can search for WILLSON PRESCHOOL either by name or XN492 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address, and a rewards card. You must have a Kroger Rewards Card. If you would like to participate and need to enroll with a Kroger Rewards card, please visit the customer service desk at any Kroger store. REMEMBER to swipe your registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number that is related to your registered Kroger rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count for Willson to receive rewards. Thank you for participating.
Box Top Rewards
Join me in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies, or experiences the kids love!
It's easy! Here's how it works:
Buy Box Tops products. With hundreds of participating products, there are lots of chances to earn!
Scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and automatically earn for WILLSON School with every Box Tops product you buy.
If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt, too. See how to submit those receipts here.
Our goal is to earn $1,000.00 through Box Tops this year. We need your help to hit our goal!
Remember, you can earn a bonus for our school by referring your friends, family and other parents at WILLSON School to sign up for Box Tops. You'll both earn a bonus when they scan their first receipt with the Box Tops app.
Use this referral code MXDD4JEU when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
Every Box Tops product counts towards our goal. Let's make a difference together. We can do this!
Upcoming Dates
October 16 - Mobile Dentist
October 21-25 - Fall Break
October 31- Wear your Halloween Costume (no masks or accessories)
November 6- Touch a Truck for Willson Preschool Academy
Hose Elementary K-1
Kindergarten - 1st Grade News
Thank you to all of our families for making it a priority to meet with your child’s teacher for parent-teacher conferences. We appreciate you showing such an interest in your child’s continuing education. Both electronic and paper copies of report cards will be sent home.
Hose Hero Quarter 1 Awards-Thursday October 17th at 1:30 PM
Reminder that October 21st-October 25th is Fall Break.
Please see the community flyers section for information on a local opportunity for free winter coats.
Nicholson Elementary 2-3
2nd - 3rd Grade News
Nurse’s Notes:
Just a quick reminder to parents that cough drops are considered a medication. Students are not allowed to bring cough drops to school in their backpack. This sometimes leads to students passing them out on the bus or in class. With allergies this can be a problem. The school provides cough drops for all students. If your student needs a certain type of cough drop, a parent can bring them into the office and the nurse can give them to the student as needed.
Thank you to all of our families who were able to meet with their student’s teacher during parent/teacher conference week. Report cards were sent home with students on Thursday, October 10, 2024.
Nicholson staff and students won the annual fire drill competition for the Crawfordsville School District. The fire department and first responders evaluate each school’s procedures and work with the schools to develop efficient and effective evacuation plans. Nicholson Elementary received the traveling trophy and a check for $200.
Hoover Elementary 4-5
4th - 5th Grade News
Thank You Parents
Thank you for helping your child be successful! We know that they don't do it alone. It's a team effort and we appreciate that you are on our team! We really enjoyed getting to speak with so many of our students' parents at conferences this week.
5th Grade Girls Basketball Callouts
There will be an informational parent meeting in the gym on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 5:30 for parents of 5th grade girls who wish to play basketball at Hoover.
Transportation Changes
If your child needs to change his/her transportation, you must call the Hoover Office by 1:30 PM.
October 21-25 Fall Break, No School
Counselor's Corner
Mental Health
Healthy people need support, too. Taking care of our own mental health is important. As a parent myself, I know that when I am stressed, tired, or upset, feelings common when I am actively parenting, my responses to my children can be less than ideal. I want to encourage all of us as parents to build a positive support system for yourself and your children. Having an adult who understands your feelings that you can talk to is an important part of keeping yourself sane and stable. Making sure you go to an adult instead of talking about personal adult issues with your children is also important in making sure they are not carrying a burden too large for themselves.
With a healthy support system in place, let’s take a moment and focus on the experiences we are sharing with your children. This time of year, as we enter fall and Halloween approaches, I encourage you to make sure what you are allowing and encouraging your child to do is age appropriate. I’ve seen many students over the years scared from movies, videos, games, or experiences that they’ve shared with a parent. It may seem funny or amusing to some when a 5 year old seems to enjoy Chuckie or Jason. Please remember, every child wants to be loved and accepted by their parents, so make sure you aren’t unintentionally encouraging them to participate things they aren’t yet ready to handle. Bragging to an adult friend or family member about how tough your child is or how they “weren’t scared at all” may push your child to participate in these types of things. Also - know that they want to spend time with you. Make sure you are sharing experiences with your child that are good for them. Happy parenting!
~Mallory Tucker, Hose school counselor
Mrs. Tucker
Hose Elementary K-1 Counselor
Mrs. Pool
Nicholson Elementary 2-3 Counselor
Mr. Mason
Hoover Elementary 4-5 Director of Student Services
After School Clubs
Students enrolled in after school clubs are expected to stay for clubs unless parents call the office to change transportation plans.
After School Club Contacts
- Hose Elementary K-1
- Diamond Carrell
- Nicholson Elementary 2-3
- Deneen Bartlett
- Hoover Elementary 4-5
- Trisha Whicker
- Sharon Danforth
- Hannah Lafever
The after-hours transportation number is 765-376-3926. (Please use only for urgent matters related to your child's after-hours bus issues.)
PTO: Important schedule change!
Crawfordsville Elementary Schools PTO
We will continue with our November meeting, as scheduled, on Monday, November 11th @ 4:45pm in the Hose cafeteria.
Please park in the rear lot and follow the signs to enter through the cafeteria doors. As always, your kids are welcome! NHS students from CHS will be available to play in the gym while the PTO meets.
Click HERE to access the latest PTO Newsletter.